I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 236: Island (2)

Chapter 236: Island (2)

Since the topic was about finding the shark who had killed his family, Tim was the first to form a question after hearing out what the old man had to say.

He locked eyes with the geezer and asked, "What do you want to do? This isn't supposed to be your battle, so tell me more?"

With a small smirk on his shrimpy face, the latter answered. "You'll see."

It was clear that this little old man did not want to speak, he even began eyeing a small net that was roaming across the waters, just a few meters away.

That gave him motivation to instantly crawl forward, towards the same net. He could have leaped as usual of course, but those types of powerful jumps are limited, and the last thing he wanted right now was extra attention.

His friends firmly peeked at the perplexing geezer, and were in a slight pondering regarding what to do. Because for a wise old man, it didn't seem so smart to crawl directly towards the net.

But they also understood that the geezer was very capable, so they just let him be and observed for the sake of reaping out any hints. They were quite unaware of what plans Gerlach had, and that managed to tingle their anxiety a tad bit.

After a couple of minutes, the old man ended up being caught on the small plastic net; along with a few other fish who weren't exactly tremendously large in size.

"Hmmm this portion of the plan went smoothly." Gerlach complimented himself, "Way better than just crawling up to the surface, that would devour everyone's attention."

And just as expected, the mantis shrimp had been tossed into a pile of fish that were near the sea-waters.

Once taking a whiff of the stench that enveloped this island, which had a fragrance strong enough to make one hurl, it was clear that most beached fish here were dead.

It smelled like rotten onions mixed with peanut butter here, worse than hell perhaps? Well it made sense to a certain extent, carcasses are supposed to smell like manure.

This stench had helped the old man realise a detail that could have been overlooked. If he crawled anywhere away from the pile of fish, any fisherman would notice the man. Because it wasn't usual to see dead fish flap around.

So with that fact considered, it was certain that any human could use various methods of murder, to stop the little old man and throw him back in the pile.

Such circumstances weren't particularly horrendous, since he could fight a human, it just meant that Gerlach had to be much more stealthy!

Yet luckily, there weren't any other factors that could prevent him from progressing. For example, suffocation wasn't a problem!

Although such perks weren't common amongst sea-critters, his gills were mutated to breathe air as well. And that was what he wanted to test, this was just the second time he tried breathing air.

It was tremendously useful, especially now when he needed time to think the situation through, and seek a different solution prior to the vintage plan.

The circumstances became confusing, because there were over thirty big sharks laid across this island! At least that was how much he could see, and they were all missing their pelvic-fins.

Obviously, humans had sliced off their fins for some monetary reason, but this didn't fail to make the task more difficult!

More options had opened up for sure. In normal situations, more choices to pick from would be generally better. But here it made things trickier. Because for example, he had to check on every shark, for the sake of figuring out which one was the biggest.

Initially, his plan was to check if there were any large great-white sharks here. It would give a good hint that the targeted predator in question, could had been killed.

Earlier on it was explained to the group that the targeted shark was massive, so this detail could be used as a form of identification.

After pondering over what to do, the old man began swimming through the beached bodies, to reach one side of this fish pile. It was difficult to a certain extent, because these fishes were slippery, but it wasn't impossible.

After looking at his surroundings for a little bit, the old man decided to crawl away from the food pile and head for a nearby bush.

But the unexpected happened in a split second! A human had managed to grab the geezer by the tail, completely restricting his movements!

It was easy to man handle a four-inch shrimp, but the captive in question also wanted to know where this dumb decision from the human's side will lead; that was why he remained idle.

Yet it became an evident fact that anxiety managed to spike, once he noticed that this human was walking towards a freaking campfire! These people had to eat of course, so it made sense how they were roasting marine animals.

It made sense, but at the same time the situation became fairly chaotic, and it forced the old man to become a bit more hostile.

Likewise, he aimed to inflict pain against the enemy with the aid of his powers! That was why any passer by human, could suddenly see a line of blood bursting upwards!

The prime reason behind such a result, was thanks to Gerlach who had leaped upwards with all of his might!

He had punctured through flesh and bone! Such a result was easy for a critter who had arms of such grand sturdiness! And the momentum he had built up, managed to make the human twirl its arm like a helicopter.

The reason behind such an effect, was that Gerlach had used this human's hand as a surface to leap up from. And when that is combined with the sheer force this geezer had upon a single leap, it made sense how the enemy human faced such strong damage.

When blood was combined with this entire scene, it wasn't quite easy on the eyes. Such an aftermath worked as an advantage, because no one had a clue what to do, and screams were becoming louder too.

Countless fishermen began surrounding the injured man, trying to prove helpful. But Gerlach had landed near the same campfire that was supposed to turn him into something edible.

After shaking away the blur from crashing on the ground, he muttered. "That's what you deserve, filthy ape."

This chaos could be used to a firm advantage. So after making sure that no human was close enough to step on him, the old man began crawling deeper through the island.

In no time, he reached another pile of beached fish. But what he saw here was definitely unexpected, it managed to force the old man to unleash a heavy gasp!

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