I’m the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I’m not the Mastermind

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Luna and Rezé made their way to the rooftop above their lodging.

A cool breeze tousled Luna’s hair, completely indifferent to the turmoil brewing in her heart. The wind also lifted Rezé’s long bangs, revealing her forehead—a sight that would normally embarrass her, but at the moment, she couldn’t care less.

“Hehe… I’m really happy you’re awake, Luna.”

Rezé’s smile was pure and radiant, filled with nothing but joy at Luna’s recovery.

Luna was well aware of how much care Rezé had given her during the past four days.

‘I don’t need to hear it to know.’

If Rezé had been the one to collapse, Luna would have done the same without hesitation.

Because they were friends.

Even though they had only known each other for two months, Luna could confidently say that Rezé was an irreplaceable ‘precious friend.’

“It’s your first time in Carpathia, right? W-want to go sightseeing? I found a lot of places you might like, Luna.”


“Ah! B-but maybe you’re still not feeling well enough to walk around… T-that’s okay. There’s a nice restaurant nearby with a great view.”

Rezé’s voice was a bit higher-pitched than usual.

She was clearly looking forward to exploring the town together.

Rezé took it for granted that their relationship would continue, that they would keep making memories together.

Luna didn’t blame her for thinking that way. After all, she herself had thought the same until just a little while ago.

“I-I’m really looking forward to it. It’s my first time going on a trip with a friend…”

Rezé blushed, embarrassed by her admission.

Telling someone like this that they had to part ways felt like a knife twisting in Luna’s heart.

No, it was a pain so intense it felt like dying. Not even Benius’s attacks had hurt this much, so it had to be real.

But it had to be done. Luna had to remove Rezé from the party. That was…

‘Because it’s for Rezé’s own good.’

Without even looking at Rezé, who was smiling so brightly, Luna spoke up.

“Zero told me. He said you found out my secret?”


“That I’m the last survivor of a traitor’s family.”


Rezé’s body trembled violently. Luna had just brought up the truth Rezé had been desperately trying to avoid.

“I-is that true?”

“Yes. It’s true… even though it’s a false accusation. But saying that won’t change anything. So I’ll say it clearly: I’m the last surviving member of the Lester family, the family known as traitors.”

“N-no way…”

“I’m sorry for hiding it. You can hate me if you want. It’s my fault for not telling you sooner.”

Honestly, it wasn’t fair to say this was Luna’s fault.

Just because someone becomes your friend doesn’t mean you’re obligated to share all your secrets and vulnerabilities.

Especially when that vulnerability could mean losing your life for treason.

But Luna apologized because she wanted her sincerity to reach Rezé.

“I-it doesn’t matter! It’s not your fault you were born into that family! Don’t worry, as long as we stay quiet, no one will ever know.”

Luna had considered the possibility.

‘Maybe we could stay friends even if we’re not in the same party?’

But now she knew for sure that it was impossible.

Rezé could hardly bring herself to utter the words “Lester family,” let alone “traitor.”

It was too much. The friend in front of her, Rezé, was too fragile.

Luna couldn’t let her selfish desire to keep Rezé as a friend drag her into ruin. Besides…

“I have no intention of staying quiet.”


“I’m going to clear my family’s name. And I’m going to take revenge on those who did this to us…”

I’m going to get my bloody revenge.

Rezé stiffened as if she could feel Luna’s resolve.

It was hard enough to live while hiding her true identity, but now Luna was talking about clearing her name? And taking revenge? It was as good as putting her life on the line.

Instinctively, Rezé took a step back, driven by her survival instincts.


Rezé moved the foot she had just withdrawn forward again.

It was just a single step.

She wasn’t moving toward Luna but returning to her original position. But for some reason, that action brought Luna a great sense of comfort and relief.

“I told you before, didn’t I? Even if we’re apart, we’re still friends.”

“W-why are you saying that? It’s… it’s scary. Please, don’t.”

Rezé’s voice wavered as she began to cry.

Oh no, I can’t stay here any longer. If I see her tears, my resolve will melt away instantly.

“Thank you so much for everything.”


“I’ll come find you once everything is over. And when I do, I’ll never leave your side again. Even if you don’t want me to, I’ll follow you around until you accept me. I’ll beg for your forgiveness until you take me back.”

It was time to leave. But what should she say as a final farewell?

Maybe just a simple goodbye. A phrase that’s fitting for both leaving and reuniting.

A phrase that conveys, “I’m back,” that they were still friends even while apart.

The best way to express that when they met again and Luna wanted to be her friend once more.


After saying those words, Luna quickly turned and started walking. Her destination was the door to the rooftop.

She wanted to hug Rezé one last time, to feel her warmth, to inhale her scent and remember it until the day they met again.

But she resisted. She even suppressed the urge to hold her hand one last time.

Because if she did that…

‘I might not be able to stick to my resolve.’

Her vision blurred. Her cheeks felt warm. Unidentifiable streams of liquid trickled down her cheeks.

‘I promise I’ll come back to you.’

Until then, goodbye.

