I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

Chapter 224 - 164: Breaking Dawn Abroad, Everyone Has Ulterior Motives! Gentle Young Woman!

Chapter 224: Chapter 164: Breaking Dawn Abroad, Everyone Has Ulterior Motives! Gentle Young Woman!

Translator: 549690339

Across the spatial rift, a dozen figures cloaked in black stood silently.

The leader held in his hand a pitch-black crystal ball, which was cracking, gradually disintegrating.

As the crystal ball crumbled, the spatial rift in the not too far off distance expanded, stabilizing.

A tall and robust man with golden short hair and a mask quipped in a deep voice:

“Mr. Ghost Crow, why did you only act now?” He questioned authoritatively.

“And in the heart of Qinzhou province, no less?”

His tone was awkward, almost as if he had just learned the language of Xia Country.


Ghost Crow, the leader, sneered, “Does the Dawning need to explain ourselves to you?”

The golden-haired man roared in anger, “Mr. Ghost Crow, please do not forget this intelligence was provided by us.”

“We are your employers for this operation!”

“Heh heh heh heh…”

“Employers, huh…” Ghost Crow snickered, “And how did you play your part as employers?”

“Incomplete intelligence leading to the death of dozens of our brothers, and numerous others captured.”

“If it weren’t for our infiltrator in the Night Watcher’s base, how could we possibly anticipate a professional in Chang’an City’s Night Watcher base, capable of automatically identifying hostile targets?”

“If not for the infiltrator, why else would we corner this person in such a godforsaken place and nab what you’re after in the process?”

The golden-haired man retorted, “We only just found out.”

“Isn’t that all?”

Ghost Crow apathetically responded, “No matter how we complete the task, all you need to worry about is getting what you want.”

The golden-haired man hesitated, then replied, “How do you propose to go about it? There are thousands of people on this train. We surely can’t…”

“People?” Ghost Crow scoffed coldly, “What people? They’re about to become one of us…”

“Heh heh heh heh…”

Through a ripple of cold laughter, the black crystal ball in Ghost Crow’s hand finally completely shattered.

The next second, the black cloud in the distance that had been continuously circling abruptly faltered and slowly began to dissipate.

Below the cloud, the illusory, multicolored glow began to solidify.

“The Spatial Rift…”

“For this mission, our master has bestowed a fragment of the space-time rift to connect to his demonic realm!”

“As long as we convert all the people in this place and on this train into ghosts, there will be no risk.”

“Isn’t it easier for you to obtain what you need in this chaos?”


The golden-haired man nodded subtly, what did the deaths of thousands have to do with them?

They were not their citizens anyway.

He promptly stated, “In that case, we wish to join this operation as well!”


Ghost Crow replied indifferently, “Mr. Yakes, are you sure you want to participate?”


“Heh heh heh, looks like you still don’t trust us…”

“It’s not that. The esteemed one simply wants to make sure there are no mistakes.”

“Is that so? In that case, it’s not a problem…”

Ghost Crow glanced at the over ten figures behind Yakes, then grasped a black sphere with his reverse hand.

“These are ghost energy beads. Once consumed, they can temporarily turn your body into a ghost.”

“Only in this way will you not be attacked by the minions under my master’s command.”

“You should hide among the ghosts and seize the opportunity to strike.”

Yakes took the dozen or so ghost energy beads, and said lightly, “Thank you.”

Looking towards the direction of Yakes’ departure, the eyes of Ghost Crow were utterly indifferent.

“First, appease these people. Once we find that world treasure, hehehe…”

“Master, should we make a move?”

A figure in black advanced to ask Ghost Crow.

“No rush, you guys follow behind the Skeleton Demon, let the Eagle Nation guys take the lead!”

“Once they find the world treasure, kill them all!”

“Yes, master!”

Yakes also came forward to dialog with his men, each one masked, concealing their identity.


A tall young man stepped forward.


“Distribute the ghost energy beads. You don’t need to participate in this mission.”

“Huh?” Joseph questioned in surprise, “Why master, I…”

Yakes waved his hand, “You’ve just completed the rank promotion task, your power is too low. You would be vulnerable in such a chaotic battle.”

“Leave this mission to the others.”

“Well…alright, master!”

“Master Yakes!”

Another hoarse voice sounded, and a figure over two meters tall wearing an exaggerated gorilla mask came out.

“I request to participate in this mission!”

“I must personally tear that person who insulted me to pieces!”


Yakes’ eyes flashed, “Even if you did not step forward, I would have asked you to participate in this battle.”

He held out his hand, and a syringe filled with black liquid appeared in his grasp.

“This is a potent enhancement potion recently developed by Alchemists in our country, using the blood of a nine-star professional.”

“Injected into the body, it will enhance your strength significantly.”

“The stronger, the more potent the professional, the more potent they would become after the enhanced potion!”

“This is specially prepared for you!”

Terence reacted with great joy, saying immediately: “Thank you, sir! I will definitely complete this task and tear apart that damned fellow with my own hands!”


