I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1063: 16.109 First Red Star - A man who calls himself Chaos.

Chapter 1063: 16.109 First Red Star - A man who calls himself Chaos.

As everyone watched, the barrier began to break slowly. Keylan Light understood that he needed to start building the new barrier before the old one completely gave way, but he had to choose the right moment to do so. If he activated the new barrier before the old one was halfway broken, the spells would reject each other and cancel out.

The warriors were prepared to combat the awakening undead, drawn out by the scent of living beings nearby. The presence of the living was like an addiction to the dead, causing them to go berserk at the mere whiff of their existence. Although the undead had been inactive in the morning due to the scent of the living, their worst fears had come to fruition. The weaker individuals among the warriors began to tremble at the sound of the undead's growls and howls.


Upon hearing the eerie, otherworldly voices echoing through the air, the mortals couldn't help but tremble with fear. They desperately wanted to flee, but there was no escape from the horde of monstrous creatures that had surrounded them. As the once-impregnable golden barrier was breached, the undead swarmed into the sanctuary, attacking everything in their path.

Thankfully, Luciel Dawn, the leader in charge, quickly issued orders for battle formations. As the strongest cardinal, he used his unique buffing abilities to bolster his comrades' spirits and calm their fears, allowing them to fight more effectively.

"Do not be afraid! Believe in your comrades, in your family, in your friends and loved ones. Like how you wanted to protect them, they stay by your side to protect you as well. The children are placed at the center with the elders. Remember that the moment we fall is the moment they will also die! Didn't you want to protect your family? Fight! There is no other way but to fight!" Luciel Dawn made this statement.

Those who were initially fearful of their adversaries transformed their fear into determination. Their captain was correct. Their loved ones and family are hiding behind them. If the warriors or knights are killed, they will be the next to perish. They must first survive in their quest for survival.

"Face your fear. The enemy is an undead. Your weapons had been blessed by your comrades. It is capable of killing such things as long as you believe you can do so. Get ready! They will attack as soon as the barrier is completely gone!" Luciel Dawn said.

The group was under attack from all sides and struggling to survive. If it weren't for their commander's leadership, they would have already lost. However, even with his support, they were still overwhelmed by the enemy's numbers. That's when Amber Dawn and Asher Light stepped in to provide additional assistance. While Amber Dawn was not as skilled as Asher Light, who had high compatibility with light elements, she could still provide some support. Asher Light, on the other hand, was able to use wood elements for healing. When their light and wood elements combined, a golden blessed rose flower sprouted on their bodies, giving them an armor of wood that could block the enemy's attacks and heal their bodies from the miasma at the same time.

With this special buff, the group was able to resist the poisonous miasma and fight back against the enemies. The mage and archers attacked the undead from a distance, while Keylan Light and other priests chanted nonstop to activate a divine barrier. This process required time and faith from Keylan Light's believers. Luciel Dawn oversaw the entire battlefield and commanded the troops. He noticed that flying-type undeads were approaching and ordered the mage and archery unit to focus on them.

As the battle continued, the group slowly pushed back against the enemy. However, the enemies on the other side had no commander and were mindlessly attacking. The scouts warned of the arrival of flying undead troops, and Luciel Dawn ordered the summoning unit to summon familiars. Despite the difficult situation, the group continued to fight with courage and determination.

"Flying undead Troops detected! Flying undead Troops detected!" They announced for the commander to hear.

Luciel Dawn ordered, "Mage and Archery Unit! Focus on the enemies above. Summoning Unit! Summon Familiar to support those on the frontlines. Scouts move and pull the injured. Rear Healers, don't stop healing!"

"Yes, Sir!"

His orders were obeyed without question. The summoning unit was forced to call upon their familiar. All kinds of animals, both on land and in the air, were summoned. They aid the warrior in his fight against the undead. This battle formation had effectively halted the war between the two races. None of the teams were successful in forcing the other team to lose.

Kenan Light was riding on an undead horse and observing the scene far beyond the armies of the undead. He saw that despite their numbers, his troops were unable to overwhelm the small number of living beings, and they were being killed faster than he expected. He was not moved by this scene. In his opinion, those undead troops were nothing more than a disposable army.

Kenan Light said, "To think in the end, my Master, my elder brother, and my disciples would team up just to fight me. How ironic~ they used to be people who are supposed to be a lot stronger than I am."

