I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 201: Task 17

Chapter 201: Task 17

Such an impact was a tad too massive for any human to handle. Likewise, they saw the same enemy floating around motionless, right after the collision.

In this situation, this black fish's contribution to the battle was definitely useful. Because if only a second more was given to the enemy, the chances of Tim being pierced through and through by a spear, were rather high!

But after getting over the shock, the little hero had the chance to comprehend this bizarre situation. Just where did this fish come from, and why did Osira yell a tad earlier?

A lot of questions were answered at once, after the same fish swam a few circling rounds and popped up near the hero's view. This fish carried a wide smile on its face as well, to the point of seeming almost like a menace.

However, the puzzle fell together once this fish spoke out. "I saved your ass again, Timmy."

For a few seconds, it was difficult to figure out who this fish was. But after thinking it through, this tone began sounding oddly familiar; except this time it was easy to notice that, the same tone was somewhat improved and balanced.

It was shocking at least, but the hero wasn't rendered speechless. And he asked with a tone that declared uncertainty, "Osira?"

"Yes that's me." She assured, but was confused at the same time.

Rather direct although terrible at wordly expression, the latter pointed out. "You're black!"

"What do you mean? I'm orange!" She contradicted. Most fish were aware of their own body colour, she was one of them.

A bit concerned now, the blue-dotted boy argued. "No. You're black!"

After a bit of more observation, he cited. "You've also grown bigger!"

Knowing that her friend wasn't one who lied, she took a few moments to think this over and then muttered. "How is this possible?"

Able to link things together, the sea-pancake reminded. "It all happened after that weird sponge, jumped on your face."

Osira didn't exactly remember that. But after thinking it over a few times, a few memories flashed by. Well most of them were related to blacking out, but she could puzzle it all together.

This situation was staggeringly confusing, but until now she did not recognize any bad side effects. The outburst of energy she had a bit earlier, was interesting at least. But now, its effects were calming down.

In all ways, this seemed like a massive win. But the thought of these changes being linked with a weird sponge... it made the situation a bit more concerning.

As an attempt of pushing the bad thoughts aside, she asked. "How big am I now?"

Not the best at math, and definitely incapable when it came to logical points of views, the best he could answer was related to past observations he had.

With a bit of hesitancy, he explained. "You're almost double in size! And you're a bit uhhh..."

The latter portion was difficult to add, as the right words could not be found for it. But yet regardless, he had to finish the sentence because of how the other had locked eyes with him.

Finally, the sea-disk explained. "You're wider too."

"Are you calling me fat?" The grouper asked with a shout. She was pissed for sure and craved to spank this boy.

For a second, the young one realised that humans and fish might not be so different, as such bickering gave a good hint regarding the topic. But yet he still had created a situation that could escalate quickly, likewise he had to fix it.

So in a rush, he explained. "No! I'm calling you a badass!"

Surprisingly, it was enough to tame the situation. As Osira was suddenly carrying a less deadlier look on her face, it was interesting to see how fast this lady could be charmed.

With a sense of joy through her tone, harmony was spread over a couple of words. "Thank you."

With such topics aside, they were given more room to think this situation through. Silence stretched for quite a bit, and it became almost awkward. They had been tremendously focused to make sense out of this issue, to the point where their surroundings were completely ignored.

The whole boat that had floated above their heads before, had fled now along with all those humans ~ even that knocked out man was dragged out of the waters at some point. These couple of friends had sunk lower towards the coral, and didn't care what happened above.

If they could have had the chance to understand these humans, laughter would have broken out. Because they had blamed all of this damage to a massive shark! Some completely believed such a story, while the other half was making it up for the sake of escaping embarrassment.

Regardless, it was clear that the boat situation was over and now the main concern was figuring out this mutation business. Osira was now a couple of feet long, it seemed convenient but nothing made sense.

Although hesitant, they had approached the same sponge who had caused all that damage. As perhaps a bit of information could be reaped out of it? It sounded like a good idea.

But once they had gotten over there, it was a clear fact that they couldn't seek any other benefits. Simply because whatever that plate was, of which had detached from the sea-sponge and latched on the lady's face; was now withering away by the passing second.

This did not help at all. And after a few seconds, the grouper asked. "What are we going to do now?"

After thinking it through briefly, the latter answered. "We can solve all problems at once if we look for another tribe."

"You're right." She agreed, although it was noticeable that the young boy was more concerned about the biggest issue.

They had reset the past goal, and began floating their way towards a portion of the reef's middle section that seemed unexplored.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while. Not because they didn't have anything to talk about, but because they were trying to understand the situation. But the stingray's entire concentration was broken, when the system announced.

[You've been neglecting your tasks too much recently, so I'm telling you the next one although you didn't request to hear it]

[Task 17 = locate and kill a black ranchu goldfish]

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