I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1061: 16.107 First Red Star - For the Future.

Chapter 1061: 16.107 First Red Star - For the Future.

New morning...

Keylan Light had summoned everyone to the largest open area in Genus Academy, except for Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia who had yet to arrive. Both Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy were in attendance, along with the majority of the younger members, as well as elders and newborns. Keylan Light was revered as one of the Gods in their world, and his summoning was of utmost importance. The priests of the church were led by Asher Light, who had become the true Holy Son after the Templar Temple was destroyed. His light aura had grown significantly stronger since accepting Keylan Light as his master. As the chosen Heavenly Son, it was his duty to lead everyone in the upcoming war.

There are many undead creatures beyond the barrier and the land itself has been tainted. Keylan Light needs time to purify the entire world, but he can only activate the necessary spell with the faith of his followers. Asher Light and other chosen heroes protect him and his believers.

A crowd has gathered, all eyes fixed on the group of priests in white robes. Some already know the identity of the God they await, while others have come out of curiosity sparked by rumors of a divine being. This final sanctuary is said to be under the protection of this God, who has finally returned.

As Keylan Light descended with a pair of white wings on his back, everyone around him gazed at him with deep admiration, as if he was the ruler of the world. People from his generation recognized him, while those who didn't still felt an overwhelming sense of awe in his presence. The holiness emanating from him was undeniable. Keylan Light had once been a True God.

"I am the founder of the Templar Temple and one of the Gods that rule this world. You might remember me as Founder Light. I am also the former messenger of the Heavens before I become a God. Thus, I received a decree. To guide you his creation to survive this calamity. But first, let me apologize... the existence of Kenan Light must be because of me. I shouldn't have given him authority and power at that time." Keylan Light said.

Luciel Dawn and his family in the crowd spoke, "The Lord is not at fault. Kenan had overdone it. He shouldn't have crossed the line and done all those. The moment he killed you in the past, he was already on the path of doom."

"That night was actually my fault. I named him as my heir yet at the last moment I wanted you who suits it the best to take my position. His heart must have turned black on that day. I will correct all my mistakes. We must defeat him and purify the whole world. Can you help me?" Keylan Light asked.

The people in the area were initially shocked by the sight of the undead and the dark land beyond the golden barrier. Then, they turned to look at each other and Keylan Light, who appeared to be radiating light amidst the darkness. They realized that while they may currently be protected by the barrier, it wouldn't last forever. They knew they had to fight for their survival and freedom and reclaim their rightful land.

The world belonged to them, and only they could save it. With God's guidance and protection from the devil, their fight would be victorious.

Luciel Dawn, a former Cardinal, was never one to shy away from a fight. He took the lead and agreed to God's request.

"I agree. I will fight for my family and this world!"

"I will be my husband and fight for the sake of my family and clan!" Thana Daybreak declared. The rest of the Blood Race took her side.

Conri Lycaon spoke as the Young Monarch of the Werewolf Race, "I, the young king of the Fenrir will lead my race for the freedom of all living things!"

"I will accompany you even on the battlefield as your Luna, Conri." Carnelian Dawn declared. All other Luna from the other races with partners in the Werewolves Race had also spoken up.

"I, the Princess of the Blood Race, also agree to fight for my loved ones and my people." Amber Dawn said.

Asher Light said, "Leave all the protection and healing to me. I, the Holy Son, will protect you from the front lines."

"We will take the lead. Just keep up with us." Mayonaka Yoru stated. Esther Dawn didn't speak a word but obviously was on the same side as them.

All those who had gathered, including heirs, experts, and warriors from each race, agreed to fight for the betterment of their world. For the first time in history, all three races were united in their willingness to work together towards a brighter future. Keylan Light, who was once human, had often dreamed of this scene. He longed for a world where races were not separated from each other, and now it seemed like that dream was becoming a reality.

Somewhere not far from the crowd...

As others geared up for battle, Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia observed from a distance. Fenrir Skoll wasn't interested in getting involved, but he felt responsible for his wife's soul fragment and didn't want their clan's existence to be impacted by the loss of another being connected to the darkness. Meanwhile, Cassius Ambrosia watched the Blood Race with a stoic expression, though his silver eyes betrayed a hint of concern. Fenrir Skoll understood that Cassius must be worried about their own race, as he was their source and origin.

Fenrir Skoll said, "Are you worried about your people? If you want I can grant them a temporary Blessing of Darkness. One that doesn't reject the light elements so they can be healed with it and also enhance their regeneration."

"Is that alright? Didn't you say we cannot get involved?" Cassius Ambrosia said. Even though he worries about his people, compared to Fenrir Skoll, the latter is still more important in his heart. If it's going to have an effect on his partner then he can only say sorry to his race.

