I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Welcome, Kai.


I came to my grandparents house, where Saika now lives.

Last time Ive come here like this was when I came to ask them to please look after Saika, whose heart was in shambles.

(.. Still! I never get tired of looking at these babies.)

Because shes wearing short sleeves, which is a thin garment, you can see the lines of her body as well as this.

However, Ive already had a naked relationship with Saika, and Ive not only touched her body, but Ive also had her do a lot of things to me, so Im not embarrassed by this.

Come in.


I wasnt embarrassed, but I was naturally nervous.

Ive been holding back for a few days thinking about today, so I cant wait to head to her room and enjoy myself as much as I can.

But first Im going to have to have a chat with her grandparents.

Saika took me to the living room on the ground floor, where her grandparents were waiting for me.

Hello, Masaki-kun. I havent seen you since that time.

Its been a while.

I bowed my head and sat down opposite them.

Saika sat down right next to me, but the distance between us was so close that our shoulders were touching each other, and it made me nervous.

Or rather, when you look at us objectively, I feel like youre completely looking at me, like Im asking you to give me your daughter.

Thanks for today, right? I wanted to thank you once again.

Thank you..?

I tilted my head and Grandpa and Grandma bowed their heads.

Ive often wondered what would have happened if you hadnt noticed our granddaughters suffering at that time.

Exactly. Thats why I am so grateful to you for telling us about Saika. Thank you so much.

I exhaled in my mind, wondering what she was thanking me for, but I knew it was that.

Ive said it many times, but in the end, it was a complete coincidence that I ended up helping Saika, and it wouldnt have happened if I hadnt been interested in Saikas body.

Um, its really nice of you to thank me. But, it was also a coincidence that I noticed Saika.

Thats why I dont need to thank them.

Well, even so, Im probably a benefactor to them, and that shouldnt change for Saika, so even though I said its not necessary, I cant help but accept this, thank-you.

Haha, I see its just like we heard. Saika said that you are a really humble young man.

Yeah, thats right. Saika said you dont care how much she thanks you, and that youre like a hero who never asks for anything in return.

Yeah, Kai is.


If someone like me called myself a hero, Id be killed by a real ally of justice.

I havent met Saikas mother yet, only her father, but its because I saw that lousy man that I can notice how good-hearted her grandparents are like this.

I wonder what these two kind-hearted people would think if they knew that I was actually using hypnosis to mess with not only Saika, but many other women.. Well, Im not going to let the word out about hypnosis.

Saika, Im going to prepare some sweets, please help me.


Saika stood up when the old lady told her so.

After watching her back as she walked away, I asked the old man a question that had been bothering me for a while.

What happened to Saikas parents?

Hm? Ah.. they divorced.

..I see.

He said he was giving up his parental rights. It seems that Saika was a hindrance to him after all.

How can I say this. I really feel like Ive caught a glimpse of the latent darkness in this world.

I am sure that there are many people in this world who have problems with their families like Saika, Mari and the others, and perhaps there are people who cannot bear the pain and take their own lives at this very moment.

..Im not a hero. But.. if I was able to help her, that is something I feel happy about.

..I see. Im really glad that a kid like you found Saihua.

Oh no, what a supremely ticklish feeling.

After that, I asked not only about Saikas father but also about her mother, but it seems that she hasnt talked to or met her mother at all.

(Shes even more indifferent than her father.. Im really glad I spotted her.)

So I thought as I looked at Saikas face up close.. hmmm?

Whats wrong?


It seems that she had come at an incredibly close range before I knew it.

Her grandparents laughed happily at our exchange, and Saika and I headed to her room with the sweets we had prepared for her in our hands.

Its the first time a boy has come to my room.

Really? You mean Im the first guy?

Yeah. Kai is my first.

I was told that by being stared at intently.

Saikas expressionless as usual, but being told such a thing and not doing anything about it is not allowed by the pride of being a man.

Nevertheless, I sat down on the floor with Saika.

Thank you for coming today.

No, no, no, its me who should thank you.. for benefits..

Indeed, this is clearly just me getting a special advantage.

Id been feeling very horny since a while ago, and I immediately took out my phone and hypnotised Saika.


As usual, Saika was hypnotised.

Then, as usual, first let me enjoy that soft thing, right after I thought so, I was kissed by Saika.



Kissing me, I was a little perplexed by the fact that she kissed me before I ordered her to do such a thing, but thinking back on it, such a thing is a little too late now.

..hmm, Im still wondering, is it because youre learning?


No, because you kissed me before I said anything.

Thats simple. I wanted to kiss Kai-kun.


If you say that to me, Ill be so happy I wont be able to control myself!

I kiss Saika and touch her breasts and enjoy her body as much as I can, as if Im releasing everything Ive stored up over the past few days.

Hey, Kai-kun.


It was when he changed his position a little and was firting with both hands from behind Saikas back.

