Immortal Space

Chapter 759: Enter

  Chapter 759 Entry

  The monks of all ethnic groups surrounded the palace, coveting the huge wealth in the palace, coveting, but unable to get it.

  The treasure that is close in front of you, the feeling that you can see it but not get it is very uncomfortable.

   Someone couldn't help but attack the light curtain, but it was like a mayfly shaking a tree, without any reaction.

  Just when everyone was scratching their heads in a hurry, a monk said weakly: "I may have a way, but I don't know if it will work."

  Suddenly, everyone was attracted by the voice, and turned their heads to see that it was a somewhat thin human monk.

   "It turned out to be Daoist Ji Qi. Fellow Daoist Ji Qi is proficient in formations. Could it be that he has also studied the formations of this fairy world?"

  Someone in the crowd knew this monk and asked the question in everyone's mind.

   It was the first time for the vast majority of people present to see the Immortal Formation. It was hard for them to imagine that there was really someone who could even understand the Immortal Formation.

   "This formation is unpredictable, how can I understand it!

   It's just that I occasionally read a jade slip from the Huoyan Continent, which contains a discussion about the fairy formation. After years of research, I only got a superficial understanding. "

   It turned out that Ji Qi had obtained a jade slip in the early years, and it turned out to be from another fragment of the fairy world.

  It tells about some fairy formations, which are complicated and complicated, far beyond the comprehension of monks in this world.

  Ji Qi devoted more than two thousand years to studying it. Although he still couldn't study it thoroughly, it was enough to make him a famous formation master on the Central Continent.

   "I don't know what kind of magical method fellow Taoist Ji Qi has, can you tell us a little about it?" A monk asked.

   "It's not a magical method, but some stupid methods, and I don't know if it will work."

   "I also ask Ji Daoyou for advice!"

  Ji Qi thought for a while, and then said: "From what I can see, this formation has existed for too long, and its current power is less than a tenth of what it was in its heyday.

  Otherwise, there is really nothing to do. My idea is this. If you want to open this formation, you must limit the circulation of its immortal power in advance.

  Then concentrate your strength, attack the weak part of the formation, and forcibly open a gap in the formation. "

  Ji Qi expressed her thoughts, "However, this matter requires the concerted efforts of all fellow Taoists to have a chance of success."

   "How to act, Deng Yiming is willing to listen to Ji Daoyou's advice!"

   "I am also willing to work together with you to break this formation."

   Soon, the people present expressed their willingness to work together to break this formation.

  In the face of huge interests, everyone temporarily put aside all previous grievances, and for a while, they seemed like a family.

  After everyone expressed their agreement, Ji Qi took out a set of twenty-four formation flags, inserted them in different positions, and connected them with various runes in the middle.

  Then found twenty-four human monks, each responsible for a formation flag, and continuously input mana into it.

  As everyone input mana, the formation flags slowly lit up, and then connected by runes, the twenty-four formation flags were connected together, unexpectedly locking the flow of aura and fairy energy in this space.

   "Now the spirit energy here has been locked, fellow Taoists, please attack this position with all your strength."

  Ji Qi said, and drew out an area on the light curtain. After repeated calculations, this should be the weakest point of the formation here.

  When everyone heard the words, they stopped talking, and all attacked that small area.

  Because it has been impossible to enter before, more than 100 monks of various races at the level of deity have gathered here.

  The attacks of more than a hundred people fell on a small area at the same time, which really made the light curtain tremble slightly.

   "There is a show! Everyone work harder!" Seeing this, Ji Qi shouted excitedly.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The light curtain trembled again and again under the full attack of everyone, which made everyone see hope, and the attack became more rapid.

  Five days later, the monks guarding the twenty-four flags had already replaced several flags.

  The small area of ​​the light curtain that was continuously attacked by the crowd has become extremely dim, and finally with a click, the light curtain shattered like an eggshell.

  The light curtain that existed for countless years in this secret realm was finally opened by them.

   "Everyone, the gap here won't last long. If the gap here doesn't come out before it is disturbed, I'm afraid there will be no chance to come out again."

  Seeing that the light curtain was broken, Ji Qi said loudly, during the moment he spoke, more than ten monks had already got in through the gap, and I don't know if they heard them.

   Ji Qi hurriedly followed the crowd and got in.

  The original twenty-four monks who presided over the formation flag also gave up their positions at this moment and got in through the gap.

  As they left the formation flag, the light on the formation flag dimmed a lot, and the surrounding fairy spirits that were locked outside gradually penetrated.

  Wang Hong followed everyone into the light curtain and released a swarm of spirit bees flying around. Sure enough, there is no space crack inside.

  Opened the consciousness, only to find that the buildings here are isolated from the consciousness, and the consciousness cannot enter it.

  Wang Hong could only sigh regretfully, if the divine consciousness could be unimpeded, no one could beat him here.

  Putting away his thoughts, he rushed directly to a house in front of him.

  At this time, everyone who entered chose a direction, or a building, to search.

  There are many temples here, one for each person, and there will be no conflicts among the people in a short time.

   After Wang Hong entered a palace, he closed the door to prevent others from entering.

  In this big hall, the layout is extremely simple, there is only one table, one bed, one chair, a pen on the table, a golden book, and a few paintings on the wall.

  At this time, Wang Hong didn't have time to observe the situation in the house carefully, his spiritual consciousness spread out in an all-round way, and then with a movement of his mind, all the moving things inside disappeared.

  Anyway, the spiritual consciousness can be isolated here, so naturally no one can find his abnormality.

   After taking away the items in this room, he rushed out of the room like a gust of wind, and observed the entrance with his divine sense.

   Found that the entrance is still safe, but the surrounding fairy air is about to break through the formation barrier.

   Calculated the speed of the fairy energy in mind, and walked along the two flower pots placed at the door. There were two fairy seedlings inside, exuding the fluctuation of the fairy energy.

   Then he turned around and rushed deeper. If he can seize the time, he should be able to search for one or two places.

   At this time, the other monks also entered the temple, but they have not yet come out. Wang Hong is the fastest one.

  At this time, there was an exquisite wooden attic in front of him, and the wood used to build the attic was emitting a fairy spirit all the time.

  Send a group of poisonous bees to fly forward, and let them push the door of the attic open.

  Then the poisonous bee was in front, and Wang Hong was behind, and they entered the attic together.

   Sorry, the state is too bad today, there is still one chapter, and it will be reissued tomorrow morning.




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