I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 73

Episode 73 [ First Mission (3) ]


The seaplane landed on the river with a splash.

It looked like the plane would flip over during the hasty landing, but the pilot skillfully stabilized the plane. The plane moved over the river and landed at a small dock in the center of town.


When the plane stopped next to the dock, several soldiers rushed to the plane.

“You bastards! You almost died! No, since when did it get pushed this far? “If I had heard that the anti-aircraft gunners had pushed their way in here, I wouldn’t have come!”

The pilot opened the plane window and shouted at the approaching soldiers.

But the soldiers didn’t even care.

All they did was open the plane door and busily carry out boxes of ammunition.

After the soldiers took out the ammunition box, Kyung-hoon and the awakened people got off the plane.

They were dressed in proper combat uniform. He was wearing proper body armor and had a rifle in his hand. In addition, Jinhyeok carried a shield on his back and Marcelo wore a sword on his waist.

The crown prince and Ingrid remained in Rwanda. There was no way the Crown Prince of England would come to this dangerous place.

The three people standing on the dock looked around.

Tracer bullets soared and the jungle burned. I could hear the screams of the wounded and the sounds of bombs and machine guns pounding my ears.

It was like watching a Vietnam War movie come to life.


The only thing that was different was the screaming sounds heard from the jungle.

Marcelo looked around blankly at the sight he was seeing for the first time.

Although I went through hell in Brazil, I had never seen a battlefield like this.

However, Kyung-hoon and Jin-hyuk immediately checked the weapon.

“This gun feels a little different, doesn’t it? “Has it been remodeled?”

The weapon sent by EV looked like an ordinary K-2. But Jinhyuk quickly noticed something different.

“What’s different? I can’t believe I can cause harm to them…”

Hearing Jinhyuk’s words, Marcelo also checked his gun.

Kyunghoon just shrugged his shoulders. It was something that would be revealed sooner or later anyway.

“Anyway, it’s been a really long time. “I thought I’d never set foot in it again…”

Jinhyuk looked at the burning forest with dark eyes.

“But since we’re not dealing with people, we should take comfort in that.”

Jinhyuk nodded to Kyunghoon’s answer.

As the three people stood on the dock, a soldier approached them.

“Are you a rescue team? welcome. “Welcome to Wallikale.”

He only said a few words of greeting and headed toward the village with the three of them.

“Let’s hurry. They don’t fire separately, but there are times when stones fired into the sky fall into the village. “It’s not a high probability, but it’s better to avoid going to a place with a roof.”

The officer who was walking quickly pointed to an old house.

Like other houses, it was an old house with mud walls and a slab roof. There was a gaping hole in the roof of the house.

And next to the house, there was a stone the size of a human head.

“I’m sure it wasn’t that stone that flew next to the plane, right?”

“you’re right. Even though it looks like that, the hit rate is quite high. Thanks to this, I can’t even think about flying at low altitudes. “A Tornado bomber also fell, so I said everything.”

He led the three people to one of the few cement buildings in the village.

The building appeared to be used as an operational command center.

The first floor was busy with radio operators using radios and soldiers giving orders.

“It is said that the enemies who were attacking at 4 o’clock have begun to retreat.”

“This is a message that Alpha Team is running low on ammunition.”

“The reconnaissance platoon has returned. “It has been confirmed that there will be no additional input.”

Several reports followed, and a small sigh escaped the soldiers.

Gyeonghoon and his group were guided to an officer standing in the center looking at a map.

“The rescue team has arrived.”

At the soldier’s words, the officer who had been looking at the map looked up.

He was a middle-aged man who looked very tired. He looked at the three people one after another and tilted his head.

“Is this all? “He seems to be an expert, but the number is too small…”

He let go of his puzzled expression and offered to shake each hand.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Charles Amis. Who is the representative?”

“That’s me.”

When Marcelo answered, he looked puzzled again.

“It looks like other people have more practical experience… I guess it doesn’t matter. Please wait a moment.”

He asked for understanding from the group and then gave instructions to the soldiers.

“Don’t provoke the retreating enemies and finish the battle. “Tell them to start checking casualties and repairing the positions as soon as the battle is over.”

“All right.”

As the radio operators relayed his instructions, the sound of artillery fire and gunshots heard outside gradually diminished.

“Follow me. “Let’s talk inside.”

He moved into the next room with the three others.

It wasn’t a special room. It was a room with only a bed and a few chairs.

“I would like to offer tea, but the unit is semi-isolated and supply is a mess.”

He had people sit on chairs and he himself sat on the bed.

“When I heard that a rescue team made up of awakened people was coming, I swore a lot, but I guess I have to apologize. “If it had been awakened people like you, we wouldn’t have been pushed back so absurdly…”

The lieutenant colonel sighed as he remembered the awakened people who lost their lives in vain during the operation.

“Three people seems too small. Is that okay? A small number may be good for the operation area, but I think we will not have enough people when retreating…”

Marcelo shook his head at his words.

Of course, what the lieutenant colonel said makes sense, but as Gyeonghun, who had a lot to hide, he couldn’t move with a large number of people.

“Well, to tell you the truth, it is difficult to provide support. It will be difficult to defend this village due to frequent attacks day and night.

