I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Gil, Bern, Alisha, and Cathy were surrounding Saintess Elise. They have been communicating with each other through their link and are making sure that things will proceed according to what they planned.

When Evelyn and Prince Adley left to escape. And Ricardo, the leader of the holy knights, left the place with his allies and only a couple of guards that didn't know about what was about to happen was left to protect Elise.

Ricardo left the knights that were loyal to the temple, and is technically the dogs of the Pope and Saintess.


All the knights that were left, as well as Gil, Bern, Alisha, and Cathy, turn their heads to the one who made the noise.

It was Elise. 

She was biting her fingers and was thinking deeply about her doubtful feelings that she felt.

Something felt amiss.

Elise knew that her guts were telling her to be vigilant but whenever she thought about it she definitely held the noble Lady Evelyn in her grasp.

'Even now she was running for her life.' Elise thought.

While she was thinking about these things too deeply, she didn't see that one by one the knights that were left guarding her were falling like dry leaves on the cold floor.

"No, it must be my imagination" Elise convinced herself to the thought that nothing will happen.

When she becomes resolute to bring down her doubts, that's the time she becomes aware of her surroundings again. 

She saw that the knights were on the ground, lying down with their eyes wide open and only the white part of their orbs can be seen.

"What the-"

Elise tried to turn around in a hurry as she tried to cast a spell to protect herself but when she was about to do it there was already a knife beside her neck.

"Don't move you don't want your blood to be spilled here, right?"

Bern immediately seized the moment when Elise was still in her deep thoughts and was clearly dismissing everything around her.

"You become so relaxed that you trust that you will still be safe in this hellhole, right?" Bern whispered.


As her voice trembled and her blue eyes shook in uncertainty, her senses heightened as a sudden rush of panic came to her.

She felt the cold sensation that was glazing her white skin, the doubts that she had earlier resurfaces.

Elise regretted making light of those intuitions. Her hands were numb in cold, she was yet again in a situation where she was at disadvantage.

Elise then heard a scoff behind her, the one who was dangerously grasping the knife in her throat was smirking.

It irked her and her trembling was replaced with anger.

"Who are you?! Do you even know who you are touching?"

At that moment, another holy knight came into view. Elise smiled menacingly as she thought that there was still someone she could use.

"You! What are you doing?! Can't you see what this bastard is doing to your Saintess! Kill him!"

The person who was in front of Elise tilted her head. 

"What are you doing?! Are you stupid?! I told you to kill this bastard who is pointing a knife!!!"

"It's useless" Bern was the one to reply to her hysterical words.

"What do you-"

At that moment, the knight in disguise takes off the sallet and an orange hair flows like a wave.

Elise became shocked at the person who was behind the armor.

Cathay was smiling and was looking at Elise like she was mocking her naivety.

"Surprised~" Bern also takes off his helmet and Elise could clearly see in the side of her eyes that it was one of the instructors in the academy.

"What are you doing"

Elise didn't finish her words because Gil interrupted her.

"Are you asking why we're here? You're asking the wrong question then."

Elise squinted her eyes and thought the man in front of him was familiar.

"Aren't you"

Flashes of memories were replayed inside her head. Starting from the man who was with Evelyn in the Drivas company that she went before with Prince Adley.


Elise knew then that these people were on Evelyn's side.

"You think you think I will just let you get me?!"

Elise's rage became the fuel for her power to activate and a burst of light surged from her body and onto the surroundings. Her mana was so pure and divine because of her affinity ion light magic.

Bern who was beside Elise at that time was blinded and because a sudden mana burst from her, he was pushed back.

The mana wave that Elise released was enough for the four contracted spirits of Evelyn to know that she didn't become the Saintess for nothing.

Elise looked around and saw the subordinates of Evelyn trying to recuperate from the sudden blinding light.

'This is my chance' Elise thought.

She took the opportunity to turn around and ran away from them. She knew that her powers were not enough to fight them.

Elise did get a grasp of their power when she saw them put up a barrier as quickly as her sudden burst of her own mana.

"This is not the end"

Elise was menacingly thinking about what she needed to do after she got out of here and reunited with the council and the pope.

She has enough information about who the people were that they needed to be aware of and that is enough for the twelve councils and the pope to forgive her.

However, right now Elise needed to get out of here as quickly as possible.

Elise saw the end of the hallway and was about to step outside when


Elise fell, her white dress was now stained and her neat look earlier was nowhere to be seen.

Then her eyes fell on the cold thing that was grasping her right leg.

Step Step Step Step

Elise then heard footsteps that were coming closer. With her head down, she slowly raised them up and saw a yet again familiar face.

"Lady Alisha?"

Alisha smiles and squat down to match the eye level of Elise.

"Did you really think that we will let you go?!"

Elise then saw the "thing" that was in Alisha's hand. It was a whip made with water and was cold enough to make her feel her legs going numb.

"Don't think that you could run away, Saintess"

At that moment, Alisha made her whip longer and it climbed Elise's whole body and tied her up like a sack.

"You had your chance when you created that attack but you decided to run. Too bad~"

Cathy then followed as she rubbed her eyes that were still affected by the light that Elise released earlier.

"What the hell?! I didn't do anything with you, so why are you doing this?!" Elise yelled as she looked at the people who were now surrounding her.

Bern, Gil, Alisha and Cathy were all looking at her. Then. Gil replied as he thought how ridiculous what Elise just said.

"You didn't do anything to us? Sure~ but you did quite a few with our master."


"Yup how many times have you been doing this? Seriously we lost count" Cathy said with her voice grimacingly sound.

Elise was now trying to figure out what she did sure she made a few blunders when she was in the academy but that was just some petty tricks she made.

"Ha- ha...hahahahaha!!!"

Elise laughed hysterically like a mad woman, her head was facing the floor but her voice was so high that it made the whole place rung in her loud voice.

"I see~ you're the contracted spirits of Evelyn? I see I see"

Bern, Alisha, Gil and Cathy became flustered. 

No one really knows that the four of them are spirits and none of the people in this era knew that they have entered a contract with Evelyn, of course, the only person who knew about it was the Duchess, and she passed away a long time ago.

Elise looked up and saw their flustered faces. Her face contorted like she was having pleasure with the faces that she saw.

"Ahhh~ You should have seen your faces it's like they're saying "how did she know?""

Then, Elise laughed again. 

The four looked at each other and thought that the woman was going crazy but the things that she was saying were so accurate and thinking it was a wild guess would be close to impossible.

"This bitch!"


Elise's laughing moment was put to a stop and her head was turned to the side. She was slapped real hard by Alisha but then again she started to laugh like she found what's happening to be funny.

"Ahh~ I really should have known that girl, she's not from here. Ha- hahaha!!! This is great!! I knew something was off with the story"

Gil, Bern, Alisha, and Cathy crumpled their faces as they heard Elise mumbled.

"This is getting interesting~"

Elise's blue eyes shine like she just found something like a trump card. She smiled beautifully and met the eyes of every spirit that was surrounding her.

"I know what will happen in the future..."

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