Immanent Ascension

Chapter 31: Soup (2)

Chapter 31: Soup (2)

Good question, Enusat said. Its not like were experts on women. But Jad did ave a couple of girlfriends back home. E knows more than me.

Xerxes looked expectantly at the taller of the two young mages.

Jad took another spoonful of soup and then sat there looking thoughtful. Finally, he said, Okay, I have nothing.

Xerxes looked at him for a long moment, then laughed. Jad laughed too, and Enusat joined them.

But seriously, Jad continued, well think of something. Thats what friends are for, right?

Xerxes thought about it. Yeah, I guess so.

The Seers from Sin-Masu arrived that evening, but they came during the meditation hour, so no one saw them. Another group arrived early in the morning from Al-Ga.

Both groups stood out from the crowd, for different reasons. Those from Sin-Masu, males and females alike, seemed obsessed with piercings, and had bits of metal and gemstones attached to ears, lips, noses, and even cheeks and chins. The ones from Al-Ga had short hair, no more than half a finger long, regardless of whether they were male or female. Some even kept it completely clean-shaven.

The day went similarly to the previous day. Lectures. Practical training. Lunch. Meditation. Study. There were no opportunities for relaxation, and no chances for Xerxes to get into the presence of Katayoun. He kept spotting her. Across the field during practical training. At the lunch room. But he never got a chance to approach her.

That evening as they prepared to sleep, Gandash said, Xerk, you seem really distracted. Like youre hardly paying attention to anything.

Huh? Xerxes replied. I dont know what you mean.

Im just worried. Once the mages from Harmu come, theyll do the assessments, and you want to perform well, right? Some extra study time wouldnt hurt. Id be happy to help.

Dont worry, Gandy, I might not look it, but Im paying super close attention.

Okay. Well night, Xerk.


The next day should have been the start of the weekend, but the teachers said that, temporarily, there would be no downtime on Sixthday or Restday.

That provoked quite a few groans, but there was nothing the Seers could do about it.

The Harmu mages arrived at the lunch hour, as Xerxes was in line getting his food. When the news broke, a cheer rose up in the dining hall. Although not everyone was as bored with classes as Xerxes, everyone was eager to get on to the next phase of their education.

Glancing around, he wasnt able to spot Gandash, but he did see Jad and Enusat, so he started toward them. About halfway through the tables, he noticed Jad making a face at him. Squinting, he craned his neck to get a better view, and realized the tall Seer was mouthing something.

Unfortunately, Xerxes wasnt very good at reading lips.

What? he mouthed in an exaggerated fashion.

Exasperated, Jad started gesturing, at first waving, and then circling his finger in the air and pointing it at Xerxes.

What the hell is he going on about? Xerxes thought. Then it hit him. Jad was saying behind you.

Xerxes stopped in place and turned on his heel.

Directly behind him, also threading her way through the tables, was red-haired Katayoun. She had a lunch tray in her hand and was turning back to say something to her friend. And she was about to run right into him.

He was twisted, his feet almost crossed, and he had a tray laden with food.

Shit, he thought, and he tried to back away from her, but his heel snagged on the opposite ankle, and he stumbled. Then his calf hit one of the benches, and before he knew what was happening, he was falling.

This time, he cursed aloud.


Katayoun turned, her eyes going wide as she caught sight of him tumbling to the ground in front of her. His soup bowl slipped up and then flipped over, sending hot lentils everywhere. Katayouns friend put her hand over her mouth.

Then it was over as he crashed onto the ground and soup soaked him from belly button to face.

His tray clattered to one side and the bowl to the other.

A few gasps rang out.

He got up onto his elbows, surrounded by chuckles. The chuckles turned into laughs.

Katayoun stood above him, her expression one of embarrassment and shock.

How come shes embarrassed? he thought.

More laughter rippled through the dining hall, and Xerxes cheek twitched as a smile started to form. Might as well make the best of this shit.

Clambering to his feet, arms akimbo and dripping with soup, he looked at Katayoun, grinned, and said, Good thing I didnt bathe yesterday, eh?

That was bad, he thought. Real bad. Didnt bathe?

She stared at him for a very long moment, and he cursed himself for not acting more seriously.

Finally, she chuckled and looked away. Im so sorry, she said.

Its fine, dont worry about it. Im Xerxes. He extended his hand, then saw his palm covered with smashed lentils, and pulled it back.

Ill make this up to you, she said. Come on, Kishar. She tugged her friends arm, and they hurried away through the tables.

Damn, she didnt tell me her name, he thought.

One of the school staff came over, thrust a rag in his face, and said, Clean yourself up. You dont have time to change. Then she started mopping up the mess.

Drying himself as best he could, he got a new tray of food and went back to Jad and Enusat.

Enusat sniggered. Smooth move, Xerk.

Fuck you, Xerxes said, grinning.

Jad grunted a laugh. Hey, at least she knows who you are now.

No thanks to you two clowns. But hey, I know your heart was in the right place. If I could read lips better, I might have pulled off something amazing.

The tall mage pushed a small plate toward Xerxes, atop which was a powdered pastry of dates and pistachios. Here, take this.

Your dessert? Xerxes said.

Yeah, the best part of the meal. Its a downpayment.

For what.

I owe you. I should have done a better job with my signals.

It was Xerxes turn to laugh, and while he did, he pushed the dessert back across the table. No need. Youre right. She knows who I am, so the hard parts over. And in the end, I have you to thank.

In that case Jade took the dessert and popped it into his mouth we need to come up with the next phase of the plan.

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