Fenrir Skoll felt a deep sense of happiness as he observed his beloved's concern for him. He knew that his lover was the only one who could care for him in such a loving manner. This man had become the exception in his heart and was the most important person in his life. It was his selfless love that had caused Fenrir to fall for him repeatedly.

Fenrir Skoll kissed Cassius Ambrosia's cheeks lovingly and said, "No worries. It is you who is connected in this world. If you can't make a move then I shall do it for you. If you worry about them, then I shall protect them for you. I am willing to move my hands for them only because it is you. Moreover, a world that is afraid of me would never try to make a connection with an Evil God like I do."

"Even if you are evil. I like you the most in this world." Cassius Ambrosia said.

Fenrir Skoll chuckled and hugged his wife, "I know. You have always loved me regardless of who I am. That's why only for your sake I am going to make a move."

In this story, the God of Void, who typically disregards the existence of lower beings like mortals, decides to bestow a blessing solely for the sake of his beloved. The mortals present in the area are gifted with various types of blessings. The Vampire Race receives a complete blessing of Darkness, while the human and werewolf races receive minor blessings of other elements. The Lord God and his wife possess the ability to control most elements, as Chaos Energy serves as the source of all energy and elements. Suddenly, all living beings in the sanctuary feel a significant increase in their element aura, almost as if they were given a powerful booster without any negative side effects.

At the open area within the Genus Academy...

Those who suddenly felt a great increase in strength were shocked. They had never felt this powerful before. Even Luciel Dawn, who had supposedly lost his abilities to wield light elements after being transformed into a vampire, suddenly glowed with a holy aura like how he was as a cardinal. Thana Daybreak and those around them were dumbfounded.

Luciel Dawn said, "What is happening to me!? My power of Light had returned! But how?!"

"My Dark Element has also gotten stronger." Thana Daybreak mumbled.

Mayonaka Yoru who was frowning wielded his ice elements and a single thought was enough to conjure a mid-tier spell that would take a few minutes to cast.

"My Ice Elements had increased power by a few levels as well."

"Maybe all elements of us had been boosted to a certain extent and mostly the main elements of each of us had been strengthened by someone. The only people capable of doing that godly thing are... Don't tell me..." Esther Dawn looked around and found Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia not far from them above the building.

Fenrir Skoll's voice resounds in the area.

[Listen mortals. I and Cass are God beyond this world. We are incapable of getting involved with your world. The barrier around this land will disappear tomorrow morning as soon as the sun has risen. For the sake of your own future, you can only fight and kill until all the undead are gone. The barrier was our last mercy for the people of this world. But Cassius felt sympathy towards his creation and thus we decided to give you my blessings. Our main elements are Darkness and Ice. Those who are possessed are lucky your blessing is complete and the strongest. As for the other elements, this Deity gave minor blessings. It isn't as powerful as a complete one but it increases your original compatibility with your elements twofold. This is our last gift and we wish you victory.]

After expressing their desires, Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia vanished, leaving those around them in shock. Many believed that, despite being powerful figures in the Vampire and Werewolf Race, they were no match for a deity like Keylan Light. However, it was now clear that they too were gods, hailing from a world beyond their own. This revelation opened up the possibility of other worlds beyond their own, causing great surprise in many. Even Keylan Light was taken aback by this turn of events. Though he anticipated that Fenrir Skoll and Cassius Ambrosia would ignore their world's problems, he never expected them to be willing to help. As such, he had already made preparations to replace the barrier around their world. This unexpected assistance left everyone stunned.

"Lord Randall, Lord Luther, I thought they can't get involved? Is it okay for them to do this?" Keylan Light asked Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy who were with them on the stage as the representative of their races.

Luther D'Arcy said, "Lord Cassius cannot get involved. This is true that's why I appeared on this as his representative."

"As for Lord Fenrir, all of his actions outside his wife were on a whim. It's not like he can't get involved but didn't want to get involved instead. He is only here for the sake of Lord Cassius. Why would he care about what happened in this world? Have you seen an Evil God caring for a Domain that isn't his? He is already being kind enough not to destroy it. He most likely made a move because Lord Cassius had wished for it. Only Lord Cassius can move him into this world. You are lucky that Lord Cassius somehow still cares for this world." Randall Ruid explained.

Not only Randall Ruid, but even Luther D'Arcy and Keylan Light, the Gods of this world, also considered it fortunate. Who are they? One is the most wicked God in existence, and the other is the God of Destruction and Chaos. They are creatures who would never assist mortals they consider inferior, particularly the God of Void, who regards those weaker than him as ants he could crush at any moment. It's like an elephant helping an ant - an improbable scenario.

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