I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 43 - 43 Join! Information about the Black Sun Church!

Chapter 43: Chapter 43 Join! Information about the Black Sun Church!

Translator: 549690339

“It’s true!”

Song Chaoyu’s eyes were brimming with tears as she said, “I noticed something was wrong yesterday, but my mom was totally convinced and even wanted to drag me to apologize to the messenger of the god. It took a great effort to persuade her!” “Yesterday that messenger already assigned us a task…”

“What task?”

“They wanted us to start a fire in Weihe Town, causing a disturbance and attracting the attention of the military personnel.”

“The military personnel…”

Zheng Cheng wore a strange expression: “What do they want to attract military personnel for?”

“I have no idea…” Song Chaoyu said with a desperate look: “My mom is still inside the Black Sun Church. There are many professionists along with many believers.”

“Our task as regular believers is to cause a disturbance in Weihe Town, as for those professionists…”

Zheng Cheng’s face finally grew serious.

“Exactly when are they planning to act?”

“I don’t know the exact time, but judging by their food and medicine preparations, it should be the day after tomorrow!”

“The day after tomorrow? Why is it the day after tomorrow?”

“I, I don’t know. Apparently, the messenger spoke of waiting for the ascension of the godchild or something…”


Zheng Cheng was even more confused. “They sealed off the Wei River for three days. Starting from yesterday afternoon to the day after tomorrow, that rounds up to exactly three days…”

“I have a feeling that the target of the Black Sun Church seems to be the students that came here for training from our school.”

“Yao Zhixue?”

Song Chaoyu went on to say, “Zheng Cheng, after my inspection, I believe they plan to use us to stir up a disturbance in Weihe Town, attract the attention of the military over here, and then go find that so-called godchild.”

“There isn’t much time, I could only infer so much.”

“I understand.”

Zheng Cheng already had some guesses in his mind, and the next step would be to verify them.

“Come back with me, we need to inform our teacher first, then think of other solutions…”

Song Chaoyu shook her head, “I can’t leave, if I do, my mom will definitely be in trouble.”

“All our phones have been confiscated, I can’t even call the police, nor contact the external world. It’s fortunate that I ran into you…”

Zheng Cheng frowned, “What about your safety then?”

Song Chaoyu shook her head, “They are still planning to use us to attract the military attention, there won’t be any danger for a short period.”

“Seize this opportunity, you go inform the authorities or alert the officials…”

“I understand.”

Zheng Cheng looked deeply at Song Chaoyu.

Unexpectedly, this young girl had matured so much after going through all these.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the three people who had been pulling each other finally took a breather.

The middle-aged woman was grinding her teeth all the while, swearing. She came to Song Chaoyu’s side and asked viciously, “Where is that boy?”

“He left.’

“Left? That damn brat

Song Chaoyu said, “Aunt Chen, he is a professionist, what do you plan to do?”

“A professionist…”

Fear flashed on Aunt Chen’s face, but she still said through her grit teeth, “Let him be smug for one more night, the day after tomorrow…”

Then she pulled Song Chaoyu and said, “Go! Let’s go back now!”

In the corner, Zheng Cheng took out his mobile phone, then pulled out a business card from his pocket.

A business card of Zhao Yunxiao.

A few seconds later, the call was connected.


After several seconds of silence, Zheng Cheng said, “This is Zheng Cheng.”

“Zheng Cheng, have you come around?”

“I want to ask about the Black Sun Church.”

“Black Sun Church?” Zhao Yunxiao sounded astonished: “Where are you? I’ll send someone to PICK you up!”

Such a strong reaction?

It seems that the Night Watchmen definitely know about this Black Sun Church!

“I’m in an alleyway outside the auction house in Weihe Town.”

“Wait there, I’ll send someone immediately!”

After ten minutes, a military jeep pulled up in front of Zheng Cheng, and the driver signaled him to get into the car.

Upon opening the door, to his surprise, Zhao Yunxiao was sitting inside!

As soon as they met, Zhao Yunxiao bluntly asked, “How did you find out about the Black Sun Church?”

“I just met a schoolmate of mine, she happened to be in the Black Sun Church.”

“The one with the failed awakening?”

“How did you know?”

“Hehehe, these Fallen Ones…” Zhao Yunxiao sneered: “Fallen Ones are the best at manipulating others. The promise of transforming ordinary people into professionists is their consistent tactic of recruiting people!”

“Especially for high school students who have just failed the awakening, it’s an irresistible bait! ”

“Sadly, they are all being deceived!”

Zheng Cheng asked, “Captain Zhao, is this Black Sun Church an organization of the Fallen Ones?”

“To be exact, you’ve met the people from the Black Sun Church.”

“I met them?”

Looking at Zhao Yunxiao’s expression, Zheng Cheng had a sudden realization: “The three people who were arrested in the hotel?”

“Aren’t they from the Dawn?”


Zhao Yunxiao nodded: “The Black Sun Church is essentially one of the nine divisions of the Dawn, under the command of the Lord of The Black Sun!”

“They use various means to fool people, attracting ordinary people and professionists to the Black Sun Church, where they manipulate, deceive, and bribe them.”

“They trick ordinary people out of money and favors.”

“Professionists are deceived into working for them, causing far-reaching harm!”

“The assault on you and Yao Zhixue the other day was orchestrated by the Lord of The Black Sun! ”

“We also know about the people from the Black Sun Church in the Wei River Town!”

Zheng Cheng said, “So, you’re saying every action of the Black Sun Church is under your control?”

“As a matter of fact.” Zhao Yunxiao nodded: “Their goal this time is very clear, as usual…”

Zheng Cheng interjected, “Yao Zhixue!”

“Why?” Zheng Cheng asked in confusion: “Why is the Dawn… or rather, why is the Lord of The Black Sun so persistent for Yao Zhixue?”

“After the first failure, they are trying to attempt it a second time?”

Zhao Yunxiao looked Zheng Cheng up and down, then said: “This is confidential information of the Night Watchmen if you want to know about it…”

“Join the Night Watchmen?”


Zhao Yunxiao nodded: “I don’t understand why you are so repelled by the Night

Watchmen. The background of professionists who are recruited by the Night

Watchmen must be thoroughly investigated.”

You are an orphan with nothing to hide, and the Night Watchmen are a semi-official organization, why wouldn’t you join?”

The Night Watchmen are actually quite free. You are a student and don’t have to work. You just need to gather and complete tasks when the Night Watchmen need you.”

“Moreover, the welfare of the Night Watchmen is quite good, enough for your lifetime expenses-

“Most importantly…”

Zhao Yunxiao played his trump card: “In the Night Watchmen, you can have many like-minded comrades to grow and progress together.”

“Also, as long as your contribution is sufficient, you can access any information, plus guidance from seniors, and you’ll never lack equipment and tools…” Zheng Cheng’s eyes flashed: “Do you have skill books?”

“Of course.

Zhao Yunxiao said curiously: “The Night Watchmen are official, what skill can’t we buy?”

“You are a priest, right? I remember that the Night Watchmen Headquarters also has a Resurrection skill book.” “Resurrection skill?!?”

Zheng Cheng’s eyes widened.

Does that skill actually exist?

I wonder what kind of skill Resurrection will mutate into?

“So, what do you think?”

Zheng Cheng took a deep breath and said, “All right, it seems I have no reason to decline.”

“Indeed a promising young lad-

“So, can you now tell me why is the Lord of The Black Sun continuously fixated upon Yao Zhixue.”

“Absolutely.” Zhao Yunxiao said somberly: “Because… the Lord of The Black Sun is dying.”


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