I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1026: 16.72 First Red Star - Rage of the Void God.

Chapter 1026: 16.72 First Red Star - Rage of the Void God.

A few hours ago before the World Eater in Athan Vladimir woke up...

After returning from the voice, Ye Xiajie assumed the identity of Fenrir Skoll. What was once a small Keylan Light church is now a proper temple. Darius Rueden and the other priests who lived with the Demigod were taken aback when Fenrir Skoll appeared inside the temple.

"Greetings to Lord Fenrir!"

"Um. Where is your Demigod?" Fenrir Skoll asked. He only lightly nods towards these children as he never cares for others except for his wife.

"The Holiness is at the Purification Altar with his divine egg, Lord Fenrir." A priest answered his query.

Fenrir Skoll chuckles when he hears their words as if hearing something ridiculous. "Heh~ you call that thing a divine egg. Well of you based it on this world's knowledge that is indeed something of divinity." He once again disappeared leaving the priests perplexed. He went to find Keylan Light.

At the said Purification Altar, Fenrir Skoll saw Keylan hugging the golden egg which at least had the size of a human adult. It was even a few heads bigger than Keylan Light.

Fenrir Skoll said, "Don't you know how much stupid you look right now?"

"You are here. How rare... Is there something?" Keylan Light asked.

Fenrir Skoll said, "I found the outsider that was messing with your world. He is here for Cassius. I tried to catch him but he imploded himself but he isn't really dead. That bastard leaves fragments everywhere. He is worse than me, one that is known as an Evil God."

"If it's someone you know then... Is he stronger than you?"

"What nonsense! I can kill it even if it showed its real self before this deity. It's just that I don't know where its real body is. Moreover, I already killed its caretaker. If I had to ask that old bastard I have to return to my world which is not possible right now." Fenrir Skoll said.

Keylan Light said, "Can you guys stop bringing problems to our world?"

"I didn't bring it. He was targeting Cass. Since Cassius is born here, it means the Heavenly Laws got something out of it. Or else his soul wouldn't be able to enter this world at all. I need to talk to you, man." Fenrir Skoll said

Keylan Light was confused by what he just heard, "Man? What man? I'm a messenger of God and also born male."

"For a being that had become Lesser God himself, you're nitpicking at weird things. Gods don't care about gender when picking a spouse. My wife is also a man and Cassius Ambrosia is his soul fragment. When you become a higher being the things you got used as a mortal wouldn't be much useful when you become a God. As for your man, aren't you the darling of this world's Heavenly Laws? You both have a strong bond enough for it to be reborn with ego." Fenrir Skoll said as his eyes scrutinized the huge Golden Egg before their eyes.

With an evil smirk on the corner of his lips, Fenrir Skoll said, "When do you plan to introduce yourself to your other half? You didn't have a name, when can you have one unless you ask this brat of yours to give you one? Also, come out of that damn thing I need to ask you about something..."

Keylan Light was stunned and couldn't comprehend what was happening in front of his eyes.

He wasn't sure if this Ancestor of the Werewolf Race had gone insane and started talking to itself, but it also appears to be talking to his egg. Is his egg able to communicate?

Keylan Light asked, "Who are you talking to?"

Suddenly a male adult voice came from the huge golden egg, Keylan Light was embracing. Its tone was similar to the old gods speaking the ancient language.

"?s orgilde [Void], [what] [had] [brought] êow oeeicgan ?ser h?enan ganot?"

Translation: [God of Void, what had brought you to our humble home?]

Keylan Light almost jumped away, stunned, because he knew if he separated himself from his egg, it would lose its source of light energy and die. He never expected his egg to be able to speak so fluently, which was still a surprise.

Astonished, "You can speak?" Keylan Light asked. For some reason, he can understand the unknown language his egg is using to talk.

The Heavenly Laws had spoken, "Gêse. Yfel [did] hnot rˉ?dm?ean e?ge pro weald. Yfel [was] fyrht êower hlêoeorcwide caru forhtlic orgilde me."

Translation: [Yes. I did not plan to hide it intentionally. I was afraid you would become afraid of me.]

Keylan Light calls, "Heavenly Laws?"

"Gêse (Yes)." The Heavenly Laws of this world responded to Keylan Light's call.

Fenrir Skoll abruptly interfered in their conversation and cut in. "I don't mind you flirting but to do it when I'm gone. Heavenly Laws, I wanted to ask you about something. I found a lost soul in the void. Most likely something that a retard (World Eater) had stolen from your world. It lost its current vessel. But I am sure that this soul is the real Amber Dawn's soul."

A white yet greyish soul appeared above Fenrir Skoll's hand. He lightly threw it towards Keylan Light and the Heavenly Laws Egg version. The two instantly recognized the soul.

Keylan Light said, "Isn't this the soul we have been looking for all this time?! Before I thought this soul was only sleeping in his sister's body, but when I checked on the heroine's body only traces of him were left but we couldn't find his soul. We thought he had run away. By the way, what have you lost?"

"That soul was separated from Athan Vladimir's vessel by that thing." Fenrir Skoll said.

The Heavenly Laws had spoken, "ee ferhe must r?mian [gotten] [lost] mid ' right to own or occupy land or connected with its occupation napa smelting dagian [took] b?clinga hiere of hê l?cf?t s?e ?t s?eestan hêo heononsiemˉ?st ?eer. S?n [souls] [were] [actually] [swapped]?teweard l?f sê [were] [born]. Adverbial phrases s?na sê s?esagol gl?r [returned] stellan sê ea ee singala s?n m?dsefa [was] [evicted]. Yfel [was] [planning] lytesna [reincarnating] hearra on [promised] eêah?hw?eere sê unwearnum [disappeared]. H?e m?gen underf?n [gotten] [swept] fram from dugue wielm rad erag adverbial phrases [got] [lost]mˉ?st fore forebie [timeline]."

