I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 984: 16.30 First Red Star - Be Warned.

Chapter 984: 16.30 First Red Star - Be Warned.

In the Infirmary...

When the School Doctor returned, he was bringing a few machines that he required to examine for light element traces in Conri Lycaon's body. As he arrived at his office, Conri Lycaon had already restored to his human form and was conversing with Amber Dawn.

They appear to be pals who haven't seen one other in a long time and are unexpectedly reunited.

The School Doctor said, "You two get along unexpectedly. Are you friends?"

"We've recently become friends, Doctor. Conri said that it was indeed the Pope who had attacked him. He was punished by Instructor Luther and was thrown toward the mansion of the Headmaster to get his punishment. On his way back, the Pope and his two cardinals bumped into him and suddenly attacked him with a spell." Amber Dawn summarized what Conri Lycaon had told her just now.

"I see but we still need to check if there are traces. To have proof is better than nothing in the political field." The School Doctor approached Conri Lycaon and reacted more politely than when he was talking with Amber Dawn. "Your Highness, please give permission to this humble doctor to check your body."

"I approved." Conri Lycaon responded. He didn't react awkwardly at the sudden change of demeanor the School Doctor had shown. Clearly, he is used to this kind of treatment.

The School Doctor's treatment becomes more cautious than while Conri Lycaon was still asleep in his beast form. Now that the patient is conscious, the doctor's acts are equivalent to serving royalty. Handling with extreme caution from a distance, will not approach without permission. Amber Dawn had witnessed her elder brother treating Asher Light similarly, but after realizing that Esther Dawn is her brother, Asher Light began treating him similarly.

Only then did she learn that power is the most respected thing in this world.

The School Doctor finished what he needed to do, "Traces of light elements were found inside his highness' body as expected. This one can also use light elements to extract the traces and heal his highness if you wish so."

But Conri Lycaon declines, "No need. These injuries would heal by themselves. I would like to leave now as I still need to attend my evening classes."

"Oh, I haven't eaten lunch yet." Amber Dawn said.

Conri Lycaon said, "Forgive me, Amber. It's because of me that you haven't had your lunch yet. Come with me, please. I will treat you to lunch as an apology."

"Really? Let's go! There is this cafe in the academy I wanted to visit but can't get a membership to enter. Maybe with you, they will let me inside." Amber Dawn said. She happily left the Infirmary with Conri Lycaon.

When the young students left, the School Doctor abruptly removed his disguise, revealing Keylan Light, who was staring at the ball of light he had extracted from Conri Lycaon's body. When he played with the light components in his hands, a frown developed on his lovely and young face. The light components entered his body as if they had always been there.

Keylan Light mumbles, "You still couldn't control your greed and ambitions. This will only lead to your death, Stupid Disciple."

He vanished into thin air, and no one knows where he went. The genuine School Doctor arrived at the Infirmary a few seconds after Keylan vanished to find that his patient had vanished.

"Where did they go?" inquired the School Doctor.


Returning to the mansion...

Armand Hemming had come and informed the headmaster and Instructor Skoll of their findings on Conri Lycaon's situation. They had been waiting for Klaus Zane's call, only to receive it and learn of a different kind of information. Armand Hemming could only hang up the phone, depressed.

Instructor Skoll asked, "Not good news?"

"Yes, it seems someone is pretending to be the School Doctor and takes the traces of light elements in Conri Lycaon's body. The proof of the Pope attacking a student disappeared with that unknown man." Instructor Armand Hemming said.

A knowing gaze appeared in Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia's eyes and chose to remain silent.

Headmaster Cassius Ambrosia said, "No proof, No Punishment. Skoll you can't."

"I will listen to you, Cass." Fenrir Skoll said smiling but the depths of his eyes were raging crimson. Obviously, his anger and hatred deepen due to this event.

Armand Hemming said, "Is there nothing we can do in this situation?"

"Don't worry. He will be gone tonight." Headmaster Cassius Ambrosia said.

Fenrir Skoll walks out and glances at Armand Hemming, "Let's go. You still have evening classes to attend.

"Y-Yes, Sir Skoll!" Armand Hemming said as he immediately followed Fenrir Skoll.

Cassius Ambrosia said, "Skoll, don't overdo it."

"I know my limit. I will be back soon, Cass." Fenrir Skoll left the mansion with Armand Hemming. They both return to the main building.

In front of the Main building, Fenrir Skoll stood for a moment and looked around coldly. He sighed as if disappointed and didn't enter the campus with Armand Hemming.

Instructor Armand Hemming asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"He is no longer here. I wasted a trip. I'm going back now." Fenrir Skoll left immediately after that. Armand Hemming had no choice but to just watch him leave.

"Sir Skoll, please take care!"

Fenrir Skoll just lifted his hand to say goodbye and did not turn around. When he approaches the abandoned chapel where Keylan Light dwells, his countenance was colder than the north and south poles combined. He forcefully kicked open the church door. This single kick demolished all barriers and forms, and the flying door smashed the altar. Keylan Light was almost hit by it, but a veil of golden barriers shielded him from the shattered altar's rubble.


