I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 194: Crashing down (2)

Chapter 194: Crashing down (2)

After taking just a brief moment to observe this hellish situation, Tim landed a gaze towards the only genuine friend here. And neither of them had to say anything, as only an idiot would stay here after the issue had met such a drastic turn.

They both charged towards the top side of this cavern, for the pure sake of escaping. But before meeting with what could have been a genuine escape, the blue-dotted hero had stopped for the sake of giving another peek.

Regardless of just how dangerous this place was becoming, curiosity still managed to conquer half of the boy's emotions. But this time, it proved to be somewhat of a good move. Because as a start, he had managed to revise thoughts of just how severe this situation was becoming.

As a start, these shrimp were not mutating. So that was good information to know, because if he wasn't aware: a plan would have been made for the sake of taming these shrimp, as wandering mutated critters wouldn't be a good thing for anyone around here. Especially if those shrimp became as greedy as their ex-president.

In this case, he figured out that it wasn't necessary to make a plan. But at the same time, the young one wished he could wash his eyeballs. And for once he actually wished to have a bad memory.

Because those 300 shrimp who had stupidly jumped in the pool of blue-tar, were facing a cumulative fate that went below hell. Some of them were being ripped to shreds, a portion of them were literally exploding. While half of them had just desperately rushed out of the pool, and felt themselves withering away into nothingness.

Osira had noticed that her friend hadn't escaped the den yet, so she had turned around to seek the boy; only to figure out the fate of these very shrimp, who wanted her dead.

That was when these two friends locked eyes with each other, equally confused. The grouper-lady feared that she would suffer the same fate, and that was what the other side of the stick was scared about.

It was clear to see that no mutation would come out of this pool, even though the reason behind such a fact, only became more and more confusing. So with a simple gasp, they subconsciously decided to get the hell out of here.

After they made it out, one of the blob-fish was spotted, floating around near the den. This was one of the same holy-tribe members, who had escaped before true trouble had broken in.

An idea rushed through the young stingray's mind, and he wanted to put it into motion right away. So he charged towards this fat and textureless enemy, who carried a wholly white colour.

The hero had synced into a chase, but not for the sake of murder. On the contrary, he was doing so for the main sake of containment - he did not want this enemy to flee. But the boy's attempt proved insufficient, simply because the enemy was faster.

Perhaps caught on with what the idea was, although no words were exchanged for such a matter, Osira began chasing the same enemy. The good lady proved faster in terms of short sprints of speed, it was the same matter when it came to unleashing an attack.

A dim-black light had broken near her forehead, and beamed towards the enemy under a short and simple blink. Once it landed against its flesh, decent damage was inevitable but it wasn't enough to cause actual death.

The blob-fish had first stopped its acceleration, and then tried to comprehend the pain. It came in as quite a shock and what followed after, was a mild-ray of disorientation. The enemy had begun twirling for a little while, before crashing on the sand.

Unwilling to treat a menace lightly, the raging stingray had charged towards it and much like an angry bumblebee, his tail sunk against the blob's abdomen.

A moment after, Timmy spoke slowly to explain what the deal was. "Now I will ask you a question, and you will answer me right away! Got it?"

Although shocked by the pain, this chubby blob could still let out a gasp-enhanced reply. "Yes."

Knowing that such damage would not give this enemy any chances of survival, he got straight to the point. "Why didn't my friend die after falling in the tar-pool?"

Regardless of the staggering pain that was growing by the moment, an answer could still be given. "Your friend... was lucky. Our tar had changed colours while she was in the pool, that's what saved her life. But..."

That last word pained more than the actual situation. And agitation spiked up as if being stabbed by an urchin's numerous spines. Yet that same word could still be stretched by the hero, "But...?"

"Your friend, she..." The blob wanted to say something more, but that's when its last bits of power had left for good.

Although angry that they couldn't figure out more, the blacktipped lady still carried a light tone. "Maybe you shouldn't stab someone that you wanted information out of."

"Well ha-ha-ha." The latter mocked, and then swiftly pulled away from the enemy's body.

The overall aura between this couple of friends had elevated for the better, all thanks to this quick exchange of dialogue ~ but the prime concern still shone.

And the sea-pancake proved faster to remind it, "I'm glad you got powers, but you could be in danger!"

Although feeling the same, she asked. "In danger from what?"

"I don't know, but this isn't how fish are supposed to be mutated. What if you explode like those shrimp?" Although proving to be a pain in the ass, it was noticeable that this little man showed genuine concern.

So the lady couldn't be mad, instead she cited. "Let's hope that I don't. But we need to figure out more about this. It's hard to understand just how it is possible for me to suddenly start shooting out black beams."

Such a statement was something they could both agree upon. So after thinking through this situation a bit better, he gazed at the den's entrance they had just left.

And then pitched, "Let's go ask those blobs you had knocked out."

It sounded like a good idea. But just as more attention was lended towards the tunnel, a large crash resounded. The very structure in front of them, began crashing down; coral itself was sinking drastically for a radius of 50 feet.

Worse yet, the couple of friends didn't have the faintest idea regarding what could have caused such a crash!

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