I Raised the Beast Well

Chapter 91

Translator / Proofreader : Nesta / YoruNoTsuki

She could guess why the Emperor called her in. They should have found out about Belinda’s kidnapping by now. It wasn’t surprising her because everything was going as she originally planned.

Even if it progressed faster than expected, the Shinsu would be blamed as the conspirator of this incident.

She wondered why the Emperor called her in at first, but she soon nodded and stopped thinking about it, thinking that he wanted to keep the royal family out of harm’s way.

‘If Belinda dies, I’ll tell His Majesty that I found Barahan’s descendants. I’ll make the Shinsu yield to us and gain His Majesty’s trust.’

The plan sounded perfect. Belinda is probably dead by now. She will now live forever in God’s embrace rather than in the grandiose Imperial Palace.

Meanwhile, the Emperor slowly walked up toward Adelai. A low tone escaped through his grinding teeth.

“The Imperial Palace is in danger, Adelai. We were attacked by unknown forces.”

Adelai’s eyes widened in an exaggerated expression.

“Is that true? That’s why there’s a red flag! Who is responsible for this, Your Majesty? How dare they attack the Imperial Palace!”

“It was the Shinsu’s fault.”

The Emperor looked to his daughter with burning eyes. Almost like he wanted to dig deep into her. Adelai staggered and slumped on the sofa.

“I can’t believe the Shinsu did this….!”

Her eyelashes trembled due to shock. However, the Emperor who faced her looked cold.

“As expected, the Shinsu is an untrustworthy beast. It must be the reason why Your Majesty despised them.”

The Emperor narrowed his eyes as she spoke. Adelai looked up at the Emperor and muttered sorrowfully.

“You must not forgive the Shinsu who repaid your trust with betrayal, Your Majesty. Now that you have discovered their true color, you must get revenge on them.”


“The Chief of Shinsu is also very foolish. It’s a pity that he loses someone who will be his companion just because he failed to manage his subordinates properly.”

The Emperor and Lart’s expressions changed at the same time. Just like the surface of a lake that began to cool down to the point of freezing.

Adelai, who tried to drive a wedge between them, gritted her teeth and said.

“Your Majesty. You have to avenge Belinda Unnie!”


Lart sprung up from his seat with bloodshot eyes.

The Emperor grabbed Adelai’s shoulder firmly and pressed her down. His eyes, which began to burn with anger, dug into Adelai’s.

“Adelai, how dare you!”

“…Your Majesty?”

Adelai called her father in bewilderment. She couldn’t fully grasp the situation. Her father’s gaze, which was now filled with disgust, was completely unfamiliar to her. The hands that clawed her shoulders were heavy and painful.

Why are you suddenly doing this, your Majesty?

The Emperor desperately tried to maintain his facial expression while saying to Adelai:

“Princess. I have never told you that Belinda was attacked.”

Adelai’s eyes shook violently.

‘You never told me that it was Belinda who got attacked.’

That’s right. The Emperor never told Adelai that the Guest Palace and Belinda were attacked.

She was so much swept up in happiness and joy that she failed to notice something that important. She paid no attention to the words she spouted so naturally right after hearing the news.

Adelai quivered her lips awkwardly, and soon calmly made excuses.

“I, I heard the news. The Guest Palace was attacked….”

“Who told you that? Say the name right away!”


Her eyes trembled as she couldn’t name anyone.

Looking at Adelai’s reaction, the Emperor released his grip on her shoulders.

It was the moment when a painful suspicion became a cruel truth.

So, it was really Adelai’s scheme.

What’s got into you, my daughter?

“So it is all your fault, Adelai. Your fault.”

A sense of discouragement and betrayal was mixed in his trembling voice.

The reason why he did not call up a noble council. The reason why he sealed the Guest Palace to prevent rumors from leaking out.

Because he suspected that he knew the conspirator who tried to overthrow the Imperial Palace.

My daughter, Adelai Rune Atiz.

Lart, who had been watching on the side, grabbed her forearms and shook it violently.

“You! What have you done to Belinda!?”

Adelai was so petrified that she couldn’t even speak. She didn’t even know how to react. She wanted to make an excuse, but she was already caught red-handed. No, even if she insisted, nobody would believe her.

She staggered back clumsily while shaking her head.

“Why did you do that, why!? Tell me where Belinda is, right now!”

Adelai looked around slowly.

Two pairs of eyes struck her maliciously. One belonged to the Emperor, her father who loved her dearly, and the other belonged to her brother, Lart.

Adelia’s heart cooled down. A belated resentment revealed itself.

