I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Chapter 303

I Regressed To My Ruined Family Chapter 303

#When they returned, their family was ruined (304)

The army began heading toward the plains.

There was only deathly silence in that army. But it wasn’t because of fear.

If that was the reason, the soldiers’ faces wouldn’t have been so calm. Their faces were like emotionless dolls.

Ethan glanced at some soldiers. Physical activity was close to normal. The heart was also beating normally.

Other than that, they only showed a grave face as if they had lost their senses, but other than that, they looked like ordinary soldiers.

It was unclear whether it was the Empire’s direct intervention or the Demon Dragon’s direct intervention, but one thing was clear.

‘You used a trick.’

Otherwise, there was no way an army of nearly 30,000 people would not show at least the usual excitement or fear of battle. The soldiers, moving with machine-like steps, arrived on the plain near dawn.

“Let all troops rest.”


The soldiers responded loudly and began setting up their tents. Everyone went to sleep except for the guard.

When dawn began to break the next morning. Tremors began to be felt in the earth.

The faintly spreading vibrations were gradually getting closer to the army.

“Ready for battle.”

The soldiers were in formation.

Less than thirty minutes later, the leader of the Balaur army began to appear in the distance. The dragons kept coming in as if they were a tidal wave. It felt like watching a string that never breaks.

Even Ethan, who had gone through all the hardships before birth, was speechless at that number.

However, the soldiers’ reaction was different. They still maintained their formation without any disruption. It wasn’t like I was suppressing my fear.

I just continued to observe with insensitive eyes, as if I was looking at a colorless painting.

Time passed quickly.

Before long, an army of 100,000 soldiers was lined up across the plains. Just considering the length of the formation, the difference was as much as five times. This was because the size of the dragon race was much larger than that of humans.

I looked at Ysera.

She nodded and moved towards the last room. Ethan headed to the front line and looked at the dragons.

Although they must have heard about the battle in the north, their spirit was very tense.

I saw eyes full of venom.

He looked at the soldiers behind him.

‘A lot of people are going to die today.’

Even though he sent the soldiers to be used as sacrificial lambs, he was the one who ultimately commanded them.

‘How much can I save?’

First of all, one thing was certain. This wasn’t a battle he could turn over. All kinds of high-ranking dragons, including demon dragons, will be flocking here.

It wasn’t even a battle I participated in to overturn it in the first place. It was impossible to save everyone.


‘…I guess we can save it to some extent.’

If I tried hard enough, it seemed like I could bring back up to 10,000 units that were about to be completely annihilated.

Of course, the question was not whether he had an obligation to do so.

After all, he was a soldier from another country, and the Zeno Empire was one of the hostile countries that would unconditionally turn its back on him the moment a conflict with the Demon Dragon arose.

This means that if there is any benefit to saving these people, it is not true. Since they were emotionless, it was doubtful whether they would feel any favor, and as such, it was clear that the moment they turned into enemies, they would show their sharper teeth than anyone else.

‘…even so.’

In the end, these people were humans like themselves. And crucially, at this moment, we were allies fighting together against the dragon race.

‘So I guess I should do as much as I can.’

It was not that he was a philanthropist. Basically, I did not think that all lives had the same value.

If asked who he would save right now, Ysera or these 30,000 imperial soldiers, Ethan was confident in choosing Ysera without the slightest hesitation.

However, as long as it was not dangerous, I thought it was my duty as a noble to save others.

This was especially true in a situation like this where we were fighting against the dragon race.

Because I acted like that on many fronts I faced in my past life. At that time, discrimination based on country, religion, or race did not exist. Even lower status had no meaning. The death of one soldier was the same as the death of one human who would fight against the dragon race.

That’s why I always did my best. To save even just one more person.

Even though the situation back then and now may not be completely the same, the belief that led him to act that way continued to linger deep in his heart.

That belief became a flame and burned.

* * *

Human military located in Plowenem.

Although they were overwhelming in quantity and quality, they were not an opponent that could easily let down their guard. He defeated the North with only 30,000 human soldiers.

I had no choice but to admit that its power was great. That is why the 100,000-strong army has not let down its guard at all from the moment it left the capital. They were thoroughly alert to their surroundings and only after knocking on each stone bridge one by one did they move.

It was for a complete victory.

A strange news was delivered to the advancing troops. There was news that the army waiting on the walls of Plonem had suddenly opened the gates and was advancing on the plain.

At first, I didn’t believe the scout’s words. Since they have eyes and ears, they probably know that a huge number of dragons are flocking in.