Translation: [This soul must have gotten lost when that child Amber Dawn took back her body after she died in the other world. Their souls were actually swapped on the day they were born. So when the real Amber returned to this world her soul was evicted. I was planning on reincarnating her as promised but she suddenly disappeared. She might have gotten swept by the river of time and got lost in the past timeline.]

Keylan Light understood and said, "You mean the real Athan Vladimir of the past is dead and was taken over by this soul and lived the life of Athan Vladimir after dying as Amber Dawn?"

"Gêse (Yes)." The Heavenly Laws of this world responded to Keylan Light.

Keylan Light says, "So this child doesn't even have his own name?"

"Let his destined one choose his name. The only vessel he can use right now is Athan Vladimir after all. By the way, that body might have been taken over by that villain. I need to kill that damn thing. We will talk again later." Fenrir Skoll once again disappeared even before the two could have stopped him. He had forgotten about the soul he had passed to them.

Keylan Light mumbled, "What should I do to this soul? He left it behind."

"[Don't] dr?fan hê hê indicates lauer d?m licgan b?c yonder swilc [remembers]." The Heavenly Laws said.

Translation: [Don't worry he will be back when he remembers.]


Back to reality. After being captured by the possessed body of Athan Vladimir, despite is desperate attacks this evil thing was still unharmed.

The world eater said, "I will pull out your soul as I did to your other half!"

'Is this how I am going to die? But to die in the hands of him... Is better than anything. After all, I failed to protect him twice already.' The thoughts of Conri Lycaon.

Conri Lycaon felt intense pain all over his body while under the control of the world eater. He couldn't hold back his scream as pain spread throughout his body. The sensation of having your soul ripped from your vessel was never a simple one.


The World Eater was overjoyed at this scene, and the sight of intense negative emotions made him ecstatic. After all, he can feel the feelings left in his food when he eats a world. The agony of losing their world and life was like the spices that made his food so delicious. So Conri Lycaon's emotions only serve to make him happier.

"Scream... Keep screaming! The more you cry out the more your soul becomes delicious." The World Eater remarked.

He was so busy with his food that he didn't even notice the arrival of someone he was afraid of. A cold and sharp voice reaches his ears only to instinctively tremble at this moment.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself too much. Aren't you, World Eater? Why don't you get out of such a fragile vessel? Let me help you then..."

Fenrir Skoll appeared out of nowhere and dragged out the weird soul inside Athan Vladimir's body.

The World Eater cursed, "What the hell!? How come you are already here!!"

A strange-looking creature with one eye, a small pair of devil wings, horns, and a tail was extracted from Athan Vladimir's body. The world eater fragment's size had shrunk significantly after imploding himself to escape just now. This is only a small portion of the world eater. It pales in comparison to Ye Xiajie in his Fenrir Skoll's vessel.

Athan Vladimir's body had become an empty shell that fell on Conri Lycaon's body, and they both fell down near Fenrir Skoll's feet. With rescinding pain all over his body, he caught Athan Vladimir's body in his arms and embraced it.

Conri Lycaon recognized the man who saved him from the brink of death, "D-Dad?"

"Brat, I told you I'm not your father." Fenrir Skoll while the eye monster in his hand struggles to break free but is unable to escape the clutches of Werewolf Ancestor.


The monster lets out an ear-piercing scream. When Fenrir Skoll appeared, he immediately reversed time and resurrected everyone who had died in the area. They'd all seen Instructor Skoll pull something out of Athan Vladimir's body and seen the monster the size of a palm.

They almost fainted again, and the scream ruptured their eardrum.

The students' reaction after seeing the creature in their instructor's hand,

"What the hell is that in the teacher's hand!?"

"Is that a devil?!"

"It's so small but it can possess someone's body?"

"Thankfully, Instructor Skoll arrived, I almost crossed the river of the afterlife."

"I was actually halfway and was pulled back and woke up here."

"Me too."

"Stop the nonsense! Help Lord Conri and Brother Athan."

The recently revived students who had just awoken remembered their friends and decided to pull them away from the monster's range. They couldn't figure out why Conri Lycaon wouldn't let go of Athan Vladimir and were surprised to hear no heartbeat from it. Conri Lycaon's tears tell everyone everything they need to know.

They wanted to comfort Conri Lycaon, but the creature's screams were too loud, even though it appears to be completely against Instructor Skoll. They were dizzy from the strange creature's sound wave attacks. They can, however, understand what it was saying as it yelled at Instructor Fenrir Skoll.

"This is not the end! I won't stop until I kill him. I will kill that soul fragment of the God of Chaos. Your wife shall be killed by me in the end! I will never stop until he died under my hand. Hahaha~" The World Eater was no longer afraid of death. He knew that this man would never spare him at all.

"Did you not know? When the God of Chaos used his own life to kill this Lord, I still lived in the end. His soul turned to nothing but his body remains still there. I ate him. He was a delicacy so powerful enough to allow me to recreate myself from an egg. Hehehe~"

This taunt of the World Eater was so useful but he had underestimated this God of Void's strength and temper.

A cold and harsh voice echoes in the whole world, "You do not know your place!"

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