I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 717: Neji

Chapter 717: Neji

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters /AlienWarlord🛑


As the golden portal swirled open at the gates of Konoha, Peter stepped out first, followed closely by Madara, Kurama, his students, Itachi and Shisui, and finally Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato. The warm, afternoon sun bathed the village in a peaceful light, casting long shadows as it filtered through the trees. The sound of birds chirping filled the air, a stark contrast to the perpetual rain that had become the soundtrack of Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato's lives back in Amegakure.

Nagato blinked, his newly awakened eyes adjusting to the vibrant colors around him. Yahiko stood still for a moment, his mouth slightly agape as he took in the bustling village, his head turning to observe the children playing in the distance and the relaxed demeanor of the villagers. Konan's gaze was softer, more contemplative, but no less awed by the tranquility of this place.

"It's so… calm," Yahiko muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with disbelief. "It's hard to believe a place like this exists."

Konan nodded, her eyes following the movements of a young couple walking hand-in-hand, laughter and joy in their steps. "Compared to home… this almost feels unreal."

Nagato remained silent, his thoughts clouded by the contrast between the peace here and the endless struggle they had known. He glanced at Yahiko and Konan, seeing his own feelings mirrored in their expressions. But something else lingered in the back of their minds.

"Do you think we'll see him here?" Konan asked quietly, her voice carrying the weight of nostalgia.

Yahiko's lips tightened into a thin line. "It's been so long… I didn't think we'd get the chance, but maybe…" His voice trailed off as he glanced toward Nagato. "What do you think, Nagato? Do you think Jiraiya-sensei is still here?"

Nagato frowned, his mind racing back to their memories of their mentor. "I don't know," he replied softly. "But if he is, I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

As they exchanged these words, a hush fell over the crowd near the gates. The villagers and travelers, some lined up to enter the village, parted like the sea, their eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and fear as they noticed Peter and his group stepping through the portal.

Whispers spread quickly among the gathered crowd, and even the gate guards tensed, reaching for their weapons as they prepared to stop the newcomers from entering.

But before they could act, a group of Anbu appeared, materializing from the shadows like specters. Their masked faces turned toward the guards, and the leader of the Anbu team, a tall figure with sharp, alert movements, stepped forward. He moved with purpose, stopping the gate guards with a mere glance. The Anbu leader then turned to Peter, bowing deeply and with great respect.

"Welcome back to the village, Peter," the Anbu leader said, his voice reverent. "The Hokage has requested your presence at your earliest convenience."

The crowd around them murmured in astonishment. The way the Anbu addressed Peter, combined with the fact that the Hokage was asking rather than demanding his presence, left them wondering who this mysterious figure was. Even the merchants and officials waiting at the gate began to eye Peter with newfound interest, recognizing that he held a significant position within Konoha.

One merchant, a man dressed in opulent robes and flanked by a group of attendants, saw an opportunity. He stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with ambition as he prepared to speak. Perhaps, with Peter's favor, he could secure special treatment or favorable terms for his dealings.

But before he could utter a word, another group of Anbu appeared, kunai gleaming in the sunlight as they pressed the blades against the merchant's throat, as well as the necks of his attendants. The merchant froze, his face draining of color as he realized the severity of his mistake.

"Step back," one of the Anbu growled.

The merchant swallowed hard, nodding vigorously as he and his attendants stumbled backward, their ambitions snuffed out as quickly as they had arisen.

Unfazed by the scene behind him, Peter nodded in acknowledgment to the Anbu leader. "Thank you. I'll visit Minato once I've handled a few things."

The Anbu leader bowed again before stepping aside, clearing the path into the village. Peter moved forward, his expression calm as ever, his companions following in step. Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato hesitated for a moment, still overwhelmed by the grandeur of the village and the respect Peter commanded. But soon, they fell into line, their thoughts racing as they took in their surroundings.

As they crossed the gates, Shisui leaned toward Itachi, his voice filled with admiration. "Sensei is so cool," he muttered under his breath, unable to hide the awe in his tone.

Itachi, usually more reserved, gave a slight nod of agreement. "He is," he said simply, his eyes fixed on Peter as they entered the village.

As they made their way deeper into the village, the streets gradually grew quieter as they approached, the once-busy village now giving way to a more exclusive area where only members of the Hyuga clan resided.

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato trailed behind Peter, still taking in the sights of the village. Their expressions were a mix of awe and hesitation, their minds wrestling with the weight of the journey they were about to embark on.

"We're heading to the Hyuga Clan," Peter explained, his eyes focused ahead. "If Nagato has any relatives in the village, this is where we'll find them. And even if he doesn't, with his new eyes, the Hyuga won't be foolish enough to turn him away."

Nagato, still grappling with the strange power coursing through his body, gave a small nod. He trusted Peter's judgment, even if he was still unsure about the implications of this newfound connection to the Hyuga.