Keylan Light was feeling a little overwhelmed. He realized, however, that Fenrir Skoll is an unusual being, not to the point where a single kick can shatter the chapel in half. The dilapidated cathedral had completely crumbled beneath their feet.

Cough. cough. Cough.

"What the heck are you doing!" shouted the young priest in his complaint.

"Keylan Light, you may defend that bastard all you want while he hasn't done anything to my wife yet, but if he raises a hand against my darling, he will perish without a corpse or a soul, even with your protection or those heavenly laws behind you. Be warned."

After speaking of these menacing comments, Fenrir Skoll walks away. He no longer respected Keylan Light and looked down on him. This Demon Lord was clearly upset by his efforts in covering up for Pope Kenan Light.

Keylan Light sat on the dusty floor, surrounded by damaged church parts, after Fenrir Skoll vanished. In this condition, he rustled his hair into a bird's nest and felt incredibly exhausted.

Keylan Light sighed, "Argh! That fool. He openly showed his desires in front of that dangerous man. If that stupid disciple of mine really moved the Progenitor of Blood, the end of humanity would definitely happen! Stupid! Darn Brat! Ahh!! So annoying!!!"

The heavenly laws spoke to him, "Taketh backeth the role as a pope. Since yond one hadst spoken, that gent wouldn't changeth his mind anym're. The current pope cannot stayeth."

Translation: [Take back the role as a Pope. Since that one had spoken, he wouldn't change his mind anymore. The current Pope cannot stay.]

Keylan Light said, "But I don't want to be the Pope."

The Heavenly Laws had spoken, "T doesn't needeth to beest thee. Just chooseth the right one. Yond issue, ash'r lighteth, shall doth. Since yond Esteem'd One hadst spoken, Kenan lighteth cannot stayeth."

Translation: [It doesn't need to be you. Just choose the right one. That child, Asher Light, will do. Since that Esteemed One had spoken, Kenan Light cannot stay.]

Keylan Light spoke, "Why are you so afraid of that Fenrir Skoll? Just what is the identity of the Soul that replaced him that you keep on giving them special attention!?"

The Heavenly Laws chose to be honest this time and answered, "Someone from the upp'r w'rld. A Supreme and Sov'reign God of darkness and fireth, L'rd Ye."

Translation: [Someone from the Upper World. A Supreme and Sovereign God of Darkness and Fire, Lord Ye.]

Keylan Light was taken aback and speechless. His face flushed with astonishment and rejection at what he had just heard. He understood the existence of other worlds, the classes of each planet, and that his own world is simply one of the millions of worlds in existence after communicating with the God of this World. He was also aware of the solitary planet, which is regarded as a Paradise for Gods. The Upper World, also known as Vearth. Now the God of his world was informing him that the frightening and unpleasant man from before was a visitor from there. In horror, he felt his world crumble around him.

Panicking for the first time in his whole life, Keylan Light said, "A God from the Upper World! Why in hell is he here?!! Wait... He seems to be overprotective of the Progenitor of Blood. Don't tell me he is also..."

The Heavenly Laws had spoken, "Nay. That gent is not. Cassius Ambrosia is an outsid'r liketh that gent but just a soul fragment of someone else. Acc'rding to the w'rds of yond esteem'd one, Cassius Ambrosia might beest a soul fragment of a god liketh that gent. Just a soul fragment of yond one's jointress."

Translation: [No. He is not. Cassius Ambrosia is an outsider like him but just a soul fragment of someone else. According to the words of Esteemed One, Cassius Ambrosia might be a soul fragment of a God like him. Just a soul fragment of that one's wife.]

Keylan Light's face turned white, "A soul fragment of a God. No wonder he is too powerful compared to me and the rest of the beings of this world. Even a mere fragment is still Godly as he is Divinity himself. Is that why he can't die no matter what?"

The Heavenly Laws said, "That gent is a being with nay life, nay emotions and not coequal a whole soul. Yond's wherefore that gent can't remove the restraints on his soul and couldn't leaveth this w'rld at all. Only at which hour that gent hath met the Esteem'd One yond that gent wouldst has't a changeth in his life. Only then can exsufflicate soul liketh that gent wouldst truly beest consid'r'd alive."

Translation: [He is a being with no life, no emotions, and not even a whole soul. That's why he can't remove the restraints on his soul and couldn't leave this world at all. Only when he met the Esteemed One would he have a change in his life. Only then an empty soul like him would truly be considered alive.]

Keylan Light spoke, "No wonder you said they wouldn't be interested nor interfere in this world. They are higher existences they would truly not care about anything in this world. I should listen to you and stop getting involved with those two. I still want to live after all. Can you help me rebuild the church?"

A helpless sigh echoes across the countryside, as the demolished small church slowly returns to its former state. It seemed as though time had been reversed in that building. The church was restored to its former glory before being destroyed by Fenrir Skoll.

Keylan Light, sitting in front of the altar, mumbles, "A new successor is it? I think this old man should meet Asher Light." He vanished into thin air, leaving the chapel vacant after his departure.

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