I Have Infinite Attributes

Chapter 37

C37 – A Noble and Terrifying Identity

Could he have been mistaken?

Surely not?

Wang Sibo scrutinized the Blood Stripe Sword with a puzzled frown. It was unmistakably a Profound Rank weapon, no longer of the Yellow Rank. Where had he gone wrong?

As Wang Sibo inspected it closely, his expression shifted to one of increasing astonishment.

The vitality and spirit light emanating from the Blood Stripe Sword were extraordinarily rich. It wasn’t just a low-grade Profound Rank weapon, but a top-grade one? The leap from a low-grade Yellow Rank to a low-grade Profound Rank was already the utmost limit of Wang Sibo’s prior conjectures. This new revelation nearly made him exclaim in shock once more.

How many precious minerals had Zhou Jibo expended, and which masterful Forgemaster had he commissioned to accomplish such a feat? The cost was astronomical, far exceeding tenfold what Wang Sibo had previously anticipated!

This was truly a masterpiece! Never in his life had Wang Sibo crafted a top-grade Profound Rank weapon. Yet today, he beheld the very weapon he had forged at the milestone of becoming a Technomancer, now surpassing his own barriers to reach the upper echelons of the Profound Rank.

Wang Sibo’s inner turmoil of excitement was indescribable. This was not merely a case of enhancing the Blood Stripe Sword; it was a transformation. It swept away any lingering regrets in his heart, replacing them with a newfound hope and aspiration.

“I must keep pace with the Blood Stripe Sword’s evolution. I must learn to forge top-grade Profound Rank artifacts,” Wang Sibo resolved.

Then, his gaze locked onto a particular blood stripe. He questioned whether his eyes deceived him, as he thought he detected faint traces of runes and formations within it.

Wang Sibo’s hands shook, and his knees felt weak.

Could this be the subtle hallmark of an Earth Rank weapon?

It seemed impossible, didn’t it? If it were true, who exactly was Zhou Jibo? Wang Sibo couldn’t bear to let his imagination run any further.

What sort of formidable force could lavish such vast resources on a low-grade Yellow Rank weapon, employing an immensely skilled Technomancer to do so?

And to think that Wang Sibo could recognize it as the Blood Stripe Sword he himself had once crafted!

If it weren’t for Yan Yuanlu and Jiao Lexin’s presence, if there wasn’t the fear that revealing Zhou Jibo’s hidden, exalted, and formidable identity might bring deadly consequences upon Wang Sibo himself, Sibo would have been inclined to kneel and pay homage to Zhou Jibo right then and there.

Not even the Holy Son or Saintess of the Holy Land could marshal the resources required to transform a Yellow Rank weapon into an Earth Rank one. This indicated that Zhou Jibo’s status was exceedingly higher than anything Sibo could have envisioned.

Drawing upon his extensive experience as a Forgemaster to steady his nerves, Sibo’s heart continued to pound fiercely, his thoughts a whirlwind of chaos.

The Blood Stripe Sword, now a weapon of Earth Rank, had frightened Sibo to his core. It implied the involvement of a master Forgemaster, substantial resources, a vast power, and an incredibly distinguished identity for Zhou Jibo—all of which filled Sibo with dread.

Eventually regaining his composure, Sibo lifted the Blood Stripe Sword with both hands and respectfully offered it back to Zhou Jibo, “Young Master Zhou, you have shown great kindness to this Blood Stripe Sword, and thus you have my gratitude. Should you require my services in the future, simply summon me, and I shall hasten to your side without delay!”

Yan Yuanlu’s eyes spasmed uncontrollably, and Jiao Lexin’s mouth seemed on the verge of tearing.

They were well aware of Wang Sibo’s prowess—a Forgemaster of the Soul Separation Stage with exceptional skill in crafting Profound Rank artifacts. A figure of renown throughout the Iphaseon Empire, Sibo could effortlessly establish a prominent family or sect. Should he align with any faction, his expertise would be met with both respect and high regard.

Despite his strength, Sibo’s demeanor towards Zhou Jibo was one of utmost deference, almost as if he were content to serve under Zhou Jibo.

Could the force behind Zhou Jibo be so fearsome? It was highly probable that it was one of the Holy Lands.

A cold fear gripped Jiao Lexin. Having previously wronged Zhou Jibo, he wondered if Zhou Jibo was the type to hold a grudge.

Zhou Jibo reclaimed the Blood Stripe Sword and, led by Wang Sibo, took the seat of honor. In that private room, he effortlessly assumed the role of host.

Jiao Lexin recoiled and fell silent. Wang Sibo and Yan Yuanlu lavished him with deliberate flattery. Wang Xuelan, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the nuanced shifts in the group’s dynamics and status. She simply sat next to Zhou Jibo, her laughter and smiles radiating charm that delighted all who saw her.

Zhou Jibo was indifferent to the compliments. He was more taken with Wang Xuelan’s natural charm and unaffected cuteness, so he nonchalantly offered her a piece of pastry.

Wang Xuelan nibbled at it and set the pastry aside with a look of distaste. She turned to Zhou Jibo and said, “The quality here leaves much to be desired. Next time you’re in the capital, I’ll show you where to find the tastiest treats.”

Wang Sibo gasped, hastily interjecting, “Xuelan, that’s no way to behave. Young Master Zhou gave you that pastry; you should finish it.”

Zhou Jibo just smiled and gestured dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. When I’m next in the capital, I’ll be sure to join you for some snacks.”

Wang Xuelan’s smile was so wide her eyes crinkled. “Deal!” she exclaimed.

At Zhou Jibo’s smile, Wang Sibo finally relaxed.

Turning to business, Zhou Jibo inquired, “Is there really an iron mine in Osobron Mountain? What’s the situation there?”

Yan Yuanlu, having also surmised Zhou Jibo’s identity as no ordinary one, reported with due respect, “Young Master Zhou, the iron ore information was acquired by a branch of the Myriad Treasure Auction House during a purchase. They’ve verified its authenticity and are now assessing the site.”

“It’s fortunate,” Zhou Jibo mused, “that Master Wang and I were nearby when the news arrived. The task fell to me, and I’ve asked Master Wang to accompany me to the mine. We’ll oversee the mining for a month to determine the true quality of the ore.”

Wang Sibo nodded his confirmation, adding, “Indeed, that’s the case.”

“I see,” Zhou Jibo acknowledged with a slight nod, then turned to Jiao Lexin with a probing gaze. “And what brings you here? How do you come to be in the company of the Myriad Treasure Auction House staff?”

Jiao Lexin, despite his earlier realization of Zhou Jibo’s significant status, couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment upon confronting his youthful arrogance.

No matter how different his status may be, at the end of the day, he’s just an immature young kid. Why should I feel intimidated? Do I really need to treat him with such deference?

With that thought in mind, Jiao Lexin spoke up, “The Jiao family has a long-standing reputation as Forgemasters, and our collaboration with the Myriad Treasure Auction House spans many years. It’s only natural for me to come and see what’s happening. Besides, I’m fond of Xuelan, and that affection compelled me to follow. That’s perfectly normal too.”

His tone lacked any semblance of courtesy, bordering on nosiness.

Yan Yuanlu’s brow furrowed, yet he held back from voicing his stance.

Wang Sibo, on the other hand, addressed the issue head-on, “Jiao Lexin, your disrespect towards Young Master Zhou is unacceptable. There’s no need for you to remain here. Please leave and return to the Jiao family.”

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