I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 1018: 16.64 First Red Star - Changes in Curriculum

Chapter 1018: 16.64 First Red Star - Changes in Curriculum

Elite Class' First Lesson...

The students gathered in their classroom, as usual, uninformed of what was going on outside the Academy. They were taken aback to find a massive barrier encompassing the whole land of Genus Academy, and it was far thicker than the previous one they had seen. Furthermore, with the appearance of the disciples from the Templar Temple, these youngsters had no choice but to pay their respects to the Holy Son. They've notified the Holy Son, Asher Light, of what transpired that day as soon as they drop by to visit him.

The children brought by Cardinal Darius Rueden did not immediately enter the Elite class. Keylan Light must first determine whether they had nothing tied to them when they left the Templar Temple. On the other hand, Darius Rueden, a former Cardinal of the Templar Temple, has just turned soulless. He would sit someplace alone in a fog, cry alone, and get enraged for no apparent cause. He appears to be progressively becoming insane, yet he is still determined to live. As though a curse had been placed on him, forcing him to live.

Returning in class, today is noticeably different from previous days. Instructor Keylan Light wasn't the only one who appeared in class as their teacher; two other guys joined him for their first lesson. Luther D'Arcy, the instructor, and Randall Ruid. Nobody expected to meet Instructor Luther anytime soon, but the Fenrir Tribe knew this man named Randall Ruid. While the class was whispering, Keylan Light, who was standing behind the podium with the two other professors, made an announcement.

"Be quiet, Class is in progress!" Keylan Light said. Only when the students inside the room had become quiet did he continue talking? "A new curriculum has passed. Any oral lesson would be postponed and you will have practical lessons training every day instead. Each faction would be taught separately. I will teach humans. Instructor Luther D'Arcy for the vampires and Instructor Randall Ruid for the Werewolves. The main purpose of this is to teach all of you how to kill an undead and a devil."

As the undead and devils were discussed, the students were taken aback. They weren't expecting to hear these beings who were only mentioned in literature. Asher Light, Esther Dawn, and Mayonaka Yoru all agreed that things aren't as straightforward as they appear. Why would the Genus Academy, which used to simply educate about global knowledge, now start teaching them? Clearly, certain things have altered outside of the Territory in which they live.

Conri Lycaon raised his hand and said, "Instructors, did something happen outside the academy?"

The three instructors didn't respond right away and looked at each other. In the end, it was Instructor Luther D'Arcy who answered the young werewolf king's question.

Instructor Luther D'Arcy answered, "Templar Temple had fallen. The former Pope, Kenan Light, became fallen. He is no longer a human but becomes a devil."


What they heard stunned everyone in the Templar Temple, especially Asher Light, the Holy Son. They were shocked to learn that their previous residence had been demolished by the ostensible head of their faction. They sank back in their chairs, stunned and perplexed. How can they suddenly accept that the place where they grew up no longer exists?

Esther Dawn gave Mayonaka Yoru a helpless look, and the latter instantly realized what his sweetheart intended him to do.

Mayonaka Yoru comforted Esther Dawn and held his hand, "Don't worry. I will send someone to check the situation there."

"No one is allowed to leave the Academy. Lord Cass erected a barrier that blocked everything from going in and out of Genus Academy." Randall Ruid said.

He gazed at his purported Lord, but he no longer needed to follow the nature of the original vessel at this time. Lord God Ye had informed them that Lord Cassius was aware of their no longer being the originals. Mayonaka Yoru and Conri Lycaon were not surprised by this abrupt shift in demeanor; they already knew there were many things they didn't know about the headmaster and Instructor Skoll.

Instructor Keylan Light said, "No need to come out to investigate. Instructor Luther had sent some of his familiars to take a record of what happened in the ruins of the Templar Temple. I guess you guys won't believe it if you see what is in it."

The young priest instructor turned on a projector that displayed a video of current occurrences in the former Templar Temple region. Although though Keylan Light claimed it was filmed by Luther, it was actually System Yue and System Yang that captured the video on the Lord God's orders. It was given to Luther, who was instructed to give it to Keylan Light.

The young demigod hadn't finished watching the film since his class was about to start when it was handed to him. He could no longer see the previous temples and structures he had worked so hard to create while watching the movie. Just ruins and a few bits of rubble remained as evidence of that ancient land. A dark fortress constructed of bones and stones now stands on the top of the lush land he picked. The lush country has become barren, and the adjacent rivers and ponds have dried up, leaving only broken black grounds contaminated with miasma.

Undeads dressed as priests and in conventional garb stand outside the black castle of bones. Half of them were unrecognizable, with holes in their faces and other flaws, but they stood in line like trained troops. They vary from human warriors in that they do not need to breathe, eat, or relax. Asher Light recognized several of them, particularly the Undead Commander who stood in front of the gathering.