Saika, who turned towards me while letting out a sexy sigh, continued with these words.

Kai, you told me before, didnt you? From now on, live for me forever.

Eh? Ah, I did said that. Thats because no one would want to let go of a woman with such an exceptional body, thats for sure.

I dont care about the others. As long as only Kai-kun says so, thats all that matters.

Dont worry. Im the only one who would do something like this with you.. well, the final decision is Saikas.

Although I have told Mari and Emu to serve me from now on, that is ultimately limited to the girls in their hypnotic state.

So no matter what answer the girls in their normal state give me, Im not qualified to deny it, nor am I in a position to complain.. Well, I dont like the idea of the girl in my arms doing this with a man other than me.

I will live for Kai-kun from now on forever. That wont change forever.. so please let me stay by your side forever? Mari and Emu, it doesnt matter if those two are there, let me stay by your side anyway? Ill do anything.


Yes. Anything.

Saika is a totally naughty girl.

If she says something like this, a man cant stop and even makes a request that he thinks is a little too hard.

But still, I managed to reserve myself and let Saika do it for me like she always does.

While stroking the head of Saika, who kneels in front of me on the bed, I end up saying something like this.

I said Im glad I noticed Saika when I was talking to your grandfather.


I really think youre right. Im not pretending to be a hero, and Im not looking for anything in return from Saika. Right now, Im just honestly happy that Saika.. youve become brighter than you were back.



Maybe something in my words excited Saika, and from then on it was really heaven.

And then Saika suggested a slightly different approach to the usual.. For some reason I was blindfolded by Saika.

..Why blindfolded?

Yeah. Isnt it good to be blindfolded once in a while?

I dont really have a hobby like this..

I know. But, you know, this is good for now.

I dont really know whats good about it, but at any rate, I was already excited that Saika was going to give me a more amazing service in this state.


I was about to ask what she was really going to do when a tremendous sensation hit me as something cramped my thing and covered it.

Just.. just leave it there, okay? Leave the rest to me, okay?

Ahh Ahh..

Then I surrendered myself to the pleasure Saika was giving me.

To be honest.. Right now I feel like Im a bit crazy; its like Im losing my ability to think.

I even feel like someone is telling me to just surrender to Saika.

.. Aaah.. its great, Saika.

Me too.. me too, its the best

Speaking of which, did I see it wrong?

Just before I was blindfolded, the screen of my phone seemed to glow in a different way than usual.. Well, Ill check that later.



Saika, who was tilting her head in front of me, and I couldnt make eye contact.

I hypnotised Saika and did whatever I wanted as usual, but she seemed to have fallen asleep afterwards because she was tired.

(I never thought I would have such a dream)

The dream, I seem to have seen it vaguely.

I dreamt that I came to Saikas room, and in a situation where she was truly by my side I dreamt of having sex with her with all my might.

The dream was so solid that I wanted to praise myself for not letting go of the rubber even in the dream, but I felt a slight sense of guilt for having such a terrible dream with her by my side.

Are you sure youre okay?

Im fine seriously, Im fine!

Well, no matter how much it was a dream, it was like any other dream in which I dreamt of doing such things with these girls.

But basically, when you have a sex dream, you also experience a phenomenon in the real world where your important parts become energised You didnt see anything embarrassing like that, did you?

Well, good.


Looking at Saikas expression, she seems to be fine.

Its like Im already used to seeing her in a hypnotic state, and she even touches and plays with me without my permission, but when its a girl in her normal state, Im just drawn to her.

However, it is also a mystery why I feel refreshed even though I had such a dream.

(This also happened with Mari ah, that. Im just refreshed because its after being served by those girls?)

Then, maybe its not a big deal when youre sleeping? I feel much better now that I think about it.

Kai, are you

Whats wrong?

Do you have any secrets or something?

Whats wrong, all of a sudden?

When asked if he had any secrets, he could only say that he had a lot.

Including having a hypnosis app, and even the fact that Ive had my hands on various women, including Saika, is something I have to keep a secret.

Theres a lot of stuff, you know?

Well, but I understand that the most important thing in keeping a secret is not to hide it strangely or get upset, so I answered her with my chest out, not that Im confident.

I see. Id like to hear about it at some point.

Well, maybe if the opportunity arises.

Sorry Saika, I probably wont talk about hypnosis for the rest of my life.

Then I spent some time with Saika, and she was in a really good mood compared to usual.

Although she is usually expressionless, I have seen her cheeks relax before, but now she is really smiling clearly.

Youre smiling a lot today.

Really? Then Im sure its thanks to Kai-kun.

I see.


If you say that Im the reason youre able to smile, man, I might get carried away this time.


However, I didnt think that it would be such an amazing experience to really be able to come to the house of a girl of the same grade like this, much less to be able to visit her room.