“Whoo, whoo…”

“Creak, creak, creak…”

Suddenly, a strange noise came from a distance.

Everyone turned to look and saw a multitude of black figures appearing in the sky, rushing towards the distant train.

Under these black shadows were pale skeletons bursting out of the dimensional rift!

They swarmed out, also heading for the distant train!

Upon seeing this, Mr. Yakes frowned and said, “How can this Daybreak Ghost Sun cultivate these junk undead creatures? Ghosts? And skeletons, these are all just low-level…”

“Huh? That’s not right!”

He blinked, hesitating, “These are ghosts for sure, but these skeletons seem different?”

“Sir!” Terence asked urgently, “Should we take action?”

Mr. Yakes thought for a moment and said, “Go on, be careful.”

“Find the newborn and kill him as quickly as possible, then snatch the worldly treasure and get out. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!”

Terence was excited and immediately stuck the syringe in his hand into his own arm.

He injected all the black liquid inside into his body.

“Hehehe… so this is the feeling of power…”

He let out a series of low roars, his veins bulging, appearing as if worms were swimming through his body.

He let out a roar and charged towards the distant train.

“You guys go too,”

Mr. Yakes said quietly, “Once you find the worldly treasure, leave this place as quickly as possible!”

“I will use the treasure bestowed by the master to annihilate everyone here!”

“Yes, sir!”

The remaining shadows nodded and followed closely behind Terence.

Watching the departing group, Mr. Yakes suddenly said, “Joseph, how do you view this mission?”

Joseph was taken aback and quickly said, “Sir, the importance of the worldly treasure is self-evident. As long as we can secure it, it’s worth offending Xia Country!”

“No, no, no…”

Mr. Yakes shook his head, “I’m wondering, why does Daybreak cooperate with us so fully?”

“Wha, whoa, what do you mean?” Joseph hesitated, “Didn’t we promise them, to give them…”

“To give them a small island? Acknowledge their status? That’s impossible!”

Mr. Yakes scoffed, “The Fallen Ones are the enemies of humanity. Although we can cooperate with them within certain rules, we can’t possibly acknowledge their status.”


Mr. Yakes looked indifferently towards Ghost Crow and his team, and said solemnly, “They are also eying us!”

“The moment we find the worldly treasure, I will use that object to teleport everyone away.”

“Then, I’ll turn this area completely into a sea of fire!”

“Hiss… Yes, sir!”

On the train.

Noob looked surprised at the old man who walked in and asked, “Old man, are you going to the first-class VIP carriage? Are you a Professionist?”

“Of course.”

The old man adjusted his collar and said, “I have been a Professionist for 65 years!”

“Although I’m merely a four-star Professionist, I have been in the Alien Battlefield for over twenty years.”

“Hehe, I didn’t expect to encounter a dimensional rift disturbance while on my way to my son’s house for some leisure time.”

“My old bones surely need a good warm-up!”

The lady with a vegetable basket on her back also chimed in, “Young man, stop blocking the way, didn’t you hear that the Night Watch is gathering manpower?”

“There must definitely be violent monsters in this sudden dimensional rift, and they can break out in at most ten minutes.”

“We also have to set up the defense line within these ten minutes, otherwise, the thousands of commoners behind us will be in trouble.”

With that, she pushed Noob out of the way, who almost fell on his bottom under the seats.

Zheng Cheng quickly caught Noob, watching in disbelief as the old man and the lady marched towards the first-class VIP carriage.

Right behind them was a burly man wearing a hard hat looking anxiously at the dimensional rift outside the window.

“Ahh, be a good girl, Nannan, don’t cry. Mom’s going to fight the bad guys and will be back soon~”

The young mother, holding her baby, continually soothing the crying infant in her arms, kept up with the crowd.

Zheng Cheng couldn’t help but say, “Ma’am, you have a child, you…you are not obliged to go to the front line according to the rules…”

“What are you talking about?”

The young woman was dressed in a white, floral dress, with a curvy figure and a very soft appearance.

However, she was also very fiery-tempered, she glared, “We are all Professionists, no matter what happens, we should protect the common people.”

“If we all turn tail and run like those cowards, who would protect my Nannan if she isn’t able to awaken?”

“Besides, I’m a support Professionist, I don’t need to fight hand-to-hand.”

“Even if I just cheer you on from behind, I would feel at ease.”

“Waa, waa…”

Perhaps the young woman’s tone was a bit loud, the baby in her arms started crying again, causing her to quickly soothe the baby.

“Little Nannan~”

Zhixue suddenly stepped forward, waving her little hand in the air and causing some snowflakes to appear.

The snowflakes twirled around her lithe fingers, looking very beautiful.

The little baby was attracted and kept waving her little hands, also making “giggle, giggle” laughs from her mouth.

“Sis, my name is Zheng Cheng.” Zheng Cheng started, “This is Yao Zhixue, and this is Noob, we are all newly awakened heading towards Beijing.”

“We will go to the first-class VIP carriage with you.”

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