I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 118: Return

Chapter 118: Return

The notebook was already destroyed beyond recognition, and after this sudden blow, there were not even a few pieces left. Zhang Jue was furious and was about to destroy the giant snake when he suddenly felt a shake in the ground.

At the same time, a rumbling sound came from the front of the cave. As if countless elephants were racing toward them. The giant snake seemed to sense something. He gave up the fight with Zhang Jue, turned his head, and ran.

"Where do you think you're going, you ugly beast?! No need to hide since I will get you! "

Zhang Jue raised his palm, trying to catch it. The giant snake didn't even look at him and slithered off into the cave's depths.

After the spoof, Zhang Jue looked in the direction where the sound came from and said, "Not a good sign."

Alison said, "In this cave, it's not surprising what's gonna happen next."

Zhang Jue grabbed the remains of the notebook on the ground and gathered them up. But the notebook's paper had lost its original appearance after the giant snake's attack, and he only found a few relatively intact pieces.

The vibrations were getting closer and closer, and Zhang Jue didn't dare to get cocky. He was holding his precious sword to see what kind of bull and snake was coming.

A minute later, Zhang Jue's eyes widened as he saw a group of giant rats coming right at them. Each rat was more than half a meter long, with a tail thicker than a man's wrist. Zhang Jue was just about to make the first move, but the group of rats fled straight for the depths of the hole as if they didn't see him and Alison.

I don't know where they were hiding. How much rice did they eat?

Zhang Jue was thinking. Then he saw another pile of lizard-like things zipping past them. Zhang Jue recognized that these things should be some kind of salamander. They were also not small and presumably had mutated genetically.

The salamanders were faster and occasionally encountered rats running past them and would impatiently stomp them to death. They are hiding from something, just like the giant snake.

A pattering sound came from ahead as if something was gnawing at the ground. Zhang Jue immediately shone his flashlight over. Up ahead, it was dark as far as the light could reach. A black fog was spreading toward them from the walls of the cave.

It was like ink that was spreading extremely fast. Zhang Jue squinted his eyes for a moment before he could see what it actually was, and sure enough, countless ants were crawling toward them from the cave ahead.

They were like beasts. Everywhere they passed, they gnawed off the rocks. Those rats that the salamanders trampled were reduced to nothing the instant they touched them, without even a crumb of bone left.

"Nima ants, cannibal ants, eh?"

The cannibal ants were small but extremely fast. Surrounded Zhang Jue and Alison. However, Zhang Jue was not afraid of such small creatures. He concentrated his mind and used his skill, Terror Projection. He had experimented, and this skill was particularly effective against such small creatures.

However, this time he failed. Because there were too many ants. Countless ants attacked the two of them, one after another. Zhang Jue's "Terror Projection" could only affect the ants in the nearest area. The circle was getting smaller and smaller.

"Little brother, it looks like you can't do it either." Alison laughed.

How could a man be told he couldn't do it?

Zhang Jue maintained his Terror Projection while saying, "My lady, whether I can do it or not. You always have to experience it yourself, you know?"

Alison licked her lips, "Yeah, when will you get the chance?"

This vixen!

Alison doesn't know what ability he has. A single look could make a person agitated, and that was with Zhang Jue being immune to most SCP abilities.

Knowing that he had been ridiculed, Zhang Jue said, "Can't you see I'm busy? If you don't want to help, then don't get in my way."

Alison smiled faintly. She closed her eyes and pointed her finger at her brow, chanting a word. She opened her eyes after a few seconds, and massive energy emanated from her body.

Those crazy ants paused for a moment and quickly fled backward, retreating like a tidal wave. The whole process took no more than ten seconds. Zhang Jue looked at her in surprise.

No wonder this chick hadn't taken a step back since the beginning. She had immense power.

"Well?" Alison looked at Zhang Jue.

What else could be done? For such strength, the uneducated Zhang Jue could only use two words to describe it, Holy Shit.

The notebook had been completely destroyed, and with only a few scraps in Zhang Jue's hand, there was no way to decipher such a little thing. Zhang Jue cursed.

Alison was about to say something when she suddenly seemed to sense something, and a palm-sized book appeared in her hand, with some obscure words appearing on it.

After reading the message, Alison sighed and said to Zhang Jue, "Little brother, let me help you out."


Alison covered her lips and laughed, "Don't play dumb. If I decided I wanted to help you, I would help you out. You failed to decipher the information on top of that notebook. You owe me this time."

"Got it, got it." Zhang Jue waved his hand in annoyance.

Alison put her hand on Zhang Jue's shoulder and said, "Close your eyes."

"Okay." Zhang Jue said under his breath but actually squinted his eyes into slits.

He wanted to see how this Black Queen was going to take him out of here.

Alison looked at Zhang Jue and smiled faintly as she gently tapped her forehead and recited an incantation. Zhang Jue only felt the sky spinning, countless colors flashed in front of his eyes, and it was as if he was thrown into a drum washing machine. Shaking his whole entire body, making him almost throw up. He had no choice but to close his eyes meekly. I don't know how long it took.

Alison's voice rang in his ears, "You can open your eyes now."

Zhang Jue did as he was told and slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and realized that he was back at the water plant. It was late at night when he first left, and now it was early in the morning. He didn't know how many days had passed.

"Wow, I don't know that you could do that kind of trick. Can you teach me?" Zhang Jue saw a bargain. Talking about it does not cost money.

"Of course, you can." Alison looked Zhang Jue up and down, "Little brother, what do you have to offer for an exchange?"

Zhang Jue, now covered in nothing but a pair of boxers, covered his chest in horror, "Wow, my lady. What are you going to do?"

Alison laughed, "Little brother, I like the way you act silly. Well, I have things to do. I have to go. You still owe me one thing. Don't forget if there are any clues in that notebook. Let me know about it."

Zhang Jue spread his hands, "You did not add me on WeChat. How can I notify you?"

"I'll look for you when I need it." Alison smiled and leaped over the wall with a big leap.

After she left, Zhang Jue's smile gradually closed up. The Black Queen's strength was unfathomable, and it was better not to make an enemy of her until the last resort.

In the Foundation's opinion, the Serpent Hand was far from being the first target. The Wanderer's Library has a lot of valuable information. We should have a "deeper conversation" with her if there is a chance.

Zhang Jue thought as he walked outside the water plant. From the sights along the way, the place seemed no different than when he had left, so probably not much time had passed here.

He found a uniform in the street and put it on. It was a little bit, but it was better than skulking around outside in a pair of boxers. If he was photographed and posted online, his reputation would be ruined. Those male colleagues in Site-17 would go crazy. He put that thought away and walked his way back.

"Welcome back, Advisor Zhang." A male voice suddenly came.

Zhang Jue looked up, only to see Lei Shui standing right in front of the main gate of the water plant, seemingly having been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that it was him, Zhang Jue narrowed his eyes. The killing intent in his eyes flashed.

He pointed at the dozens of heavily armed MTF members behind Lei Shui and the submachine guns in their hands that had their safety off.

"Lei Shui, do your brother know that you're welcoming home your dad here to meet you?"

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