Moreover, like last time, at most 20,000 troops did not move.

Hundred thousand.

As many as 100,000 dragons moved.

Even so, there were significant differences between humans and dragons in terms of physical structure. Not only that, their numerical superiority was more than three times that of their own.

An intelligent commander would naturally not think of giving up the advantage of the walls.


―…the entire army came out of the big city? Is this solid information?

―…I’m sure. This is a fact that not only I but others have clearly witnessed.

Soon, the dragons who were scouting the area around Plowenem flocked to the barracks. They were all saying the same thing.

At that moment, the demon dragon stroked his chin and spoke.

[I don’t see any problems such as magic or drug brainwashing. Physical reactions are also completely normal. I guess that’s true.]

―But… Lucreon! Unless the humans went crazy, would there be any reason to abandon the walls?

[It’s not like it doesn’t exist. Everyone knows this, right? The fact that humans have achieved successive victories in recent years. The recent battle was like that.]


Everyone was silent.

Thirty thousand humans and twenty thousand dragons.

The battle that took place on the plains near Plonem was already talked about as a legend.

And that’s in a very bad way for the dragons.

It had to be that way. Although defeat may be acceptable, it is known that in a battle where more than 10,000 dragons died, only a very small number of humans were casualties.

[It was said that we only lost less than 1,000 soldiers until we conquered the North. With a track record like that, I don’t think it would be surprising if they developed pride.]

―Are you saying that those crazy guys… crawled out because they were confident they could beat us even if they fought an all-out war without walls?

[Otherwise, is there any reason to come out? Even if we assume that a trap has been dug, the strategies that can be devised on the plains are only limited.]


[Even if we have prepared a trap, it is unlikely that we will not notice it as long as we are careful.]

―.. .Lucreon is correct.

The troops were moving forward slowly and carefully, as if they had an obsession. Even if there were a trap, it wouldn’t be that difficult to notice.

Besides, the trap wasn’t that threatening once you noticed it. It’s only fatal if you don’t know it.

―…I guess they can be just as conceited as we were.

Red Eyes and Blue Tail also abandoned the advantage of the castle wall and set out on the plains.

It may have been because of the confidence that they could win. There was no law preventing him from having such confidence just because he was a duke. If I was so confident in my skills, it wouldn’t have been strange for me to abandon the walls and crawl out. Until now, he would have orchestrated the war with his own strength.

Even if there were 100,000 dragons, they would have thought that they could coordinate the war like before.

He was truly arrogant.

[That’s a good thing. At least we will be able to fight each other much more easily than if we were behind the castle wall.]

―What the Demon Dragon said is correct.

-I will wipe out all the humans right now!

The eyes of the dragons nestled inside the barracks showed both anger and confidence.

I am confident that we will win this battle. One hundred thousand troops advanced cautiously.

We sent out 1,000 scouts, which was twice as many as before, but we could not find any abnormal signs. We only received reports that humans were taking a rest while building a camp.

―This is a golden opportunity!

-It must be swept away immediately!

It was a war that could not be lost.

Even ministers were calling for war to begin. Even if you are afraid of the duke, he is ultimately just an individual.

As if that wasn’t enough, the number of top-level dragons participating was more than ten times higher than last time.

At least it was a much better option from their perspective to clash now rather than climb up the castle wall and fight.

That’s how the unit arrived at the plains. An army of 30,000 people could be seen establishing a camp. The dragons also began to form their formation.

There was no response from the human side until 100,000 troops lined up.

Seeing that, the dragon people were endlessly suspicious of this situation.

‘…Do you think the soldiers look so calm?’

‘Is there a secret?’

However, even after washing my eyes and looking around, I couldn’t feel the trap.

In the end, they had no choice but to continue their reasoning.

‘You are trusting the duke.’

‘Well, he is the one who wiped out the North. If we’ve been through battles together so far… it wouldn’t be strange for them to look so tough.’

When you have a formation like that.

The duke walked towards the forefront. A hundred thousand dragons flinched at the sight.

That too for a moment….

The sight of the demonic dragon and other ministers moving in full force as if to fight him, filled the eyes of the dragon clan with a vicious murderous look. They also had a secret trick. One of the rulers called the Six Stars. Because he participated in the war himself.

It was the Demon Dragon’s cry that announced the start of the battle.

[All troops advance!]

Soon, the demon dragon was the first to run towards the duke. The ministers with shining eyes followed closely behind.

―Let the blood festival begin!

-Kill the humans!

A hundred thousand troops rushed out one after another.

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