I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 982: 16.28 First Red Star - A Sudden Confrontation

Chapter 982: 16.28 First Red Star - A Sudden Confrontation

Pope Kenan Light and the two cardinals, Lemuel and Darius, had come in front of the mansion after Conri Lycaon had left. Fenrir Skoll, who had an expressionless face and a hard glare, was waiting for them. He is commencing by displaying his scorn and disgust for the unwanted visitor, the Pope of the Templar Temple.

When they saw Fenrir Skoll's indifferent expression, Cardinals Darius Rueden and Lemuel Elon felt immensely guilty for some reason. If this instructor was still looking at them as a living being before, they now felt as though they were being regarded as a dead corpse. They couldn't even look at this handsome man in front of them.

The Pope, on the other hand, was quietly inspecting the man in front of him. He appears to be quite youthful, yet his aura is plainly overpowering for someone who is at the pinnacle of power and can freely demonstrate his scorn for anyone he hates. He is bold and arrogant, but unlike the haughtiness of the young heirs, his condemnation is etched in his bones.

Fenrir Skoll raised his head, looking down at the unwanted guests who had arrived in front of his residence. The First Yue report was a Livestream version, so it is difficult to determine that the scenario of this old Pope seeking his wife's immortality is a total fabrication. His disgust and rage cannot be hidden now that he is seeing this Pope's eyes for himself.

Eyes that believed he was the only best in the universe. Immense folly in believing he can become God for the sake of avarice and desire. The glimmer of unrequited greed and his covetous temperament. All of these descriptions accurately portray the Evil Pope before himself.

"You realize that coming here without a previous appointment or invitation was not allowed," Fenrir Skoll stated.

"Settle down. He made a written request to enter the academy, which I granted. Allow him in."

Everyone in the vicinity of the mansion could hear Cassius Ambrosia's voice. Fenrir Skoll didn't appreciate such a cunning fox entering his home, but because his wife said something, he can only let them in.

Snap! Fenrir Skoll snapped his fingers, and the metal doors of the entrance gate reopened for the visitors. He did not treat them like visitors deserved. He turns around and walks back into the mansion without waiting for the three people who were standing outside the gates.


"Go inside on your own," Fenrir Skoll remarked as he turned around and walked back to the mansion. He didn't even accommodate the Pope and the two cardinals because he was upset.

"This is the first time I've seen someone treat your Holiness this way," Cardinal Darius murmured.

"It seemed as though he never feared our Templar Temple at all; what is his identity to be so secure in opposing us?" Cardinal Lemuel mused.

Pope Kenan Light was unaffected; instead, he smiled as if he didn't see Fenrir Skoll disregarding his presence.

"This is truly fascinating. In this world, only three existences have enough strength to contend or look down on this old man. The first is my deceased master, Keylan Light. The second is the man we will be meeting, the Progenitor of Blood, and finally, the late Ancestor of the Werewolf race. The last one had recently died due to old age. As expected, no one is capable of fighting against time unless one is a God," said the Pope.

"Maybe he is a pure blood vampire since he is authorized to use the surname of the Progenitor, his direct blood kin?" The two cardinals speculated about Instructor Skoll's identity.

"Not possible. Vampires can't supplement themselves with blood from the same race. I heard he uses his blood to grow some blood roses for the Progenitor, which can only indicate he's not from the Blood Race," Pope Kenan Light stated. "Now, if his identity could be determined fast, others would have already realized it; because he is hiding it thoroughly, plainly he didn't want others to know what he is; our aim for today is the Progenitor; focus on him first."

"Yes, Your Holiness!" Said the two cardinals.


"You may enter."

They went to Headmaster Cassius Ambrosia's office and knocked on the door. As they were allowed to enter, they noticed two gentlemen drinking afternoon tea inside the room. Fenrir Skoll pretended to be unconcerned by their presence. There will be no courteous pleasantries. They were being treated the same as air.

When Fenrir Skoll noticed his cup was empty, he asked his wife, "Do you want another cup, Cass?"

"Oh," the headmaster nodded, passing his empty cup to the teacher sitting opposite him.

The two were plainly disregarding the visitors, but the old Pope was just as sleazy as they were. Cardinal Darius Rueden and Cardinal Lemuel Elon stood behind him like faithful soldiers as he moved towards the other sofa where Cassius Ambrosia and Fenrir Skoll were seated.

"I would like to thank the Headmaster for allowing my request to meet, and I trust this elderly guy did not cause your itinerary to go wrong," Pope Kenan Light said.

He looks at Cassius Ambrosia, unable to conceal his greed. Everyone in positions of power was familiar with the Blood Clan's history. That the Progenitor's blood has the capacity to prolong life. In short, a material with effects of longevity.

"You haven't changed at all. The sight in your eyes is still as unpleasant as before," says Headmaster Cassius Ambrosia.

"Hoho, that's not true. I am an old man right now. Compared to the Monarch, who remains youthful forever, of course I can only be the old one, despite our ages being so far apart." Pope Kenan Light stated.

