I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 231: Chaos unfolds!

Chapter 231: Chaos unfolds!




He wanted to put in an attempt to escape this spot. The best idea would be to slip his way towards the ship's edges where a hole was located, thanks to the infrastructure of this vessel. He could easily slip through that portion!

But the prime problem was that Dana had been tangled in the net, and it seemed extremely difficult to get all the way there, by her side.

Worse yet, another human had spotted her and began untangling the good woman from the net.

They were utterly fascinated to see such a whole skeleton, and it was even more interesting how the lady continued to glow in a green-colour.

These humans also just wanted to take such a sack of bones away from their nets, and then analyse their find, anytime later. It took them a few seconds, but they had managed to untangle the skeleton at a success rate that could be considered as halfway.

In other words, it meant that she was still dangling from the net!

But that was when the hero felt a tremendously vibrant rumble beneath the small ship! It was strong enough to knock one of the fishermens, off board and towards the salty sea-waters!

It probably wouldn't be difficult for a normal human to swim their way back to the metal ladders, and get out of the waters.

But the prime question struck everyone around, be it fish or human. What was hitting the ship?

It was a major head scratcher, and the mayhem didn't seem to stop there; as another rumble was heard, and this time it even aided the stingray to slip away from the other bundle of fish!

No one in particular was paying attention to the young man, as they were all taking a peek across the sea-waters. This gave Timmy the ability to worm his way towards Osira, and that had taken quite a few seconds!

But now the main problem was getting the lady down from up there. Yet that seemed tremendously tricky and time was running out!

He couldn't leap from the deck too high, and the net was a few feet above so this made the situation a bit more tricky.




Panic had begun enveloping the boy's mind more than before, and his little eyes tried to seek for a solution, by flapping his fins in order to check out all of the surroundings.

A lot of fish had fallen in the hole of which these humans had pushed them to, making them utterly useless when it came to attaining help from them.

If not anything else, a shark could have come near the net and flap around to the point of snacking Dana down. But no, all of these sharks were pushed down the hole, which left them powerless!

A lot of the other fish were dying too, so this was a bad day for every marine animal around!

But yet eventually, a crab emerged out of the pile of fish, and it seemed to be rather powerful; likely a dungeness crab, but it couldn't be the one they had tricked earlier on.

These species were powerful, they could easily slice the net and provide proper aid. So Timothy decided to try his luck, as there wasn't another option.

Likewise he yelled out with all his power, "Crab! Come here and help me free my friend!"

The latter felt a bit surprised for someone to call out for them in such a chaotic situation, but it didn't seem to be disagreeing. On the contrary it began crawling towards the hero, and arrived in just a few seconds.

Before these two could exchange any words between each other, they felt what could be the biggest rumble yet!

In fact it started out as a small shake, but then countless creeks echoed across the waters, which in exchange had brought along a tremendously strong quake!

It had given the hero quite a bit of fright, and it was noticeable that the crab wasn't fairing any differently. Yet even throughout such a fate, Dana was still knocked out cold!

The circumstances became a tad rougher after they felt the very ship leaning entirely towards the left; specifically where they had felt all that rumble coming from!

Within a few seconds, they saw the sea waters themselves, approaching everyone closer and closer! Before they could comprehend what happened, the water was all over their faces.

After a few seconds, Timmy saw the crab floating towards the water's bottom! These species of crab were rather heavy and the momentum of which this collapse gave, aided the crab to sink down.

A portion of the small ship could be seen as well, it had lost a great tenth of its original body-mass and still continued to destroy itself. These waves didn't show any mercy either.

These humans who had steered the vessel, didn't seem to have a great fate so to speak. They were either knocked out, disoriented or desperately trying to swim towards the surface.

Just a second after, he saw hundreds of fish spilling in the salty waters: a good half of them were either dead or drowsy, while the rest were just rushing to get the hell out of here! They might never get an opportunity like this again!

Although convenient, the situation developed towards chaos once more! As such a massive bundle of rushing fish, easily pushed the boy out of orientation after the clash.

Such a disaster unravelled itself in just a few seconds, so it was even more difficult to comprehend the whole situation!

He could even feel a lot of these fish, bashing against his tail. He had accidentally scratched or possibly killed a few of them, all thanks to this panic-filled rush!

Worse yet, Dana couldn't be seen anywhere! All he saw were silvery or black, fish bodies who were blasting against his face and every other body part ~ if the boy had any less bodily-durability, this could cause a lot of damage.

Yet even between all of this chaos, the system found a bit of time to put her own portions of notifications in. For a super intelligent system, she never had a good grasp of when to speak out.

[Blue-bolt shrimp killed, two-system-points have been given to you as a reward]

[Since this is a system given task, you get an additional two-points]

[Total system points = 344]

[Eating a full-grown shrimp of this species, grants the following effects...]

[Effect on health, non existent]

[Effect on hunger, +1 bar]

[Effect on sleep, +10 bars]

[Effect on stamina, non existent]

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