I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 126: Pigs Are Worse Than Dogs Part 2

Chapter 126: Pigs Are Worse Than Dogs Part 2

Li Rulong opened his eyes and found himself in a storage room. He was tied to a chair, his mouth was taped, and he could not move. It was the first time he had been kidnapped in his 50 years of life, and he was terrified.

He had earned so much money and hadn't spent it yet. He had two women in his home and hadn't had enough fun. He didn't want to die in vain. With a creak, the door opened, and a man walked in. In the darkness, he couldn't see the other man's face. He made a whimpering sound, trying to call for help.

"Don't even bother. You can scream your throat out, but no one will come to save you." The young man's voice came out, exactly the same as the voice in the bathroom just now. Only then did he realize that figure was not from the West but from the Chinese region.

Click. The incandescent light was turned on, and the storage room was lit up. The young man took another chair, dragged it to the floor, and sat in front of him.

"I'll be the one who's asking here. All you have to do is nod or shake your head, got it?" The young man smiled and didn't seem as cruel and scary as the robbers in the movie.

"Please" Li Rulong looked at the other man with pleading eyes, expecting him to let him go.

Who knows that the young man suddenly changes his mind. In his amazed gaze, he smacked his face while shouting, "Don't you understand? I told you to nod or shake your head!"

The young man's strength was so great that Li Rulong's face instantly swelled up, with the pattern of the sole of the shoe still printed on it. Li Rulong was blinded by this sudden blow, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, not caring about the pain on his face and nodding his head repeatedly.

"That's right." The young man looked relieved, patted his shoulder, sat back in his chair, and continued to put on a sinister smile. As if it wasn't him who had just hit someone.

After seeing the smile, Li Rulong felt a chill rise from his back. The young man opened the wallet retrieved from Li Rulong's body and took out his ID.

"Li Rulong, male, 53 years old, Executive Director of the Chinese Martial Arts Association. Fang Tianlong's best friend and manager, right?" Li Rulong nodded his head.

"Just now, I heard you talking to someone on the phone. It seems like you said you want more money?"

Li Rulong shook his head frantically. The young man picked up the sole of his shoe and smacked it on Li Rulong's face again.

"Who said you could talk?! Who said you could talk?!" He smacked him left and right as he talked.

Li Rulong had never been subjected to this kind of punishment, and within a few strokes, he bowed his head and begged for mercy. The teeth in his mouth were broken several times. When the young man got tired of whipping, he let Li Rulong go and held him upright.

"Are you willing to tell the truth now?" Li Rulong had tears in his eyes and nodded his head aggressively.

"Good to hear." The young man stroked his head, "So there's this client you're talking about. They paid you for Hudson to win and wanted you to do something to Fang Tianlong, right?" Li Rulong looked at the young man, and after some struggle, he nodded helplessly.

He had a feeling that if he didn't match the sum, he would really be shoe-horned to death by the other side. He clenched his teeth and admonished himself in his mind that now that he had been kidnapped, he had to bow down. He would definitely kill this young man as long as he could get out of here alive.

"Twenty years ago, the reason why Chen Xiao lost the match was also your doing?" The young man continued to ask. Li Rulong hesitated slightly, and the young man raised the sole of his shoe and was about to strike, scaring him so much that he nodded his head.

There is no one else here. Even if he reports this young man, he will not admit to it. Chen Xiao died last month, and his cause of death was unknown. Li Rulong thought he was obedient to the young man and could be spared from the pain. Who knew that he nodded, the young man's smiling face instantly became fierce.

"I'll break your grandmother's legs!"

The young man was mad. The soles of his shoes fell on Li Rulong's head and face like raindrops, hitting multiple times. Li Rulong had never received such severe beatings, and the intense pain in his body made him continue to spasm. He begged, trying to talk to the young man. If he lets him go, he will give him lots and lots of money.

But the young man did not give him a chance to speak. As if there was an endless amount of anger was thrown. Li Rulong was soon beaten into unconsciousness. The second before he passed out. He saw the young man looking down at him with a disgusted expression.

"In this society, there are always some pigs who can't even be considered human for the sake of money. In the beginning, I couldn't figure it out. But when I saw you, now I understood. For the money, you can betray your friends, relatives, country, and even souls. You are just wearing an empty human skin, even worse than animals. If we let people like you continue to roam in this world, then God is really blind!"


Twenty minutes before the boxing match started. Backstage lounge.

"Master, the boss went out to the toilet for half an hour. Why hasn't he come back yet?" Fang Tianlong was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed. It was like he didn't hear what his disciple said.

Another disciple who looked more mature said, "Maybe he met someone he knew. Let me go check."

He got up and opened the door but found an extra sack outside the lounge door, which seemed to be stuffed with a person.

With an unsettling feeling in his heart, he hurriedly untied the sack and found that inside was Li Rulong, the manager of this match. He looked around and immediately dragged the sack back to the lounge.

"Master, look. It's the boss! He had been beaten up. Qingshan, Call the ambulance!" Fang Tianlong, who had been chilling before his match, opened his eyes.

Seeing this scene, he frowned slightly. The disciple freed the already unconscious Li Rulong from the sack, only to find that there was still a camera inside, with a card stuck to it. The card was obviously a corner torn off from some propaganda poster.

It was written in wildly exaggerated font with a few big words, "I'm a greedy pig."


At this same time, Zhang Jue returned to his seat. Knowing the truth of the matter, he was in a mood that could not be described as good or bad.

He thought of old man Chen.

The old master was spontaneous at heart, and a simple failure was not so bad as to make him retire in disgrace. The only explanation was that he knew someone had victimized him, and that person was also his friend.

The old master is dead. Although he didn't say anything, he still thought about that battle for many years. Suppose the two sides fight squarely how the victory or defeat is still unknown. But under the circumstances, it was impossible for him to challenge Chris again, which was probably the regret of his life. Fang Tianlong took on Hudson this time, hoping for a fair result.

The time was 7:50 PM, and there were only 10 minutes left before the match started. Just when everyone's eyes were focused on the center of the ring.

Outside the competition arena. Two well-equipped teams took over the policing of the entire venue. A captain-like man turned on his walkie-talkie, "Mole, This is Raccoon. We've searched the entire West area and no sight of the target. What's the situation on your side?"

A gruff voice came on the other side of the intercom, "The East area has also been searched, no sight of the target found. Damn, I don't know where it went."

Captain "Raccoon," said, "If I'm right, the target should be inside the arena. We must arrest the target as soon as possible. Otherwise, the consequences are unthinkable."


The captain of the "Mole" cursed again, "There are probably thousands of people in this arena, and I don't want that calamity to be buried with him amongst these people!"

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