I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 988: 16.34 First Red Star - Lessons on Possession

Chapter 988: 16.34 First Red Star - Lessons on Possession

Keylan Light's first day of teaching the Elite Class was today. He started introducing elements and the basis required to wield it. He also considers unusual circumstances, such as having mixed bloodlines. Instructors at Genus Academy are not permitted to be prejudiced. After all, they are from the neutral zone. They exist to keep the three factions in check. Furthermore, as God's Messenger, Keylan Light is already a Demigod. He would not be interested in being linked to a single race. All races are equal and the same in his view. This is the result of the Heavenly Laws' impact on him.

"Mixed Blood races would lose a part of their bloodline's strength. For example, the union of a human and a werewolf would give birth to a hybrid. This hybrid would be weaker compared to a pureblood werewolf and his speed would be greatly lessened as his body couldn't cope up with it. His beast form would also have a time limit. These are the disadvantages of a half human and half werewolf being. The advantages are... They wouldn't enter berserk mode and lose themselves during full moon days."

"Everyone already knew that a werewolf had a certain day in a month in which they would almost become mindless beasts while increasing their overall strength. This always happens during the days where the night would be blessed with a full moon. But for hybrids of a human and a werewolf, they wouldn't be entering berserk mode during the full moon. Their human blood would help them retain their minds while capable of using the break limit strength during those times. This is one of the advantages of being a mixed blood."

"Another advantage would be, they would be allowed to wield another element aside from wind and earth. In short, the possibility of other elements which are not compatible with purebloods. As for the Blood Race, they had great affinity with dark and blood elements. Both were special types, some were able to use space and allowed them to teleport using shadow as medium. Like werewolves they can only use these elements."

"A half human and half vampire were called Dhampir. They are closer to purebloods than noble ranked vampires. They had no weakness for sunlight, silver, holy water, light elements, etc. This is because they have human blood on them. They are also capable of holding back their thirst for blood and have strength to close that of a human. Like the other half blood, the number of elements they can control has greatly increased as well."

"These are the normal foundations for controlling elements based on races and bloodline. There is another aspect that affects what type of element one is capable of using. For example, Student Conri Lycaon, Student Asher Light and Student Athan Vladimir, please stand up and come over in front."

The three students who were abruptly summoned all hesitated before standing, but they knew they couldn't oppose an Instructor at Genus Academy. They can only do what was requested of them and stand in front of the class.

Keylan Light observed the three of them closely and said, "Not bad. Well that's to be expected."

"As we all know... In this world there are cases where an individual is born with a special physique. Student Conri Lycaon here was born with a physique of Mystic Yin Constitution. This allowed him to weird other elements like ice. Am I right, Student Conri?" Instructor Keylan Light asked.

On the other hand, Conri Lycaon was stunned as he looked at the young priest before him. The young werewolf asked, "How did you know?"

"A cub born with Mystic Yin Constitution had traces of Ice elements on their physical appearance. The tips of your hair have shades of silver but you are clearly from a dark blue furred wolf pack. The sudden changes on your hair can only be explained by your special physique," explained Keylan Light while Conri Lycaon looked at the silver lining of his hair which exposes his constitution.

Then the instructor moves his gaze from Conri Lycaon to Asher Light, "As for Student Asher Light, he is born with Holy Yang Physique. He is born with a Constitution that allows him to wield the purest elements of Light and Fire."

"What's weird with that? Don't all members of the Templar Temple use Light Elements?" Athan Vladimir asked.

Keylan Light smiled and said, "Of course not. There are a lot of beings in this world with affinity with Light Elements but not everyone of them can use it as freely as Student Asher Light does. This is because for special elements you need to reach certain criteria to awaken them. Only by having been born with a compatible physique would one be able to use elements without problems."

"Criteria for awakening elements. The world we are in right now has a scarce source of elemental energy or aura. But certain resources which are rich in elements are born instead. For example, the Yang Flower with strong fire and holy elemental energy, or the Ice Crystals or holy water that might be able to awaken Ice Elements. If you have an affinity for a certain element and have a catalyst to awaken it, wouldn't that element be your power in the end?"

Athan Vladimir asked, "How about me, Instructor Keylan? Do I have a special constitution as well?"

"Yes, Student Athan Vladimir, you do have a special physique. Yours is called Blood Ancestry, you are capable of using the strongest ability of any blood you have taken. It needs Blood Element proficiency though. Moreover, it wasn't awakened." Priest Keylan Light said.

Athan Vladimir looked confused and he didn't understand how that was special. Most vampires are capable of doing such a thing.

"Is there any difference from the others in my race?"

"Of course! The Blood Clan's ability to control blood is normal but only for blood suppression of the same kind. Yours is different. You can use blood suppression on any race once you awaken your physique." Keylan Light explained.