As they approached the gates of the Hyuga compound, two guards stationed at the entrance immediately stiffened at the sight of Peter and Madara. Their eyes widened with fear and recognition, their hands trembling as they quickly bowed and stepped aside, making way for the group to enter.

"W-Welcome to the Hyuga compound," one of the guards stammered. "Please, you are invited inside. The clan head has instructed us to be ready for your arrival, should you ever come."

Without a word, Peter nodded and continued forward, his presence commanding respect without effort. Yahiko and Konan exchanged uneasy glances, while Nagato silently followed, his thoughts fixated on what lay ahead.

Meanwhile, inside the main residence of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga sat with his brother Hizashi. They spoke quietly, tense looks on their faces. Hizashi's forehead bore the unmistakable mark of the Caged Bird Seal, a symbol of the oppressive power dynamic between the main and branch families of the Hyuga.

"The elders… they refuse to change," Hiashi muttered, his frustration evident. "Even after all these years, they cling to their power over the branch family, using that cursed seal as a tool for control."

Hizashi, head of the branch family, sighed deeply. "It's not just about the seal, brother. The system itself is designed to keep us divided, and as long as the elders remain in power, they'll keep using the seal to suppress us."

Hiashi's fists clenched. "I despise seeing you wear that mark. If I could, I would have it removed today."

"But we can't act rashly," Hizashi replied, his voice calm but firm. "We need to be strategic. The elders won't give up their hold so easily."

Soon enough, their conversation was interrupted when a Hyuga ninja appeared before them, kneeling respectfully.

Hiashi's brow furrowed, ready to scold the interruption, but before he could speak, the ninja delivered his message.

"Forgive my intrusion, Hiashi-sama, Hizashi-sama. Peter and Madara Uchiha have arrived at the gates and are on their way here."

Hiashi and Hizashi both froze, their eyes widening. The weight of the situation hit them instantly as they stood from their seats, exchanging a look of disbelief.

"Lead us to them," Hiashi commanded, his tone suddenly much more serious. The brothers moved swiftly, following the ninja out of the room.

As they stepped into the front courtyard of the Clan Head's residence, Hizashi's one-year-old son, Neji, was playing on the lawn, while Hiashi's wife sat nearby, cradling their newborn daughter, Hinata, alongside Hizashi's wife.

As the two wives saw Hiashi and Hizashi walk out, they smiled, thinking the meeting must be over, about to greet them, but their words caught in their throats as they noticed the worried expressions on their husbands' faces.

Following their gazes, they saw Peter and his group approaching the courtyard. Shisui, Itachi, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato followed closely behind, while Madara and Kurama walked at each of Peter's sides.

The atmosphere grew tense, the weight of Peter's power and reputation palpable.

Neji, oblivious to the tension, toddled up to the group, his small legs carrying him quickly to Peter. The toddler looked up at Peter with wide eyes, frowning in concentration.

"Y-You… You shouldn't be here," Neji stammered, his voice full of childish innocence. "You… You'll get in… big trouble if you don't leave…"

The courtyard fell silent, every eye now on Peter and the small boy. Hizashi and his wife's hearts clenched with fear, their breaths catching in their throats as they watched the scene unfold. They knew of Peter's power, and the stories they had heard of him were enough to make anyone wary. To see their son boldly reprimanding Peter was enough to send them into a panic.

Before they could rush forward to apologize, Peter knelt down, a smile on his face as he looked at the brave little boy. "It's okay," Peter said gently. "I was invited, so I shouldn't get in trouble..."

But as he spoke, his eyes caught sight of the mark on Neji's forehead—the cursed Caged Bird Seal. His smile faltered, turning into a deep frown. The atmosphere around him shifted, and once again, the tension in the air skyrocketed.

Hizashi's heart sank as he hurried forward, bowing deeply. "Forgive my son's rudeness. He—"

Peter cut him off, his eyes still focused on Neji's forehead. Slowly, Peter raised his hand, his finger glowing with a soft golden light. Hizashi froze, his breath catching in his throat as he watched in fear.

With a swift motion, Peter flicked Neji on the forehead. The world seemed to stop as Neji flinched, holding his stinging forehead with a confused expression, tears welling up in his eyes.

"W-Why'd you do that?" Neji asked, his voice a mixture of anger and fear.

Peter smiled again, this time more warmly. "You had this ugly mark on your forehead," he explained casually. "I did you a favor and got rid of it."

Hizashi blinked, confusion and disbelief flooding his mind. "That… That's impossible," he began, shaking his head. "A flick can't remove the Caged Bird Seal…"

But as Neji turned around to face his parents, their eyes widened in shock. The mark—the seal that had been placed on Neji's forehead at birth—was gone. Hizashi and his wife gasped, unable to believe what they were seeing. Their son was no longer marked by the Caged Bird Seal.

A/N: 1900 words :)



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