We need to withdraw as soon as possible…”

But withdrawal was impossible. This was because of the rare earth minerals produced around this village. The

world economy is still reeling due to a lack of resources, and losing this important rare earth production area would have been a significant blow to the British economy. .

“In addition to this village, all the surrounding small villages have been devastated. The natives are venting their anger at us for waking up the disaster in the sleeping jungle…” The explanation for why

support could not be provided was turning into complaints.

Of course, these were monsters that would emerge one day, but to the natives, these only seemed like they were getting on the nerves of the monsters.

After lamenting for a moment, the lieutenant colonel came to his senses and asked the group a question.

“When are you planning to leave?”

Marcelo, who was putting his hand on his ear, questioned the lieutenant colonel.

“What is the monsters’ attack cycle?”

“Approximately four hours to half a day.”

“Then we will leave during the next attack.”

The lieutenant colonel was lost in thought at Marcelo’s words.

“It’s an infiltration that takes advantage of the gap where the monsters came out… It’s not a bad plan as long as you break through the siege.”

The colonel looked at the three people and stopped worrying.

He couldn’t know how great an awakened person who could fight properly would be.

The rescue wasn’t his job anyway. He called the soldier on duty and gave instructions.

“Go to the village chief and tell him to send me the guide I asked for earlier.”


“Then rest. The guide will come soon. I need some shut-eye for a little while…” After saying

those words, the lieutenant colonel lay down on the bed and fell asleep right away.

Marcelo was confused, but Gyeonghun Jinhyuk and Jinhyeok seemed completely unconcerned.

The soldier on duty left and time passed.

The gunshots stopped. The village became quiet as if there had been a fight.

Little by little, the darkness cleared and the day dawned.

The soldier brought a boy. Not yet. It was a boy who looked to be in his late teens.

“Did you bring him?”

The lieutenant colonel woke up to the sound of a soldier coming in. He sat down on the bed with wide eyes.

“It’s time… it’s time to make some preparations.”

He swallowed a pill that appeared to be a stimulant and rubbed his face.

“I am an indigenous person who worked in a mine in the operation target area. I asked for someone who can speak English, but he is probably not good at English. This country uses French as its official language. … Well, this village speaks Swahili rather than French.”

The lieutenant colonel asked the boy in English,

“Do you speak English?”

The boy stammered in response to the colonel’s words,

“A little English.”

The colonel looked embarrassed, but the group didn’t care.

Gyeong-hoon asked the boy,

“Why did you get that bruise on your neck?”

The boy’s eyes widened.

“Did you know Swahili?”

The lieutenant colonel also seemed surprised. What Gyeonghoon said was in Swahili, just as the colonel said. Of course, Eve had translated it for him, but now that he was a master of ventriloquism, it was difficult for others to recognize him. “Oh, he fell and got hurt.

The boy also answered in Swahili. He covered his neck with his hand.

-It’s a sign of sleepiness. It’s the handprint of a strong adult man.

Even if Eve didn’t say it, she already knew.

“Can natives participate? It’s dangerous…”

“ “We decided to provide sufficient compensation. Moreover, since this was a situation like this, the village people also decided to help.”

It was different from the complaint he had made a while ago about the natives being angry.

Looking at the lieutenant colonel’s bitter expression, it seemed like there was probably some other backroom deal going on.

Gyeong-hoon asked the boy.

“Did you volunteer?”


The boy answered while avoiding Kyung-hoon’s eyes.

Looking at his expression, it seemed like there was another reason, but now he had no choice but to take him with him.

In a jungle operation, the presence or absence of a guide made a huge difference. Even in modern times with satellite images and GPS, it is It didn’t change.

After a while, when the sun fully rose, the radios started ringing again.

“Fuck it, let’s eat and fight.”

“Are you planning to stop me and kill me?”

The screams of radio operators began to be heard, and the group got up from their seats. It

was departure time.

The group went out of the building.


A scream was heard from the jungle in the distance, and gunshots began to ring out again.

The boy followed the strangers and then followed them. He turned around.

Black shadows flickered far behind him.

They were guards sent by the village chief, or the leader of the Zainab militia, the ruler of the village. The boy stroked his neck. The boy

did not forget the words Zainab said as he strangled him. “ Watch

closely. Make sure you find the entrance to the mine, and if you find it, bury it all by any means necessary. You can take them to the monsters or bury them in the cave together. The blocked entrance must never be discovered.”

He grabbed the boy by the neck and made him look to the side. There, the family was all tied up with guns pointed at their heads. “You understand? If you fail, you all die. If you want to

save your family, you have to succeed. Not only your family, but the people you know.” “Everyone is going to go through hell.”

The boy could only nod his head frantically.

In this village, Zainab was a god. It was impossible to refuse what he said.

The boy nodded towards the black shadows and then chased after the people.

Gyeonghoon followed behind . I glanced behind them.

They were black shadows that had disappeared behind the building, but there was no way Kyung-hoon could have missed them. Kyung-hoon

chuckled and walked faster. As expected, the operation never went as planned. It

seemed like I needed to move a little busier.

After a while, in the jungle. Monsters came out and Gyeong-hoon and his group ran into the jungle holding the boy.

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