Not only Saika, but also Mari and Emu started acting on their own in a hypnosis state.

Besides, I think its really a blessing to be able to spend time with these girls in this way, in their pure state.

Im going to the bathroom.


I saw her off as she left the room to go to the toilet, and I suddenly looked at the screen of my phone.

My phone was the same as usual, but the charge was very low, down to about 25 per cent remaining.

I wondered if there was something wrong with it, or if it was running a lot of apps in the background, but there didnt seem to be any sign of that, so I wasnt sure.

Thinking briefly about going to a phone shop soon, I launched the hypnosis app.

I didnt mean to hypnotise anyone. I simply thought Id have a look inside the app.

Come to think of it, I havent seen this screen recently.

That screen is the one with various lines connected to my name.

The black lines have slightly increased, and are still unknown, but apart from the black ones, the pink lines have not increased but have become much thicker.

Two of the three pink lines that had been there since I first saw it were considerably thicker and glowing as if they were thumping and pulsing.

The two pinks that have increased are also a lot thicker than before.

The five pink lines leading to my name and the black lines with the rest being shredded are they increasing with each passing day because of some action Ive taken? Or is there some other reason, I still dont know.

I wish I knew what my partner was trying to tell me well, I suppose it makes sense to tell the app about it.

Saika came back when I was putting my phone away in my pocket and lying down flat.

Seeing me relax, Saika giggled and sat down again where she had been a moment ago.

It seems that Grandpa and Grandma still want to talk to Kai-kun too.

I wonder why theyre so interested in me.

Thats because Kais good-natured, isnt it?

Hey, Saika, please dont say anything that will make me get carried away.

I really dont want you to do that because my facial muscles will loosen up and wont be able to come back.

I feel that Saika often praises me in the first place well, from her point of view, I guess Im like a benefactor, but even so, she thinks too much of me.

Im being very honest with you. So there is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is there any need to be reserved.

This is what she said.

Ill take Saikas words as a sign that she is happy, because I dont feel bad about it at all.

After that, I spent some time with Saika and then left.

Grandfather and grandmother saw me off, and Saika followed me, saying she wanted me to walk with me a little further out of the house.

Thank you for today, Kai-kun.

Eh? No, I think its me who should thank you.

Thats not true.

Saika wrapped my hands in both of hers.

Bringing them up to her chest, Saika continued to speak.

Because I somehow got to know more about Kai-kun. And above all, because I was able to give Kai-kun something important.


In the end, I didnt understand what Saika was trying to say.

After parting with her, I thought about Saika, who was by my side until a while ago, and to tell the truth, I now vividly recall the content of my dream.

I think its a good thing it was a dream, right? If I did something like that in reality, I would be arrested.

The dream I recalled was still the dream I had with Saika.

However, a certain request from Saika ignited a fire inside me and I said some amazing things.

[Kai-kun. I want to ask you a favor I want Kai-kun to desire me more honestly. Do you want my body, please ask for it as you like?]

[Saika! Then I wont hold back! Saika is mine! Youre my only woman, ah!]

This is stupid, seriously

Its a dream that you want to lay your body on a girl who is not your lover, while shouting out loud, and you want to think how frustrated you are.

Surely I want to do that too, being a man Id rather remove all the stoppers and do whatever I want even more than I do now.

Well, it doesnt look like theres going to be a day when I do that!

To be honest, Im satisfied even at this stage, so I dont mind.

Even so, Saika in plain clothes was very erotic, and I could smell and feel her, so today was the best day of my life.

I said the same thing when I was with Mari, but its great to spend a day with a beautiful girl.

Next up is Emu, just wait for me!

Ill get in touch with Emu soon, so I smiled wickedly.


On the way home, I saw him again in the city.

That childhood friend, the one who made Mari unhappy, he was walking with a very flashy-looking woman.

Well, he seems to recover quickly after something like that. If hes made another woman, it seems unlikely that hell ever mess with Mari again.

Hes cuddling with a woman who looks like a sl*t. And I dont mean to speak ill of her, but she looks like a good match for him.

I hope he gets along with that woman for a long time, and doesnt ever bother Mari again.

With that in mind, I turned my back on them.

What I did was no different.

Its just that I made the suggestion and the way I did it was different.

[Kai-kunMore and more]

[This shit why am I like this!]

Two conflicting emotions, so far apart that they can never be reconciled, create a completely different aspect.

It is interesting to note that the two girls were proposed at the same time, yet there is such a difference between them.

On the one hand, he miraculously saved their hearts, and on the other hand, he miraculously drove them further into a corner.

There was one miscalculation, however.

For his predecessor, strong hatred overcame oblivion. But it is unexpected that this time, the feeling of love is so strong that oblivion doesnt mean much.

But, well, I thought to myself, if theres a smile there, thats all right.

If youre happy, its OK, theres even a word for that.

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