I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Cabel, Alisha and Chrisfold have already infiltrated the Academy. Some of the Nights Guild that are part of the Academy and teaching there as their other profession and have already investigated what their Guild Master has ordered them to do.

One week ago was when they received the order to gather information as much as possible about any secret room in the Academy.

The Shadow Knights that were in the Academy disguised as one of the faculty members had a hard time to locate the exact position of the door that leads to the secret room.

However, this time, it was taking longer than they anticipated. Evelyn already told her that her mother's soul that seems to have been sealed by Prince Cesar was now in the Academy of the St. Prisch.

In the first place, only Carsillion knows where it is and the vice master. In this scenario, Duke Cabel would have the information by now as his Shadow Knights will immediately have procured the things that he needed.

Or that he could just torture the vice master of the Academy or bribe him. But as it stands, the Vice-Master seems to be away from the Academy. And no one seems to know where he gone off to.

Though it seems to made some delayed in there works, it also became the perfect opportunity for Cabel and Chrisfold to sneak in with the pretense of visiting the alma mater. However, after some deep thinking that plan was also thrown in the window when they observed the quietness of the school.

"These people seem to be part of the Temple of Light and the Royal Family." Alisha said as they were observing from one of the rooms in the academy that they got after much search of possible hideouts inside the St. Prisch.

"Does it mean that what Cassandra said will come true?" She continued.

Though Alisha was a higher spirit that has wisdom accompanied by her long life, there are still things that she doesn't understand and that was one of the unique skills of Cassandra who have the ability to see and glimpse some of the scenes in the future.

"If we had her power a long time ago, we wouldn't be in this situation again." She uttered without thinking.

Chrisfold nodded as he was beside her while Cabel looked at Alisha and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Startled by his question, Alisha dismissed him by saying that she was just uttering nonsense. On the other hand, Chrisfold talks to her in his consciousness.

'You should be careful!'

'I'm sorry, it's just if we knew that there are witches that have unique skills such as clairvoyance, we wouldn't be repeating this kind of thing again.' Alisha answered.

Chrisfold sighs, he also thinks that it was such a shame that they only knew about this now but what can they do? This was the only time that something has changed. However he still has that feeling that something like clairvoyance wouldn't cut it.

'Do you think that was the only thing that has changed this time? If that was all of it then we could have done so because of the things that happened in the past."

"Your right I'm just frustrated and I'm losing hope every time that we experienced this." Alisha replied in her mind.

Chrisfold sighs again. 

'Evelyn still has no clue about it so we can only wait.' Chrisfold said in his mind whereas Alisha walked away from the window and sat in one of the chairs that was inside the room.

Cabel decided to ignore that unusual behavior. Even though he knew Alisha because she was once in the Student Council, there was still a gap between them because Alisha never opened up to them.

In other words, she was someone who was quiet and had that cold demeanor. That was why it was hard for Cabel to think that what she just mumbled was some kind of nonsense.

"Did any of you receive anything from Evelyn?" Cabel asked.

It's now a week since he left the Emsworth and went ahead to the St. Prisch Academy to gather some data.

"How many days is it now that she was held captive by that bastard Adley?!" Cabel asked.

"It's been 5 days"

"And we still don't know where that goddamn door was?!" Cabel was getting impatient.

By now, Cabel thought that he would be rescuing Evelyn from Prince Adley by now.

Thinking about Evelyn locked up alone was getting Cabel's mind messed up and have evil thoughts swirling in his mind.

He was already on the verge of making a scene throughout the academy and flipped it outside down, if that was the only solution to find the secret door. But thinking about Evelyn's safety was making him have second thoughts about his decision. 

"I can't do it like what I used to do when Evelyn went missing four years ago" Cabel mumbled.

"Really, how evil can they be that they will use another person's soul and seal it like some curse?!" Cabel uttered.

Chrisfold and Alisha glanced at each other and into Cabel before they ignored what he said. Chisfold and Alsiha have the same look as if it can't be helped and also the look of someone who has given up.

Of course, Cabel didn't gotta see it as he was hanging his head down while he mumbled those words.

At that moment, a raven suddenly landed on the window sill. Chrisfold immediately opened the closed window and found a small paper tied in one of the raven's feet.

"I think I know where it was"

"Really?!" Cabel asked with expectations in his eyes.

"Here" Chrisfold passed the small paper to him.

"First floor Admin Building below Student's Council Room." Cabel repeated what was in the letter.

He knitted his brows.

"Huh? But the Admin Building is only for the faculty and the Student's Council Room was between the dormitory and the Main Building of the studentsWhat does this mean?" Cabel asked which Chrisfold answered.

