I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga

Chapter 130: Special Reinforced Camp Training

Chapter 130: Special Reinforced Camp Training

We arrived at a large island after about 30 minutes on the sea, aboard the President’s luxurious yacht.

Originally an uninhabited island, it was gifted by the President’s grandfather for her 10th birthday.

As expected of a wealthy family, the scale of such gifts was on another level.

Soon, our streamlined white luxury yacht docked at the pier in front of the island.

After the yacht came to a complete stop, I jumped onto the pier, carrying the luggage I brought from home.

The rugged but solid pier, carved from stone, made me realize I was firmly on land.

“It’s beautiful.”

I couldn’t help but admire the breathtaking view of the island spread before me.

The crescent-shaped bay and the dense forest of deciduous trees filled the island.

And even the Western-style mansion visible atop a distant cliff.

The Vice President, standing beside me, puffed up with pride as if he had received the compliment himself.

“Of course. The Akagi family took care of arranging this place.”

“We had quite the task of developing this almost barren,, uninhabited island.”

Even Minami, who usually wouldn’t complain about hard work, subtly bragged about it, indicating that a considerable amount of effort and manpower went into developing the island indeed.

“Let’s move to the mansion then.”


Minami politely bowed and then spoke into a walkie-talkie she had pulled from her waistband.

Then, a roofed 4-seater buggy vehicle approached from the distance.

“What’s that?”

“The island is quite large, so we usually use vehicles for transportation within it.”

“But there’s no one in the driver’s seat.”

“It’s equipped with an autonomous driving feature.”


The buggy vehicle stopped precisely in front of us, and its doors opened automatically.

“Put your luggage in the basket at the back.”

Minami said this and sat in the driver’s seat of the buggy.

The Vice President naturally took the passenger seat while the President got into the back seat.

Seeing this, I asked in astonishment,

“Minami, you don’t have a license.”

Minami replied expressionlessly,

“This place is outside the jurisdiction.”

“No, I don’t think that’s the issue here.”

As I challenged Minami’s bold declaration of becoming an unlicensed driver, the Vice President said,

“Kim Yu-seong, you must have ridden bumper cars at amusement parks. The difficulty of driving this vehicle is just about that. And if necessary, we can use the autonomous driving feature, so there’s no problem.”

“Come on, get in. You don’t plan to walk around the island all day, do you?”

“No…* Sigh,* okay.”

Realizing that further argument would only drain my energy, I quietly took a seat in the back of the buggy.

“By the way, isn’t that person coming along?”

When I pointed to the old man in white clothes still on the yacht, the President covered her mouth with her ever-present fan and said,

“If it’s the captain, he’ll first go to the mainland and then come back to pick us up in three days.”

In other words, according to the President, we would not be able to leave this island for the next three days.

The four-seater buggy leisurely drove along a hill road with open views in all directions.

Before I knew it, I was engrossed in the surrounding scenery, as if I had never been grumpy.

Living in the city, one tends to forget such natural beauty.

As I had felt when I visited Mount Fuji before, witnessing such sights certainly makes one feel as insignificant as an ant in the face of nature’s grandeur.

After about 20 minutes of driving from the pier, the buggy finally stopped in front of a Western-style mansion set atop a cliff.

Tall iron bars were erected around the mansion, likely to prevent wild animals from the island from entering the premises.

At the mansion’s entrance stood a middle-aged man and two women dressed in maid outfits.

As we got out of the buggy, the middle-aged man at the entrance bowed deeply and said,

“Welcome, young lady.”

“It’s been a long time, Mr. Meguro.”

The man, called Mr. Meguro by the President, replied with a moved expression,

“You remembered my name.”

Then, the President laughed behind her black fan, “Ohohohoho!”

“I never forget the names of those who work under me.”

“It’s truly an honor that you remember the name of someone as humble as me.”

After saying this and bowing deeply again, the middle-aged man then introduced the two people standing behind him,

“These two are twin maids, Miyabi and Shinobu, who work under me. If you or any of your party need anything during your stay at the mansion, please feel free to call them.”

“I’m the elder twin, Miyabi.”

“And I’m the younger, Shinobu.”

The two, identical except for their hairstyles, appeared to be identical twins.

Although they were called maids due to their uniforms, it would be more accurate to refer to them as domestic workers.

Anyway, both of them were momentarily startled when our eyes met, but soon returned to a poker-faced, professional demeanor.

“Let’s go inside. We’ve prepared lunch in the dining room in time for your arrival.”

“Oh my, how thoughtful!”

“Hehe, this is just basic for us.”

Mr. Meguro said this with a cheerful smile and then led us to the dining room inside the mansion.

Inside the dining room, there was a long table like those seen in Western movies, which didn’t feel out of place since the villa itself was built in a Western style.

“You must be hungry after the long journey this morning, so I will show you to your rooms after lunch.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Meguro.”

The President, reverting to her ladylike demeanor, took the head seat at the top of the table.

The Vice President, Minami, and I took seats next to her.

Even though everything was Western-style, the meal was set in a typical Japanese style.

It felt somewhat unbalanced, but when I asked why, I was told it was prepared in Japanese style because the President preferred it.

“Does it not suit your taste? Should I ask the chef to prepare something else?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just a bit different from what I had imagined.”

I never expected to eat grilled salmon with butter, white rice, and mushroom miso soup in such a place.

Mr. Meguro’s face brightened upon hearing my response.

“That’s a relief. The meal was entirely tailored to the young lady’s preferences, so I was worried it might not suit our guests’ taste.”

“I like home-cooked meals. Honestly, there are hardly any who don’t.”

Saying so, I mixed the richly colored curry, served separately from the side dishes, with rice and took a big bite. It tasted heavenly.

The culinary skills of this house were no joke.

“Well, I’ll enjoy the meal.”

“Yes. If you need anything, just let us know. We’ll refill it immediately.”

And so, our lunch for four began.

The lunch took about an hour to finish.

It might seem long, but that included time for dessert and tea after the meal.

After replenishing our energy, I was assigned a room to stay in for the next three days.

It was right next to the President’s best room in the mansion, so luxurious that I wondered if it was really okay for me to use it.

Considering that just a week ago, I was huddled up with other guys in a tatami room in a guesthouse, this was indeed a luxury.

Well, sleeping in a cramped room with friends had its own charm, though.

After unpacking in my room, I encountered Minami in the hallway, who, like me, was staying in the room next to the President’s as a servant.

“Where’s the President?”

“She’s changing into her outdoor clothes in her room. Are you interested in peeking?”


After my blunt response, Minami pulled out a walkie-talkie with a look of regret.

“But why are you using a walkie-talkie instead of a phone?”

“Oh, there are no cell towers here, so phone signals don’t work well. It’s not that the internet doesn’t work at all, but for simple communication, walkie-talkies are faster.”


It felt like, if not just my imagination, a lot of flags had been raised since a while ago.

‘Surely not, right?’

I decided to attribute it to coincidence and asked Minami,

“So, what exactly are we going to do on this island? I’m honestly not getting a good grasp of what this special intensive training of the Student Council is all about.”

“Ah, you mean that.”

Minami seemed to remember something and was about to say it, but suddenly closed her mouth.

“Why did you stop?”

“No, it’s nothing. I think it wouldn’t be fun to spoil things from the beginning.”

“Then, at least tell me the beginning part.”

Then, after a slight hesitation and a soft sigh, Minami answered,

“We’re going to have fun at the beach first.”

With all the Student Council members in swimsuits.

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