I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 228: Task 20

Chapter 228: Task 20

Life seemed a tad more scarce through the couple hundred meters they had traveled through. The massive number of slaughtered sharks was one reason, but it wasn't the one and only culprit.

Either this atmosphere was less populated, or the water's saturation of blue was far deeper. Regardless, they could mostly see random fish swimming around them at a safe distance of thirty-meters or more.

Every creature was steering clear of each other here, minding their own business so to speak, and it was satisfying.

Because although this area was a bit less populated, a few hundred fish had to be in a circular radius that can be considered a mile long. So them keeping their distance felt like a blessing.

The sharks that they kept running into around this slightly different environment, were rather interesting. They were average in size compared to the other sharks they have seen here, but were far less aggressive.

These ones were like shy creatures who would swim away at the sight of any other living being, harmless so to speak. These species carried front-fins that were rather horizontal as they swam across the waters.

Perhaps the reason behind such a characteristic, was that this species swam too close towards the sand - they were practically attached to it, often causing dust clouds.

Since they haven't proven hostile, it seemed like a smart idea to approach one of them and ask for directions.

It took them a little while to achieve something like that though, because regardless of the fact that they've seen tens of these same species so far; most just ended up swimming away, unwilling to face any creature.

One of these sharks proved reasonable and was willing to cooperate. It shouldn't be too difficult to reap this situation for benefits, because the aim was just to ask a couple of questions.

And once more, Gerlach was sent out to talk because he was great at speechcraft but also was smaller compared to anyone in the group.

It ultimately made him look less intimidating, and the old man was aware how close he could approach, without making the other side of the stick feel uncomfortable.

He crawled forward and then introduced, "We are visitors here and are looking for a shark."

Although odd, the geezer could speak the language of these sharks simply because he recognized their species. Just earlier on he had told the group that this species was a nurse shark, its name sounded sweet.

"Uh, which shark?" The latter asked, already feeling a little bit nervous. "There are a lot of sharks here."

Considering how careful this lady behaved already, it wasn't a surprise how this species had not appeared in the previous warzone. Hundreds of bodies could be fed upon there, but this species was noticeably not taking any risks.

Knowing what to say next, the mantis shrimp specified. "The shark we're looking for has a missing pelvic fin."

"Uhhh..." The nurse shark stretched one word, fairly lost thanks to that detail.

Noticing where the problem was, the old man had to follow up. "A front fin, the shark is missing one of those."

"Oh!" The other sighed, and seemingly had a good idea regarding directions.

That was when they heard a clash against the sand, it was idle but enough to scare the nurse shark away. It took little observation to notice that Tim had caused this little ruckus.

It was difficult to understand why he did something that stupid at the moment, but the group became fairly agitated.

The geezer peeked at Osira and scolded, "How could you let him swim around without adult supervision?!"

Such a question gave a hint that the old man might have attempted to be sassy, but no he was dead serious! The black-grouper couldn't really catch up with the other's train of thoughts.

That's why she thundered through a question, "Why am I supposed to babysit a hero? He should be able to take care of himself!"

Ready for such a question, he swiftly answered. "He's still a kid! And now we have to find another nurse shark, perfect!"

Regardless of the bickering that was going on between the couple of species above him, the sea-pancake was just focused on what he was initially doing.

And eventually they all surrounded him to see what was going on. Apparently, there was a crab that he was holding on to and it was rather dead by now: it would be easy for such an experienced boy to kill a simple critter, who was equal to him in size.

"All of this for a crab?" Gerlach questioned as he unleashed a sigh, eventually finding the scene adorable.

Eager to correct this man, the sea-disk cited. "It's a blue crab!"

"Of course." The latter answered, simply assuming that this was done for food.

Only Dana could understand why the boy had suddenly leaped towards some random crab, it was a system given task.

He took a few bites, enough to feel less hungry and then cited. "Eat, it's not poisonous at all."

The group would need to put in a bit of effort to find another nurse shark anyway, so it sounded like a good idea to eat for the sake of some more energy. There should be a long day in front of them.

Meanwhile the hero had swam a bit away from the carcass and requested the system to count the statistics again, of which the lady instantly replied.

[Eating a full-grown blue crab, can grant the following effects...]

[Effect on health, +1 bar]

[Effect on hunger, +15 bars]

[Effect on sleep, non existent]

[Effect on stamina, -1 bar]

[Total system points = 340]

It seemed normal enough, these effects shouldn't do too much damage as that negative bar would be spread across four-marine-animals.

This kill seemed more worthwhile, after considering that he had cured a bit of the hunger right now.

Apart from that fact, he had managed to complete the task so overall this felt like a marvelous win. But the system reminded that the trouble did not stop there, by simply moving on.

[You're current state of being is healthy at an almost maximized manner, so you are capable to start the next system given task]

[Task 20 = locate and kill a blue-bolt shrimp]

Hating the fact that the sea carried such a wide variety of animals, the boy fished out many reasons to complain. But a brief contemplation helped him realise that complaining would be a waste of time.

So instead he tried to get some tips, "Do you know where I can find them, system?"

[Your current criteria doesn't allow you to hear such information]

[But I can say, that the shrimp is blue]

He tried to push sass away, but a bit of it slipped out anyway which made him answer. "Oh, wow. Thanks!"

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