I Reject Quests

Chapter 28: Ghost?

Chapter 28: Ghost?

The old man's house was near to the marketplace so it didn't take much time. Rewen didn't immediately open the door to kill the Jackrats. He first checked through the window. 'One, two, three and three!' The Jackrats sizes were below his waist level but they had sharp teeth. If one wasn't careful, they might lose their lives. In CHAOS, there is no HP. 'One dies when one dies.' The pain ratio set to default is 1:16 and Rewen had no intentions of changing it.

"Could you do it?" The old man nervously asked.

"This shouldn't be a problem."

Rewen stepped inside the room boldly with a pocket knife in his hand. The Jackrat nearest to him jumped at him as soon as he stepped inside. Rewen wasn't budged by the sudden reaction and calmly glided the knife through its neck while also dodging its nefarious teeth. Blood spewed from its neck but he paid no heed to it and dashed towards an alerted Jackrat and did the same.

He then turned towards the last Jackrat. If it had even a bit of common sense, it would run away and he hoped for it to happen but alas, the Jackrat snarled and jumped towards him. "F*cking minions!"

As usual, it was slaughtered.

"1000 EXP gained!"

"+2 Morality!"

[Level up! A single point is given. Please manage your stats immediately.]

He put the point into Strength to balance the stats.

"Aah! Thank you! I'm very grateful for your help. Please come in and have some food."

"No, it's fine."

"How would that work? Come in!"


After an hour, Rewen reached his home and found that the missing members of the household had returned. He went to the living room but it was empty, then knocked on his mother's room. "Mother, have you returned?"

"It's open." She replied.

Rewen entered the door to find her mother knitting. He went near her and smiled. "You're so good to me."

"Don't get delusional. This isn't for you. Besides, I have made hundreds of these when you were a kid and all you did is tear them."

Rewen could only awkwardly cough. "Then, is this for Sam?"

"He isn't much better than you."

"Is this for Master- forget it. Nevermind."

"You rascal! What kind of fantasies do you have of your mother!? He is a father figure to me. I'm making this for my daughter-in-law."

"Eh, your daughter-in-law huh. That's nice- no it's not! Who the f*ck is my wife? How come I don't know of her?"

"It's decided."

"What is? Like I said, I don't want this kind of half-assed relationship. Trust me, I'll find someone very quick."

"Of course, you'll find someone."


"It doesn't hurt to prepare yourself in case you don't."

"Prepare!? What do I do if I do find someone of my liking in the future?"

"You can also take her then."


"Look, this is a virtual world. It doesn't matter if you have a few wives here. In reality, you can still be faithful to someone you like."

"T-that makes sense."

"Doesn't it? Such an understanding man."

"But, no matter what, wouldn't that be cheating?"

"Pftt, the outside world has corrupted your thinking. Your eldest uncle has seven wives, look how peacefully they are living in the capital. Cheating doesn't exist in this world."

"Can I not end my bachelorhood so fast?"

"No. That's not an option. Besides, what have I ever asked of you to do? This is the first time I'm requesting something and you're still not complying with my request?" She tried the divine guilt-tripping technique.

"Fine" And it worked. "But I have got conditions."


"I won't leave this place."


Rewen sighed and went to Sam's room to ask for the Yellow Steel. Sam gave him two kilos. "This should suffice." He nodded before going to the basement and started smithing.




An hour later.

"Failure." The main reason why it's difficult to make a Rank 2 Weapon is because the weapon needs to be "inscribed". Every weapon above Rank 1 has their own inscriptions. To inscribe means to convert a part of the material into weightless energy. That phenomenon occurs extremely randomly. The right temperature, the right force,the right spot everything is taken into account.




An hour later.

"Success." Rewen smiled. He had expected it would take a few more tries.

[1500 EXP gained!]

"You have gained a 'Lower-Silver Ranked Unnamed Spear'."


Stage: Rank 2 middle-grade (4387/5000)

Proficiency: 51.003%

Expertise: Spear

Best Product: Rank 2 unnamed Spear


Keeping the newly-crafted spear in the basement, he went to his room and wondered what to do. It was 6 p.m. He could log out but that would mean that the next time he logged in, he would still have to pass the time here. He didn't want to go to any nightly adventures. "I guess I should sleep? Yeah, sounds like a good idea. My life right now has been very stressed all of a sudden. A nice long sleep is all I need!"

Yawning, he drifted off to sleep in the bed.

Time passed.


He woke up by the sound of a liquid on the floor. 'Where did that come from?' Rubbing his eyes, he slowly opened them and spotted a figure dressed in white.

The room was dark. Besides the moon's light that sneaked out from the window, there were no other sources of light. But when the little light fell upon the cold white figure standing beside the bed with her long hairs covering the entirety of her face, it looked very menacing.

Rewen's first thought was the classic: 'Is this a dream?' Then dismissed the idea by how real he was feeling. He didn't really say anything or screamed. He just quietly closed his eyes.

Seconds later, he opened them and found a pale white face with bloodshot eyes looking at him close to his own face.


He again closed his eyes. "Why aren't you an anime ghost? I wouldn't mind having a chat with you and talking about the good old times about how you were betrayed and murdered by your lover if it weren't for your cute little face."


Grade: D

Description: While the target's face is beyond what humanity's beauty has come so far, the target's proportions don't disappoint. With the nearly perfect waist and the softest tit-, err, chest muscles, the grade couldn't go any lower than D.

Height: 1.61 meters

Three sizes: 34-23-37


'Who the f*ck asked for your opinion?'

A few seconds later, he again opened his eyes and saw the same figure standing by the open door. He blinked his eyes and it disappeared leaving the door wide open. "How rude. It's a basic etiquette to close the door after leaving the room." He was about to get off the bed and close the door when a thought crossed his mind: 'What if she decided to jumpscare me when I'm half-way through in closing the door? Better close my eyes and sleep.'

Running the quilt over his head, he fell asleep.

At dusk, Rewen woke up and found no one awake yet. Going into the kitchen, he ate some cookies exclusive to this world only. "Hmm, I have to learn this recipe from mother. I can't live without eating these."

Finishing gobbling down some cookies down his throat, he logged out.

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