If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 266 - 266 Hello, Mr. Shen

Chapter 266 Hello, Mr. Shen

Translator: 549690339

Why would he set all his bank cards to her birthday?

Xu Chaomu bit her teeth, should she give it a try? If it didn’t work, the card would be swallowed by the ATM.

After wrestling with her thoughts for a while, Xu Chaomu decided to just try it, considering this was her only chance anyway.

It’s hard to guess what goes on in a man’s mind.

Xu Chaomu buried her head in the ATM, trembling as she pressed the six digits.

When the last number was entered, Xu Chaomu’s heartbeat accelerated, even though she didn’t hold much hope.

Thump, thump, her heart was pounding in her throat.

However, at that moment, the ATM screen changed—the password was actually, actually correct!

Xu Chaomu was ecstatic, it seemed that men’s thoughts could be simple after all.

She had thought it would be a complex password, at least involving square roots, or maybe even a cubic function, but it turned out to be her birthday!

Her fingers trembled even more violently as she pressed the “Continue” and “Inquire” buttons; suddenly, her eyes widened.

Inside, there was actually five million.

Xu Chaomu had never seen so much money in her life.

That such a bank card with so much money could be tossed around carelessly, Xu Chaomu felt she didn’t understand the world of the rich.

City folks really know how to play.

But no matter how surprised she was, Xu Chaomu also had her moments of clarity, such as wondering whether this bank card was bound to a mobile phone.

If it was, as soon as she withdrew money, Shen Chi would receive a text alert.

Despite her joy, Xu Chaomu calmly took out the bank card and stuffed it into her pocket.

What she needed to do was to buy a plane ticket first, and then come back to withdraw the money right before boarding.

By then, even if Shen Chi noticed, it would be too late to do anything about it.

Besides, Xu Chaomu didn’t think Shen Chi would care, just as Bai Man had said, he and Bai Man had long ago planned to send her abroad to study.

So, her leaving would suit everyone just fine.

Although, she still couldn’t figure out why he would use her birthday for his bank card’s password.

Was it possibly a reserve fund prepared for her future marriage?

Or maybe, her birthday was just easy to remember?

Alternatively… Xu Chaomu really couldn’t think of any reason.

Thinking too hard hurts the brain, and Xu Chaomu didn’t like to think too much, nor did she like to worry, so she simply stopped wondering about it.

With her head down, backpack on, she made her way through Tianqi Square towards the airport, keeping a low profile.

She wanted to go to Paris…

Back in the orphanage, there was someone who told her so much about the ancient buildings and the culture of Paris.

He said his favorite place to go was Lufu Palace, taking a leisurely walk along the Seine River and stepping into Lufu Palace as if entering a magnificent hall.

Paintings, sculptures, treasures… he loved to look at each one and feel the flowing time and ancient memories of Paris.

Of course, he also loved the Notre-Dame de Paris, Versailles Palace, the Eiffel Tower… he had almost traveled to every corner of Paris.

Back then, Xu Chaomu used to listen to him talk about all of this with a dreamy fascination, so intriguing for a girl who had never left C City.

A long time ago, she used to pester Shen Chi: “Fourth Brother, you often go to so many places on business trips, why don’t you take me with you?”

Shen Chi without looking up: “Why should I take you? You’re so noisy.”

“You don’t love me, hater.”

“I never loved you in the first place.”

“How can you be so direct, it’s so hurtful, I don’t love you anymore either, don’t talk to me.” Xu Chaomu pouted and ran away.

How could there be such an annoying man in the world, keeping his dislike to himself; it’s truly hurtful to say it out loud.

Latter on, Xu Chaomu really ignored Shen Chi for several days, but then Shen Chi nonchalantly walked up to her and stroked her head.

“Still holding a grudge? I’m on a business trip to get things done, no time to play with you.”

She didn’t believe it at the time, shooing his hand away: “As if you’re that busy.”

He never took her out, nor would he talk to her about anything fun. He had been to so many places, yet when she asked him about them, he would just casually answer her, “Nothing special.”

How could there be nothing special? Clearly, he just didn’t want to tell her.

Remembering all this, Xu Chaomu sighed.

Eight years had passed, and there would no longer be anyone to pester him; he would finally have his peace…

Just as he always said to her, “Xu Chaomu, can’t you just be quiet?”

Of course, she could.

With these thoughts, her nose turned sour, and she slightly tipped her head back to swallow the tears.

But, she was too engrossed in recalling the past and didn’t realize that two men were following her the whole time!

The two men maintained a moderate distance, closely trailing Xu Chaomu!

There was a shortcut between the square and the airport, and since it wasn’t crowded, the two men plotted, waiting for the moment to make their move.

The taller one whispered, “Second Brother, are you sure you didn’t recognize the wrong person?”

“There’s no mistake, look at the photo!” The shorter man took out a photo from his pocket.

The taller man took it, nodding, “It looks like her. What’s she doing at the airport?”

“Going on a trip? Ah, Big Brother, we shouldn’t guess at the thoughts of a young girl; it’s beyond us. We should just follow the rules and do our job.”


Xu Chaomu walked on, completely oblivious to the fact that she was being watched, her mind preoccupied with many things, mostly about Shen Chi.

Perhaps, many, many years later, they would happen to meet by chance. By then, he would have a family with children, and she too would have become a mother.

When all that remains of youthful memories are fragments, they’d simply smile upon meeting, and perhaps neither would even remember each other.

Maybe by that time, she would extend her hand and say politely and courteously, “Hello, Mr. Shen.”

The next time they met, would it be on some street, in some city, at a café on the corner, or maybe a quaint little tea house?

Would it be raining, snowing, or a clear day…

Or perhaps, they would never meet again in this lifetime.

Just as Xu Chaomu was walking along the shaded path, suddenly, the two men saw that no one was around. They quickly approached her, and the taller man reached out and struck Xu Chaomu’s head!

“Ah…” Xu Chaomu’s vision went dark before she could react, feeling a blunt pain on her head as she collapsed backwards!

“Second Brother, blindfold her eyes and take her away!”

“Okay!” The shorter man took out a black cloth that had been prepared in advance and blindfolded Xu Chaomu’s eyes, immediately dialing a phone number afterward.

“Third Brother, Third Brother, this is Second. It’s done. Bring the car over to the east side of Tianqi Square on the gravel shaded path. Hurry! No dawdling!”

“Got it, right away!”

“Second Brother, drag her into the woods, don’t let anyone see!” said the taller man.


Soon, the shorter man dragged Xu Chaomu into the woods, blindfolded her eyes, and fed her two sleeping pills.

The taller man, seizing the opportunity, also ran into the woods from the path.

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