I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 222: Sharks (2)

Chapter 222: Sharks (2)

"Would you quit doing that!" Osira complained as she saw the old man piercing throughout the waters, much like a bullet.

The marvelously fast mantis shrimp had managed to reach the target without the aid of a second leap: likely because he only had to jump straight up instead of narrowly.

Afterwards, the group had managed to spot a bit of blood coming out of the shark's forehead. It was an instant kill without a doubt, it took care of the problem.

But something new struck the group, and they did not expect it whatsoever, yet it wasn't exactly a surprise.

Another shark had literally come out of the blue, and was charging towards the group at full speed, which only portrayed that it aimed to rip the group apart!

After regaining her senses, which didn't take much time, Osira aimed at the shark and generated a ball of black-light which shot out instantly. It seemed powerful but neither of them noticed a key detail of the ball.

This time, it was half the size but didn't exactly change its thickness of colour. Regardless of the circumstances, it was still powerful enough to deliver plentiful damage.

After a second, it had struck the shark right against the forehead and a thud was easy to hear, as it stopped the former commotion in the water that was caused by the rushing predator.

The enemy was forced to slow down, and it couldn't swim anymore after just pushing through a few feet of distance. Afterwards its belly faced the water's surface which was a great hint that the five-foot long shark had met death!

Enemies of this size seemed to be uncomfortably common here, and it began making the group feel a little bit nervous - especially since Osira was the one who could deliver the most damage, the rest felt a tad incompetent.

From the dead shark's body, Gerlach shouted out. "Come and get me child, this bloody thing will be covered with sharks any minute now!"

Likewise, the grouper that was called over, headed towards that direction right away and just hoped that no other enemy would appear; because the little shrimp will likely leap towards them, which would throw her around like a ragdoll.

A second after she reached the geezer, they could hear Timothy shout. "Here comes another one!"

And as they all took a peek to their right, there was a massive great-white shark approaching them. It was difficult to understand just how big this enemy stretched, but it had to be at least eight-feet-long and was abnormally fat!

Such a creature appearing here, made it easy to understand that this was the biggest enemy they have faced so far! Well, in this environment at least.

"The big girl wants all of this food!" Gerlach was the first to point out, reminding everyone that all of this commotion was over a simple urge.

Without waiting for such apex predator to get closer, Osira focused towards the target and clenched her gut a little bit for the sake of unleashing a bit more power.

Another portion of black-light generated and shot out towards where she had aimed, but this ball was just a couple of inches wide; at least a tenth smaller compared to anything she had shot out until now.

It landed against the enemy within a few seconds, and inflicted an impact strong enough that forced the shark to analyse the situation for a quick second.

Which was a big clue for the team to figure out that the shark had not died! And within a few seconds, it regained all the senses that such a large beast had lost, and began charging towards Osira primarily.

What the marine life contained, weren't commonly intelligent fish, but even this one could realise where the ranged attack came from. Likewise, it was angrier now and wanted to terminate the threat as fast as possible.

While Osira gazed at the rushing shark, she mildly shouted. "I don't have any more shots, what do we do?"

"Well this is a sticky seaweed." The old man expressed and observed the approaching enemy.

And then described what could be labelled as half a plan, "Brace yourself, be ready to swim away."

Considering what power this shrimp had, the lady had all confidence to trust the man blindly and swiftly did what she was told.

In a matter of a few blinks the massive great-white, had reached to the point of being just five-feet-away and readily opened its mouth to inflict a bite.

And that was what the geezer was waiting for. He leaped off the shark that was under his legs, with an impact that was strong enough to slightly push the carcass behind.

Such a solid place to leap from, allowed the old man to charge against the enemy at admirable speeds, but it was nothing in comparison to what he had inflicted earlier.

Eventually, he landed against the enemy's nose and slightly pierced through it, sinking just a few inches in. Such an attack wasn't enough, as the shark had not even slowed down!

It continued to swim forward and almost took Osira as a victim, but the lady was already prepared to get the hell out of the way for everything good and dear.

The enemy continued to charge forward for a few more feet, and she instantly gave the enemy a peek. It was not that she cared much of how that beast would fare, but she had to turn around and find the mantis shrimp!

Before she could even observe the situation, her back felt a light tap and then a tone echoed. "Swim away now, that shark will follow us after any second!"

She reached the rest of the group and encouraged them to swim away as fast as possible too, but one of them was not convinced.

Dana stalked the shark who was approaching once more after it had pushed away any drowsiness. And it was clear to see that the shark was not attacking this lady, because she did not carry any flesh or muscles.

To an average shark's naked eye, this girl would look like nothing but a carcass.

Once the enemy got close enough, the bony-lady barged upwards and then poked her long tail forward.

Her stinger ended up bashing straight through the enemy's noggin and poked through the other side of its head as well. But the momentum that this eight-foot-long beast had built up, was still admirably strong.

So the brave girl ended up being dragged through the waters for a few feet, because her tail was jagged in the enemy's head.

But then she could see that the apex predator's mouth was hanging open, which gave a great sign that death had enveloped its soul.

Her friends approached afterwards and Tim pointed out the obvious, "There are a lot of sharks here!"

And afterwards they noticed tens of other sharks that were spread across the deep-blue ocean waters around them. They weren't all attacking but it was easy to notice what they wanted.

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