I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 219: Volume 2

Chapter 219: Volume 2

The sun's marvelous rays were shining above the sea waters, piercing their way through the surface and providing beams of light across the shallow waters that were coated with a shade of deeply saturated blue.

Truly beautiful in many aspects. It sure beated the usual colours of which the group saw back in the reef. They mostly consisted of a far lighter shade of blue that was almost transparent.

The atmosphere was beautiful here as well, and much more lifelike; they could see countless fish swimming across the waters. It was unusual in comparison with the reef, where they only saw life if they were specifically looking for it.

Such an ecosystem that could be found in this environment, was making a specific stingray rumble with greed. He saw this place as a marvelous opportunity to pile system point after system point, it was somewhat a good idea.

But he decided against it after the system encouraged it. Because at the moment, they were too eye-catching already. Specifically because they were small and seemed like easy pickings.

Osira was the biggest teammate here, stretching just a couple of feet long and was a bit bulky too. But in this environment, such a size seemed utterly insignificant because until now they had seen hundreds of sharks.

Now if the system carrying boy went on a killing spree, the chances of attracting one predator after the other, was much larger. And although he had a tough bodily durability, it likely wouldn't be enough against most shark bites.

Until now, Osira was the only one who had been sent out to kill. Her abilities to generate black-light were marvelous and tremendously effective against any prey. They have used her as a shortcut towards a meal through this fairly long travel, which fairly helped to remain low-key as the kills were quick!

They had been travelling for quite a few days now, but they didn't exactly keep count so it couldn't be told for sure how long they have been on the route to the main task.

One thing that somewhat helped keep track of the time they've spent on travelling, was the system specifying just how old the stingray was. Timmy was a splendid 70-days-old now, it felt rather interesting to know about such a fact.

His age wasn't exactly legendary, it didn't even fit the average around here come to think of it; but it felt nice to know about such detail. Obviously he was still a long way from growing up completely, be it in age or size but this felt like progress, survival felt like an achievement.

Within the travel, it felt as if the system was in a great amount of pleasure to notify that the hero stingray had yet another growth-sprout. Throughout the few days, he had grown just a few centimetres in size. Statistic wise, the boy had the following measurements that the system was happy to specify.

[Body length = 25 centimetres]

[Body width = 15 centimeters]

It wasn't drastic, but at the moment he was half the times bigger in comparison to when he first had reincarnated in this new body. The system excused these sudden growths as a result to all the food he had been eating.

Reasonable at least. And it was assumed that he had better chances of growing faster now, due to the fact that he had gotten the holy-coral out of his gut.

It had been blamed with slowing down the boy's bodily-growth. And as an exchange, a few more sprouts are expected; it was convenient in multiple aspects.

As for how travelling went, it was rather smooth considering that they did nothing more but follow the borderline that separated the two massively different levels of elevation.

They had headed west, as it is described to be the spot where Tim's family was slaughtered. Such a path was followed for about 40-kilometers, a tremendously long journey for sure.

The group's fins and whatever other body parts they had, felt rather sore. But from a quick view of their surroundings, it was easy to notice that they had arrived towards the aimed destination or were very close to it.

Night time reached once again, and the group found a small hole to hide and sleep into. It was located a few meters below the borderline, and the extra bit of darkness that it provided was like an extra layer of camouflage.

The group slowly went to sleep, but put in an extra attempt to have their guard up, because the area was filled to the gills with sharks! Any random Joe could swim over, poke their head in the small hole and unleash havoc.

The sea-pancake was sleepy as well, but right now he wanted to explore an option that will aid survival in this tougher environment.

"System, there is only one more thing I can upgrade now if I remember right?" Timmy asked with a simple thought, immediately getting to the point.

[Yes, at the moment you can only upgrade your natural camouflage before other options open up]

He never liked how freedom of choice wasn't an option when it came to upgrading, but the system wasn't proven wrong yet. So he chose to just embrace such a life.

That's why he requested, "Okay, upgrade that for me."

[Purchase confirmed]

After thinking out the command, the boy clenched his teeth for the sake of preparing against what he thought would be a wave of pain. It should arrive soon.

But contrary to expectations, no uncomfortable feeling arrived whatsoever. He felt his back-skin popping a few times in a soundless matter, but that was about it.

It wasn't filled with pain, but it did manage to poke curiosity. So he expanded the map that was on the bottom corner of his vision, and was given the blessing to look at himself from a third-point-of-view.

And what he noticed was rather interesting. The blue-dots that he had on his back, were multiplying by number and almost reached double the amount; there had to be about 80 dots across his back now.

While at the same time, it was noticeable that the coating of yellow colour that his skin had ~ was losing its shade and became more and more pale, but still carried a hint of its original colour.

[Purchase complete]

[Natural camouflage has been upgraded to level 5]

[300 system points consumed]

[332 system points remaining]

[You don't have any more available upgrade options to purchase]

[They will unlock after you complete task 18, 19 and 20]

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