Athan Vladimir and Asher Light exclaim, "What did you say!?" Even Conri Lycaon showed a rare shocked look on his calm face.

Keylan Light said, "At your peak you should be able to subdue everyone except Gods. But it is almost impossible to awaken it, as you need a Go-... cough! Someone extremely powerful to help to control it."

"Someone extremely powerful? You mean my Race's Progenitor?" Asked Athan Vladimir.

Keylan Light said, "He is also possible but I doubt he knew anything about your physique. If possible you can ask Instructor Skoll instead. Actually based on my star reading, it was said that four Gods exist in this world. Of course, if you are lucky enough to find one, they might help you on a whim."

"Four Gods? But there are only three factions in existence..." Asher Light said.

Keylan Light chuckled and said, "So what if there are three factions. They are Gods. They don't care about race and stuff like that. Did the Progenitor of Blood directly involve himself with the Vampire Race? Not right... Well there might be some cases like making a move on a whim or something but in their eyes, humans, vampires and werewolves are all the same."

Silence descended in class and Keylan Light knew he had overdone it. He asked the three students to return to their seats as he resumed his lesson until the school bell rang.

"We will do some Practical Field Training during Evening Classes. Since I have already finished the introductory lesson, I should be dismissing the class early but only an hour has passed. I might get scolded if I let you out early. Well~ if you have any questions as long as it is something I can answer, go ahead and ask." Priest Keylan Light said. "Even though I look this young I am an old man who is as old as the Progenitor of Blood. Though when I was born he had longed to exist as far as I know."

A student asked, "Sir, can we ask how old you are?"

Keylan Light was speechless as he himself had forgotten how old he was. "Wait, let me calculate it for a bit. A hundred years have passed since the last Racial War. Then the Second after that the First... Hmm...?"

"Please don't count anymore." Asher Light sighed as he knew his ancestors must be more than 500 years old.

Conri Lycaon spoke, "Instructor, are you knowledgeable with souls taking over another body? Not the simple possession type of situation but replacing them instead."

Asher Light was started when Conri Lycaon had asked this then glanced at Esther Dawn beside him who seemed a bit perplexed as to why the young werewolf king was asking such a fantasy-like setting or event.

Esther Dawn mumbled, "Had he gone crazy?"

Keylan Light smiled and replied, "I know about that. There are two types of possession. One is Force Possession and the other is Sacrificial Possession. The former is the common type of possession. It can be done by certain techniques called Soul Possession. This kind of thing doesn't last long as having two souls in one body is not possible. It is like forcefully taking over someone's body without permission. If that's the case the original owner of the body would reject the foreign soul. Fighting inside one soul would greatly injure the body so those who were possessed forcefully don't live long. Devils are known for doing such a thing as their real bodies cannot live hell."

"What about the Sacrificial Possession? Is it the same as the Force Possession, the owner of the soul ended up dying?" Asked Conri Lycaon as he gripped his fist in denial and calmed the rage in his heart.

Priest Keylan Light said, "Sacrificial Possession had two kinds. One that chooses to sacrifice their life for greater means and second is dying due unforeseen karma. The first one is heroic and can only be done by those who have a God to serve. For example, a Living Saint. As for the second type, it was done by karma he or his family had collected and choosing to bear all karma to free his family. This kind of thing... Is also done with a sacrifice and only pure souls who were wronged by fate can do this."

"Wronged by fate..." Mumbled Conri Lycaon as he recalled the past events about Amber Dawn's life history.

She used to reside in the Upper Region in the Central Area before moving to the Middle Region Land. Yet she had always been alone in that old mansion where she used to dwell. Her brother rarely returns home, and her father's relatives were like leeches sucking her blood, the richness of her parents' inheritance.

Their family utilized their familial ties to harass her. They would beg for money every day. If she offers some, they will want more, but if she does not, they will beat her and condemn her for being dishonest. Her life is as bad as it gets, but she can hang on because she has her older brother. Who would have guessed that she would one day receive a letter from the Templar Temple expressing her condolences for the loss of both her elder brother and father? It was at this point that she began to lose her sanity.

She desired vengeance but was unable to carry it out since she is weaker than regular people. She, unlike her brother, did not inherit her father's aptitude for light elements, hence she cannot enter the Templar Temple. She chose to terminate her life after bearing all of her family's karma only when she realized she was alone.

Unbeknownst to everyone, even Conri Lycaon, she was able to contact the Heavenly Laws before the end of her life, asking her to give up her body in return for the chance to be reincarnated and the erasure of her family's negative karma. Amber Dawn consented, thus another Amber Dawn took her place, and the narrative of the world started.

Keylan Light said, "Does this answer your question, Student Conri Lycaon?"

"Yes. Can I ask one more question?" Conri Lycaon.

The young instructor nods his head, "Sure. Go ahead."

"Is her soul still alive?" Conri Lycaon asked.

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