I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 225: Bloodlust

Chapter 225: Bloodlust

Such a rumble had pushed the team into quite a bit of fright, but such abnormal trouble did not stop there. On the contrary it wildly accelerated, because a nose barged itself through the hole they were residing in.

It was easy to notice that it belonged to a shark, but they didn't care to determine the exact species; because a shark was bad news regardless how large or stupid they were.

Unwilling to allow a typical marine predator to assert such dominance, Timmy barged forward and poked the enemy right through that snooping nose, using the bumble-bee-manuever.

Although it wasn't powerful enough to kill a shark, it did manage to explode a cloud of blood through the little cave. It was enough to agitate the enemy, so the young man was quick to pull away and join his friends after dealing the damage!

One thing that the team was not aware of, was the chaos that broke loose on the other side after that strike was given.

The blood had managed to poke the senses of other nearby sharks, who encouraged cannibalism without a string of shame.

They bit through the bleeding shark, and of course it had fought back and inflicted wounds against the attackers.

This continued as a domino-like effect, healthy sharks bit wounded sharks and those who were powerful enough to return the favour, did exactly so.

Within a few minutes, the hundred or so sharks who were swimming above the little cave, had created a bloody mist. All of them were fighting one another, and what had started out as an aim for food, continued to be a shade of desperation for survival!

This explained how the bloody mist became big enough to cover a spherical radius of three-hundred-meters!

Worse yet, the domino-like effect continued in an alternative manner, as it had attracted other nearby predators!

Some of them were strong enough to survive this cannibalistic feeding spree, some could barely scrape by and half of them somehow became small scavengers!

Crabs, shrimps, clown-fish, even a bundle of stingrays had been attracted by the strong fragrance of blood. Eventually, at least five-hundred marine animals had gathered up here, making it certain that the situation was becoming dire!

The little group who were hidden in the cave, observed this entire battle and could not believe their eyes. This environment was proving incredibly hostile!

The sheer quantity of life here was tremendously difficult to comprehend, as they were not used to seeing this much life unless they specifically looked for them!

Timmy felt the most guilt here, and he couldn't help muttering. "All of this happened because I stabbed a shark?"

"I'm afraid so." Gerlach added, feeling confident enough to answer.

He was a rather well-informed man, nothing he spoke about was a simple guess. "Most fish tend to love blood, it drives them mad."

Dana had it the hardest here, and she forced herself to suppress all senses. Because if she tried to analyse the situation above, her soul just could not comprehend the sheer numbers of creatures, who were fighting in this fairly limited radius.

What continued to be another problem, was the inability to use their gills properly, or whatever they breathed with. Because the blood-bath above them, had creeped their way in the hole.

Every bit of water that was in this confined hiding place, was covered with blood. It was suffocating to a certain extent, but had also painted the group in a coating of blood - apart from Dana whom had a layer of detailed green-light covering her body.

Thanks to all this blood that had creeped in, a specific member of the gang was forced to embrace the blood spree. Although unexpected, that fish was Osira.

She was shivering because of the urge to kill everything, and her pupils have attained a thick shade of red ~ and such a result wasn't because of the blood, it did not paint her pupils.

Gerlach could notice the aura of such strong blood-lust, even now when they could barely see each other. So without the slightest hesitation, he approached Osira and tried to guide the lady towards mental peace.

By firstly and most importantly stating, "Try to breathe through it, find your calmer self down in that soul of yours and..."

Before the geezer could finish what was left of such a wise-ish sentence, Osira decided to follow what she truly desired at this moment, blood!

She rushed through the exit in speeds that were enough to cause a dust cloud, as if all this blood wasn't enough!

Before the gang could even comprehend what had happened, the young lady had already taken several bites through enemies, head-budded a few of them, and simply embraced the killing spree.

Gerlach aided the group to realise what was going on by stating, "She's out there, we have to keep her safe!"

Afterwards he latched on the only stingray that wasn't radioactive, even pinched the boy to burst through this little hole and heed what the prime plan was!

When it came to this small friend circle, neither of them were scared to defend one another; so they all made it out in no time, and tried to look for the lady who had completely submerged into the bloodlust!

But yet it was difficult to see anything here, as they seemed to be what can be categorized as the eye of the storm.

Everything was just thick-red and one had to rely on their own senses for the sake of staying alive!

Because sharks barged out of every direction, so they had to use the oddest manoeuvres to steer away from the storm ~ to a certain extent it almost seemed like they were dancing!

But once they made it into calmer waters, where the dangers weren't completely gone but at least it was clear enough to see: they understood that the situation wasn't as bad as they thought it to be.

Sure Osira was still barging in every direction, causing more havoc than the sharks thanks to her powerful bull like head-butting, but everything apart from that seemed fine.

The weaker sharks were killing off each other, while great-whites just stalked the situation from the outskirts of this battle - they only came near when one of the smaller sharks was proving stronger, putting an end to them.

While species who were too small to be attacked, just scavenged out of anything they could find.

Every marine animal was busy with their own view of battle, which made it the best time to leave this place, especially since all of this blood could attract more and more predators.

It seemed like a good plan, but the black-grouper wasn't willing in the slightest, to cooperate!

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