‘Wait, is it really going to end like this?’

I was currently on the rooftop, using the [Invisibility] skill from the “Cloak of the Silent Storm” to observe Luna and Rezé.

I wasn’t stalking them. I was just… managing them. Yes, that’s it—just making sure everything was under control.

Taking care of your pets is a master’s duty, after all.

I watched Luna’s back as she walked toward the door. Honestly, I hadn’t expected her to go this far.

‘I thought she’d hesitate and wouldn’t be able to say what she needed to.’

Luna is usually so soft-hearted when it comes to her friends. I was sure they’d end up holding hands and coming back together.

But instead of hesitating, she cut things off like a knife.

She never listens to me normally, so why is she so obedient today?

‘And what’s this rabbit doing, just standing there? Why isn’t she clinging on like usual?’

Shouldn’t you be throwing a Pufferfish Rabbit punch or something?

But Rezé just stood there, staring blankly at Luna’s retreating figure.

No, this wasn’t what I had intended. I wanted her to leave, but I didn’t expect it to end so coldly.

This won’t do. I need to snap her out of it somehow.

In times like these, the best approach is…

‘Shock therapy.’

I moved behind Rezé, who was still standing in a daze.

Then I infused the minimum amount of mana and cast a spell.

White Lightning.

Rezé watched Luna’s back in a daze.

She wanted to run after her and cling to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind.

‘Maybe… Maybe I was just a burden to her…’

She wasn’t strong enough to help Luna.

No, it would have been better if that was all.

She was timid, couldn’t speak properly, was foolish, weak…

‘…And I even ran away, abandoning my only friend.’

She hadn’t been helping Luna at all; instead, she had only been receiving help.

Of course Luna had grown tired.

She had grown weary of Rezé’s unchanging, burdensome presence.

Even the promise to come back for her was probably a lie.

‘Mom, Dad… Maybe having friends was too much for someone like me…’

Her first friend had just left her. Rezé’s whole body seemed to lose strength.

As Rezé’s body began to slump to the ground…



White sparks flared and then disappeared from Rezé’s back.

Static electricity. The problem was that it was ten times stronger than usual.

The sting was so sharp that it made Rezé instinctively leap forward.

‘W-wait, I’m going to trip!’

Just before she fell—


Rezé found herself holding onto Luna’s wrist. Luna naturally turned her head back.

Rezé was shocked to see that Luna was crying.

‘So she didn’t hate me…?’

Yes, there was no way Luna could have hated her.

Luna was an angel at heart… No, she was an actual angel.

Rezé finally realized. Luna hadn’t pushed her away because she hated her.

Luna had pushed her away to protect her.

‘She was worried that if I got involved with the descendant of a traitor, I’d be in danger…’

Rezé was just now realizing this. How foolish she had been.

“D-don’t cry.”

“I’m not crying! Something just got in my eye!”

“Hehe… M-me too, I guess.”

Tears were streaming down Rezé’s face as well.

But it wasn’t out of fear because of the decision she had just made.

It was tears of gratitude, from realizing that Luna still considered her a precious friend.

“I-I’ll help you.”


“I’ll help you clear your name. N-no, I’m going to help you.”

Even if Luna refused, even if she kept pushing her away.

Even if she told her they weren’t friends anymore.

“I-I’m going to help you. I’ll stay… by your side.”

Rezé had made up her mind to help Luna clear her name.

“…You might die.”

“I-it’s okay.”

“Your family might be in danger!”

“T-that’s why I have to do it!”

Rezé shouted at the top of her lungs.

It was a tone Luna had never heard from her before, causing her to flinch.

“L-Luna… you’re like family to me. S-so… I can’t just let it go. M-my mom always told me that only animals would abandon a friend.”


It had been so long since Luna had heard that word. It brought back warm memories.

Thinking of her family made tears pour down Luna’s face.

“S-say it. Say goodbye.”

Rezé’s bright smile made something well up inside Luna.

She had been so harsh, had tried to sever their friendship one-sidedly.

Yet Rezé was still smiling at her, even after everything she had done.


Luna’s lips trembled. There were so many things she wanted to say.

Thank you for stopping me.

Thank you for saying you’ll help me.

Thank you for being my friend again.

With all her heart, she said her goodbyes.

“G-goodbye, Rezé.”

Luna started to cry uncontrollably.

Rezé wrapped her arms around Luna and whispered.

My friend, Luna.


The two held each other, both crying.

Finally, I canceled the [White Lightning] spell. I had thought I’d need to give them another jolt to get them to snap out of it, but it seemed that wouldn’t be necessary.

‘…It’s more or less resolved.’

I had tried to separate them, but now they were back together.

Honestly, I wasn’t even sure what I was doing anymore.

‘Might as well head back to the room.’

Just as I was about to leave the rooftop before they could notice my presence…

“Sniff, sniff… I’m so glad they made up.”

“That must be what true friendship is like. It’s so touching.”

Behind the rooftop door.

Yuridia and Victoria were standing there, tears streaming down their faces.

…Great, what’s with these stalkers now?

–TL Notes–

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