The holy son muttered, "Cardinal Lemuel Elon... He is dead too?"

"But only Cardinal Lemuel is here, where is Cardinal Darius?" asked Esther Dawn.

Keylan Light spoke, "That child is here you know. Though you can hardly make conversation with him. It seems this child on the video is extremely important to him and losing him made him feel like losing his own soul as well. Sigh~"

"If they are soulmates then it's understandable right? Be thankful he is the docile type. There are people who go crazy when they lose their other half after all." Luther D'Arcy commented.

Those remarks left the whole class stunned. Since they haven't encountered someone who has gone insane like that, Instructor Luther is issuing a warning. Then they remember their false smiling Instructor Skoll, who appears kind on the outside but can be brutal and just watch them die with no feeling on his face.

Conri Lycaon stated, "Most werewolves go crazy when they lose their Luna. The type of madness of wanting to destroy everything to try to ease the pain in their hearts. That's why we the Fenrir Tribe try our best to protect the Luna of our kin, because we would have no other choice but to kill them if their Luna does before them."

The class became silent. They knew the young werewolf's comments were true, but no one was willing to make an attempt to prove it. Nobody is able to comprehend what a frenzied werewolf is like unless they have faced one. Yet everyone knows that fighting someone who isn't terrified of death is more difficult.

Randall Ruid and Luther D'Arcy were better knowledgeable about this type of craziness. After all, they had seen it several times. Because of immense anguish and wrath, worlds are being destroyed. Then you experience the same helplessness of merely being able to see but powerless to assist.

"Okay. Enough talking. You've seen what is happening outside. That kind of devil is the type to devour all kinds of living things. It won't even stop after the whole world is destroyed unless someone or something eradicates their kind. We will move to an open area and begin group training. Once your foundation has been recorded we will begin individual training." Randall Ruid said.

Luther D'Arcy says, "If you have no intention of training we are not forcing you. You can leave and not attend class anytime. But be prepared, regardless of whether you join the training or not once you fail the exams then you will be kicked out of the Academy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Instructors!"

Only then did the students take the classes seriously; with the majority of the school examinations being practical, they needed to train whether they liked it or not. There is no safer place than within the Academy. At the very least, there are three entities capable of safeguarding them from whatever fiend was born outside. The three professors led the pupils to an open field. They were divided into groups based on race.

Their initial workout is designed to assess their stamina and endurance. They were given the duty of running around the field while being timed. They were only permitted to stop when they were unable to move and collapsed to the ground. They were not permitted to stop running, but they were permitted to slow down their pace. Although they were not permitted to walk, jogging should be permitted.

The instructors may only leave their students laying on the ground like salted mackerel after the first half of their lesson. Regardless of their posture, they were unable to move their bodies. The three instructors were demons; if they noticed a werewolf student running without showing signs of fatigue, they would make him or her wear weight. Duke Luther repressed certain vampires' bloodlines, forcing them to go even slower than Asher Light and the others. Even still, no one dares to grumble about the training since they knew it was exactly what they needed just now.

Instructor Randall Ruid observed the children with a disdain. They weren't even forced to continue running after running out of strength like regular soldiers so seeing them lay down defenseless on the ground made him look at them like they are useless or something.

"You guys are already tired of this? Would you also give up running once the undead comes chasing after you? Undeads brought back to live with miasma from high ranked devils are different from those slow ones in the book. They run faster than healthy humans, not afraid of pain and wouldn't even stop unless their prey is dead. Once you stop running there is only death unless you kill it." Randall Ruid explained.

Keylan Light said, "Stop scolding them. They would understand it once they undergo the evening training later."

Amber Dawn asked, "Instructor, is the training at night different from this one?"

"At night, I will summon a lesser devil which has the same strength as the undead outside and let you guys try fighting it. Don't worry even if you die this priest can revive you." Luther D'Arcy stated.

With an angelic yet fake smile on his face, Keylan Light said, "Don't worry. As long as I am around you wouldn't have to meet Yama yet even if you die. Don't forget to split yourselves into groups. 5 to 6 members. We will meet here again for the evening class. Class Dismissed!"

The thought of the students as one after hearing what Instructor Keylan Light had said, 'Fuck'

The three instructors left the area without care for the students who were left behind. Instead the group of healer priests that came with Cardinal Darius arrived and helped them heal their injuries. The direct disciples of the two cardinals were tasked to treat the group of Amber Dawn.

Asher Light, Esther Dawn and Mayonaka Yoru recognized the two young priests who came to heal them.

"Greetings to the Holy Son!" The two disciples of the Cardinals greeted.

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