Why’re you making a fuss over a half-breed princess’ disappearance! Why’re you pressuring me when all I did was get rid of that lowly thing! Does it mean that Belinda is more important than me?

She felt extremely betrayed. This almost felt like they were abandoning her.

My father and brother shouldn’t have reacted like this. The right thing to do was to be understanding and embrace me, not Belinda.

Adelai stared at Lart with tears welled up in her eyes.

“You… Are you going to treat me like this just because an insignificant half-breed is missing?”

And shouted with a voice full of resentment to the Emperor.

“Your Majesty, you’re supposed to love me! How can you treat me like this just because of that lowly being?!”

The piled up sorrow finally exploded and her jaw trembled in shame.

Despite her anger, the Emperor did not lose his cold gaze.

The princess in front of her looked like an unknown being, not his precious daughter. The ever so lovely princess was boiling mad after crafting that vicious scheme.

Why would Adelai make this choice? I don’t even have a clue.

The Emperor has been watching Joseph.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off that particular servant. Blonde and golden eyes. Every time he saw that servant, he was filled with unfounded doubts and anxiety. Even more so when the Emperor connected the golden key he gave to his daughter to her greed for power.

He imagined what had happened, and had connected the dots, through his instinct.

‘Adelai may have found Barahan’s descendants. I wonder if she’s plotting something.’

He was going to warn her that Barahan’s descendants were no longer needed by the empire. He was about to persuade her to give up once and for all.

But the situation swept in a different direction like a rapid current.

It was even more shocking because he didn’t imagine Adelai would do something so extreme and unforgivable.

“Tell me where Belinda is, Adelai!”

Adelai shot a silent gaze at Lart and her father. Soon after, she shed tears of betrayal and shouted viciously.

“She’s dead! I already killed her! Your Majesty! Your real daughter is alive right here, but why are you looking for that lowly thing?!”

Each of her words were imbued with madness.

The Emperor dropped his gaze sharply.


She’s dead? What do you mean, dead?

His fingertips trembled. The Emperor gripped his fists together and was lost in thought for a few seconds. At last, he raised his head and ordered with a stern voice.

“Put down the red flag and lock up Princess Adelai. Interrogate both her right-hand and servants to find out Belinda’s whereabouts right away!”

He couldn’t kill Adelai, so he had to lock her up first and dig up the truth.

He maintained his composure with all his might. Getting swept by emotion now would only obscure his judgment. The most important thing right now was Belinda’s safety.

Adelai said that she was already dead, but he couldn’t believe it. He wanted to hang even on the faintest hope.

That can’t be true. My daughter couldn’t have died.

The knights approached and snatched Adelia’s arms strongly, whereas Adelai struggled hard for them to let go.

“How dare you! Don’t you know who I am!?”

She slapped one of the knight’s cheeks, but the knight didn’t budge a bit despite his swollen face. As she was dragged out, Adelai shouted with a face full of resentment.

“Your Majesty! Are you really going to abandon me!?”

The Emperor received her piercing gaze with an indifferent look.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Are you really trying to kill me?!”

“How can I kill my daughter? However, you have to pay for your sins in prison.”

Adelai clenched her teeth.

All because of Belinda!

The knights who held her, completely overpowered her. Raging emotion flared up uncontrollably.

“You will regret it. You’ll really regret it!”

The shrilling scream slowly became more and more distant.

The Emperor grimaced in sorrow before loosening his face again. There was no time to be immersed in emotions. The main priority was to find the missing Belinda.

Prince Lart was ready to bolt out right away. He had to do anything he could. He had to go to the Guest Palace and find traces… He would do anything to get any possible clue.

Meanwhile, Adelai, who was dragged outside, looked around her surroundings.

Count Otoman must be somewhere near. We can’t end it like this. He’s always been wise, so I’m sure he’d have some solution..

He must have a way out, whether it is by summoning the Shinsu or overthrowing the Imperial Palace.

Rather, now, that second option could be an opportunity. She already threw away all the respect she had for her father, the Emperor. She would attack without hesitation even if it meant she had to take his life.

Count Otoman was seen in the distance.

“Otoman! Summon all of them right away!”

Adelai struggled and screamed at the top of her lungs. Even though she made a vague order, Count Otoman bowed his head as if he understood the task.

“Yes. As you wish, Princess.”

He only looked coldly at the knights who tried to suppress her. And he whispered to Joseph without any sign of fear or nervousness.

“Joseph. Summon all the Shinsu who have been put on standby. And kill everyone.”


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