Not far away, Demon King Lemuel Elon stood behind his lord. His eyes were lifeless, and his face was pale and expressionless. He just stares at the fight, with no reaction. As if he were a toy that only moved when told to. Other undead beings are kneeling before Kenan Light. A Lich, a Warrior without a head (Dullahan), and an Undead Werewolf. These are undead who were transformed as they desired by Kenan Light. They choose to become fallen after being betrayed by their race and family.

"My Lord, please give us your orders!"

"If you wish for us to lead the army to attack those mortals we will do it all for the Lord!"

"Your Majesty, your wish is our command."

Kenan Light is looking down at these men. His appetite is insatiable. His stomach rumbles just looking at such high-level creatures, but the scent of those living nearby seems more like a delicacy compared to these guys and he thought of something.

"Capture as many of those guys alive. I am hungry. Also, try to assassinate Carnelian Dawn and bring his vessel to me. There is someone on this King's side who wants to eat his soul." Kenan Light commanded.

A shadowy figure that comes out of Kenan Light's body suddenly appeared. It had a pair of inhuman crimson eyes that were critical of these undead lords. Under these gazes, the three couldn't help but tremble, while Lemuel Elon remained in a daze, waiting for his next orders before making a move.

"As you wish, your majesty!" The three left for the battlefield as they were commanded.

The owner of those pairs of blood-red eyes seemingly took a shape that is similar to that of a human. But his figure remains to be made of shadow so no face was created for it.

[Eat that child called Carnelian Dawn. Within his blood is the ability to dominate, as a monarch that is something you do not have. As long as you eat him that power will be yours. Don't forget your real task. Kill Cassius Ambrosia for this Lord.]

"I will keep my side of the contract and force Cassius Ambrosia to come out and kill him as you wish, My Lord." Kenan Light said. "Is there no way for this hunger to be appeased?"

[There is a way. You need to eat a God so you can control your hunger. Eat the God of this world and this world itself then you shall be freed from the curse of Gluttony. Failure to do so only means death though... Moreover, even if you sealed someone's memories it can be aroused by death. Be careful.]

The shadowy figure disappeared. Leaving only a reminder and a warning for Kenan Light to hear. No one else can hear the voice of that figure but everyone can see him if he shows him.

Kenan Light mumbled, "Eat a God. So I just need to eat my master? That's good

I plan on eating all of them right from the very beginning." It seems he didn't take the warning from that shadowy figure seriously.

He then turned around to face his most powerful undead. He recalled this cardinal's life.

His betrayal and actions drive his partner away from him. He failed to kill him in the end, and he intends to torment this man until the end.

"Lemuel Elon, I heard Darius Rueden and your disciples are still alive. Kill them all for me while you are at it, kill my beloved disciple as well. That brat should have been eaten by me a long time ago." Kenan Light ordered.

Demon Lord Lemuel Elon upon receiving his orders finally moved. He bowed his head and said, "As you command, Master." He carried his weapon with an expressionless face. He walks in stride towards the battle not far away. In his mind, only the mission his master had issued remains in his head. His body moves only for that sake alone.

With an evil smirk at the corner of his lips, Kenan Light merged with the darkness and disappeared. Only his evil visage was left behind and no one knew where he had vanished into.


Somewhere in the Genus Academy...

Fenrir Skoll who was making breakfast for his wife suddenly turned to the direction where Kenan Light had disappeared too. Only he noticed that weird presence haunting Kenan Light.

"You are a lot weaker this time. It is because you were almost got done by this deity. I wonder what you plan to do next. But it's foolish to use darkness as a medium in this deity's presence..." mumbled the Werewolf Ancestor.

As Cassius Ambrosia dozed off in the living room, he suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar Void that was not under Ye Xiajie's control. This lost domain in space and time was similar to, but not the same as, a Dream Realm.

In the darkness, Cassius noticed a table and chairs, as well as a set of tea cups and a dessert tray. A man dressed in a red Taoist robe with silver patterned snowflakes sat at the table. His face was hidden behind a mask, revealing only a pair of silver and black eyes. It seemed that Ye Xiajie was unaware of this Void's existence.

This man calls Cassius Ambrosia to come over.

"Come over. We can begin our talk after you take your seat."

Cassius Ambrosia was aware that he did not recognize the man whose face was obscured. But he gives off a familiar vibe, something that is both similar and dissimilar to himself. He also believes that this man did not come here to harm him and that the way he was drawn here in his sleep was entirely the fault of the man in front of him. He approached the table and took the seat opposite the masked man. A sly grin lingers at the corner of this man's cerise lips.

"You can call me Chaos. Nice to meet you, my other self."

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