I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 71 - 71 Teleportation Array_l

Chapter 71: Chapter 71 Teleportation Array_l

Translator: 549690339

Walking there by himself would be a waste of time, and Chen Mobai didn’t know the way.

He was curious to experience the Teleportation Array, but the cost of ten Spirit Stones was simply too high.

So, he was left with the option of joining a caravan, which would only cost one Spirit Stone, albeit taking five days on the road.

Southstream Market was managed by four prominent Cultivator families: the Liu family, the Wu family, the Lou family, and finally, the Luo family that tamed the Spirit Camels.

It was possible for Foundation Establishment Cultivators to fly for long periods, but those were the pillars of their families – it would be too demeaning for them to transport goods.

Hence, Spirit Camels were raised, which could grow up to Rank-2, having great endurance, capable of travelling a hundred miles a day, carrying a load of a thousand pounds, and running for seven days and nights without rest.

Leveraging this skill, the Luo family had the majority of the logistics business in Southstream Market.

Due to the unique environment of Yun Meng Ze, Spirit Rice could not be cultivated there, so goods had to be brought in from the major markets in the surrounding Yun Country regularly.

In addition to their own Spirit Rice, the Luo family also transported the Liu family’s Spirit Fish, the Wu family’s Spirit Wood, and the Lou family’s Spiritual Medicine. They charged for transporting people to Yun Meng Ze as well.

After paying a deposit, Chen Mobai received a ticket.

Checking the time on it, he noticed it was for three days after.

Could it be that He Qun was also travelling with this caravan?

To be sure, Chen Mobai inquired with the receptionist, who remembered He Qun as he had purchased tickets for six people in one go, qualifying him as a major customer.

Upon confirming that He Qun was on the same trip as him, Chen Mobai frowned and decided, for safety’s sake, to cancel his ticket, earning a glare from the Luo family member.

But it was one Spirit Stone and Chen Mobai was not planning to join the caravan anymore, so he definitely wanted it back.

After retrieving his deposit, he stopped wasting time as there was only one month left until the entrance examination at the Daoist Academy. He had to master the Cold Ice Technique within this month.

After begrudgingly paying ten Spirit Stones and waiting for nearly an hour to gather a group of ten people, he stepped into the teleportation array located within the market.

This was a small Teleportation Array set up by the Five Elements Sect. However, it was taken over by the Divine Wood Sect during an internal strife fifty years ago. After several conflicts, the two factions finally reached a compromise.

While the Teleportation Array was formally owned by the Five Elements Sect, half of the income from each teleport was shared with the Divine Wood Sect.

Chen Mobai reluctantly paid ten Spirit Stones, waited nearly an hour until a group of ten people were ready.

As silver light flashed, he noticed something strange.

The teleportation felt similar to when Turtle Treasure had transferred him from Earth to Tianhe Realm.

Could it be?

Was Turtle Treasure a mobile Teleportation Array?

As soon as Chen Mobai felt he had discovered something crucial, his eyes brightened, and they had arrived at the market of Yun Meng Ze.

“We have arrived.”

The person in charge counted the numbers, finding that all ten were present, and marked a check on a list.

Chen Mobai stepped out of the Teleportation Array along with most of the group and found himself on an island.

Surrounding the island was a vast body of water, filled with abundant mist.

He took a breath and felt the surrounding Spiritual Energy was at least intermediate grade Rank-1. He couldn’t help but nod in approval.

Walking around the island, he noticed that the size of this market was comparable to the Southstream Market. However, he had been prepared for this.

Lu Shu had told him that due to the many islands and large lakes of Yun Meng Ze, there were many markets spread across various islands. These markets collectively were referred to as the Yun Meng Ze Market.

The island they teleported to was just one of the footholds in this area for Yun Country’s Cultivators.

The deeper one ventured, the more prosperous the markets became.

The heart of Yun Meng Ze was the main base of the Water Vein of the Five Elements Sect – Wind Rain Retreat.

However, this was also where the most intense battles occurred. If not for the suppression of the seven factions, the Rank-3 Demonic beasts would have long broken out and ravaged the Eastern Wilderness.

Not planning to linger, and following Lu Shu’s instruction, Chen Mobai found a ship branded with the Liu family’s symbol at the dock to head to the largest nearby island and Green Light Island Market managed by the Divine Wood Sect.

Rows of neatly organized wooden houses stood on top ofSpirit Fields on the island.

This was one of the stopover places for the cultivators in Yun Meng Ze, where the Divine Wood Sect offered protection. Moreover, the island was a blessed land with a Rank-2 high-grade Spirit Vein providing a good place to rest and train.

After asking for the price, Chen Mobai found that places with abundant spiritual energy costed as much as ten Spirit Stones a month. Being financially constrained, he could only rent a cave dwelling in the area with the least spiritual energy. The person in charge was not bothered. After cheerfully collecting one Spirit Stone, he led Chen Mobai to the lowest and most depressed part of the island.

“Fellow Daoist, this place only gets flooded when it rains. The spiritual energy here is decent enough,” he instructed.

Chen Mobai sensed the spiritual energy around him and found it to be at upper-grade Rank-1, which was slightly comforting.

After the person in charge left, he activated the Formation of the cave dwelling, and a green light appeared on a stone at the entrance, indicating that the dwelling was occupied and protected by the Divine Wood Sect.

The dwelling was a single-story wooden house with a bed, a table, and three stools. It was indeed quite simple.

He ventured out and noticed that about half of the dwellings here were occupied. Just that dwellings around him were unoccupied due to the unfavorable location.

But that was better for him; he preferred tranquility.

After tidying up with the Cleaning Technique, Chen Mobai left to explore the market on Green Light Island.

Due to heavy footfall, there were more items available here compared to Southstream Market.

The prices, however, were higher.

Chen Mobai inquired about Dark Water and hit the jackpot when he found it being sold in the Spiritual Medicine shop operated by Divine Wood Sect. However, it was priced at fifteen Spirit Stones, which he could not afford.

It seemed that before refining his magic duel skills, he had to earn money first.

He had to return to his old trade.

Setting up a stall.

Things were different here. There was no need to pay a vendor fee to the Divine Wood Sect; he just had to stake a claim on an available spot.

Chen Mobai placed the mat he brought from Southstream Market in a corner and displayed a stack of talismans on it.

At first, he feared the situation would be similar to Southstream Market where people wouldn’t recognize the quality of the talismans. However, he soon discovered that the cultivators here were different.

As they frequently battled with demonic beasts, talismans were in high demand. Almost every cultivator could distinguish the quality of talismans.

As Chen Mobai’s talismans were of excellent quality, it didn’t take long for him to sell half the low-rank talismans he brought from the Wood Spiritual Talisman store, while all the mid-rank talisman were sold off.

Even the only Rank-1 high-rank Resurrection Talisman was bought by a Rank-9 Qi Cultivator in exchange for three Spirit Stones.

With thirteen Spirit Stones and two ten-thousand-coin Gold Tickets in hand, he immediately went to the Divine Wood Sect’s Spiritual Medicine store and purchased a purified vial of “Dark Water”..

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