Fenrir Skoll handed Cassius Ambrosia a freshly poured cup of tea. He was not outraged nor concerned by the Pope's words.

"The tea looks nice," Pope Kenan Light said, "May I have some as well?"

"Yes, you may serve yourself," Fenrir Skoll says as he offers his wife some black and white chocolates with a red velvet covering mixed with his blood. There is another plate manufactured in the same manner as the one presented to student Conri Lycaon just now.

The tea was brewed from Heavenly mint leaves, which are infused with Upper World's aura.

It can replace the effects of blood, albeit it may not be as tasty for his wife, who can only drink blood. Others may regard such tea leaves as a treasure, especially in a world as limited as this one.

As Cardinal Lemuel's nose was assaulted by the aroma of the minty tea leaves and he felt a sudden burst of vigor in his body, he accepted the position. That had an immediate effect on him just by smelling it.

His eyes widened in astonishment and abruptly looked at Fenrir Skoll who arrogantly looked at him like an idiot. Clearly, this tea was brewed by him but he doesn't care if these people knew about it. His wife had planted a hectare of the same tea leaves. He possessed many things that would last a lifetime, but they could only be given as a present to friends and family. Fenrir Skoll cannot handle a simple acquaintance well, especially if they are a faction with terrible intentions towards his wife. He gives them a snort.

Cardinal Lemuel serves the Pope a cup with slightly quivering hands. He really wanted to offer himself a cup, but he couldn't because there is a superior with them right now. Kenan Light was surprised in the same way Cardinal Lemuel had been when the cup came close to him. The pure energy from this cup of Mint tea is more potent than the ones in their bodies. He recognized right once that this cup of tea was a gem that might substantially improve one's cultivation and lifespan.

Pope Kenan Light sipped his mint tea without hesitation. He felt his vessel and soul being cleansed as soon as they entered his lips and entered his body.

"Excellent Tea!" said the Templar Temple's Holy Pope. "Did you serve such treasure because this old man is coming?"

"I've just lately begun drinking this tea since Skoll moved in with me, and everything I ate and drank was something he personally made," Cassius Ambrosia said.

"Don't ask. That isn't something you can acquire in this life. Just be pleased with what is in front of you. The instant your greed returns, the issue of being able to pay or not is something you need to ask yourself."

As Fenrir Skoll stated these remarks, the atmosphere became strained, but he didn't care about their reaction, and Cassius Ambrosia had no intention of acting as a go-between for these two. If he had to pick a side, he'd go with Fenrir Skoll.

Pope Kenan Light is solemn as he considers what is going on around him. He had no understanding why this man was hostile to him after only seeing him for the first time today. He looks at Fenrir Skoll and notices some discord between him and his surroundings. Spells and illusion methods can be used to warp space. Being the Pope of the Templar Temple, he was schooled by his master to thoroughly examine his surroundings and recognized that Fenrir Skoll's current look was undoubtedly not his true visage.

He mumbles, "A disguise?"

He attempts to unnerve them, but Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia stand firm. Unlike his two subordinates, he did not appear surprised when he heard his statements.

"This is unexpected. I hope you weren't upset, Sir Skoll. The comments of this old guy had been a touch disrespectful. I shouldn't have asked the source of someone's family's riches. I apologize," Kenan Light says.

"I hope what you said came from your heart, but I'll warn you: in this world, whether you want to be its ruler or God, I'll never care; but if you touch Cass, then... suit yourself with the ending you pick on your own." Fenrir Skoll.

The Pope smiled for a moment when he heard that threat coming from Fenrir Skoll.

"Sir must not have known how it feels to have something you desire the most just within your reach only to not get it in the end due to a lack of what you need the most; what if that thing you need the most is closer to you than you think? You would try your hardest to get it right?" Pope Kenan Light said.

Fenrir Skoll lifted his chin and gave Kenan Light an icy stare. "The choices you make have a corresponding outcome; you cannot regret it in the end," he remarked.

"I'm not sure if this old man will regret it in the end, but I will regret it now if I don't at least try," Pope Kenan Light stated.

Fenrir Skoll's eyes gleam with murderous crimson, but he holds back and closes his eyes to calm himself. He was only prepared to let down his hands because Cassius Ambrosia was holding them.

"I think you've stayed too long. Kindly leave immediately since I won't be admitting any more visitors for the rest of the day," Cassius Ambrosia remarked.

Pope Kenan Light has been requested to leave. He chose not to remain since he notices Fenrir Skoll struggling to keep himself together. That killing intent sensed for a fleeting instant was terrifying enough. After all, it is clear that this man known as Instructor Skoll was never an ordinary person. He was strong enough to stand up to him, the Pope of the Templar Temple. On the other side, there is also the Progenitor of Blood.

'I'm unable to make a move at this time. It is nearly hard to move these two men until I move everyone from the Templar Temple.' These are the Pope's current ideas at the moment.

Preparing to leave, Kenan Light stood up and said, "I guess it is time to leave. Until then..."

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