"It's the old admin building that was near the border of the Barrier of the school. It was where the old student council used to have their meetings"

"Wait, something like that exists? I always thought that the Student Council has their own premise but you're saying that they use to share the building? The Faculty and the Elites?"

"And how the hell did you know that?" Cabel continued to ask Chrisfold.

"I have things that I learned as I become the Protector of the west Gate of the Academy."

"But you only got into the academy the same year that I enrolled? You're saying that you gained information that even my shadow knights didn't get?!"

Chrisfold just shrugged his shoulder like what he just said was some kind of information that he got from a coincidence.

Cabel was getting confused. There was nothing like that when they got their position as an Elite student or even if he became the Student Council Vice-President.

"Do you know about this, Lady Alisha?" Cabel asked as he had doubts about the identity of Chrisfold who seems to have information but decided to keep it to himself.

"Mm? No I also don't know." Alisha answered.

Cabel seems to have a strong feeling that the two have something that they are keeping from him or even from Evelyn.


Without further ado, they immediately took the opportunity to sneak in the middle of the night and went to the old admin building that was said in the paper that Nine the spy gave to them.

Even though Cabel have some things that he thought he needed to asked about the two, he decided that the problem on hand should be what he needed to focused on.

The Old Admin Building was surrounded by fog in the middle of the forest, if not for Chrisfold, Cabel would have thought that they were going deep in the forest of the Deheldi or that Chrisfold was up to something.

He could only sigh in relief when he saw the tall building under the fog and saw a castle that looked just the same as the other building in the academy. It was odd for Cabel that something this big was hidden from him when he practically lived in the dorm of the school for four years.

'How does something this big can be hidden inside the academy?' Cabel thought to himself as he looked at the old admin building. 

It would be easy to spot because of the size of the building but oddly enough, no one seems to have notice this until now.

Cabel saw Alisha and Chrisfold walked side by side to step inside the vicinity of the old admin building where the address was still written on the piece of paper that the spy gave to them.

They rushed inside and searched for every room in the ground floor of the building.

"It's here the student council room." Alisha said as she called for them through the communication device that Cabel gave to them.

The Old Admin was humongous like the main building, it was a mystery for Cabel to think that he didn't even notice a tall building like this inside the academy.

When they have gathered at one of the rooms that have a placard at the top of the door and have a written Student Council Office, Cabel opened it without hesitation.

But the expected desk was nowhere to be seen. To be exact, there was not a single piece of furniture inside.

"What the hell?" Cabel honestly spoke his thoughts.

After he calms his nerves, he turns around and talks to Alisha and Chrisfold who were still standing at the door.

"What are you doing? We should search for it"

Cabel slowly stomped on the floor. 'If the passage is under the desk then the floor should be hollow.' He thought.

Then, Chrisfold walked past him and stomped his left foot at the corner of the room.


The creaking floor that Cabel was trying hard not to break, instantly was destroyed. Then Cabel looked down and saw that it was hollow.

A continuous stomping with accompanied twist and crushed wooden floor was heard throughout the room.

"Let's go"

Cabel knit his brows. " How the hell did you know that it was there? It looks like you were confident when you walk in and break the floor."

"You have too many questions we need to find more important things and your questions wouldn't be the solution to that."

Cabel stare at the hollow floor that was dark and have air going through and passing by the passage. However Cabel saw that there were no stairs going down.

And Chrisfold who seems to have read his mind answered Cabel.

"It's a slide Let's go!"

Chrisfold didn't even turn his head and confidently let his body down the black hole. Alisha came next and Cabel was left there standing.

"Are you not coming?" Chrisfold yelled from the other side of the passage. Cabel was really becoming suspicious with the two.

"Why is it that both of them seem to be confident that this is where it is? And that Protector was sure where he was going like he already knew where the door was. Is it just me being paranoid?" Cabel said to no one.

Then, he also let his body fall down. Now that he experienced it himself. It seems that the passage was made from stone, that was why it was safe as there was no rough surface.

"You're here, I thought you would take longerthinking about something else up there..." Chrisfold said with a smile.

As Cabel came to the other side where Chrisfold and Alisha were waiting, he saw that there were three passages ahead.

"Do you know where we should go?" Chrisfold asked Alsiha.

"There" Alisha pointed at one of the three passage and yet again, Cabel felt like they were two confident that it would be ridiculous to think that it was a coincidence.

'Is it their confidence in their power that they could decide just like that? Or confidence because they know where the sealed soul of Duchess Monica is?' Cabel thought as he observed them from the back.

Whatever it is, Cabel wouldn't let them harm Evelyn in any way.

'If they are plotting something, I will eventually expose it!' he determinedly thought.



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