I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Whirlwinds, thunderstorms, and lightning. It was the extent of Monica's magical power. Her powers were enough for the people in the town to see the explosion of a magical power from the distance.

Her emotional state awakened and stirred almost all her magical abilities resulting in unleashing all her mana. 

The present Allan who has become astounded and trapped in his own memories still can't believe what is happening.

It was too fast that Allan only saw Cesar casting a spell with mana that was dark as the raven's feather.

Allan can only stand there and witness his mother's last moment.

"No no this can't be happening." Allan mumbled.

He can't even walk to where his mother is. Allan can only stand there like he was rooted on the ground.

Cesar takes advantage of Monica's weakness and he plunges a sword to her chest.


Blood was spilled from the corners of the Duchess mouth.

"Mom! Noooo!!!"

The young Evelyn looked up to see her mother's pitiful state. She crawled her way out from her brother who was still atop of her as she tried to catch her big brother.

She was dragging her twisted legs while blood was spilling from her head, mouth and arms. Evelyn was in a messed up state. Still, she wanted to be there for her mother.

To help her, to not let her die and think that it was her fault that everything becomes like this.

"Mom!!! Mom!!! No!! Please, don't do this mom, mom, mom!"

She undoubtedly thought about her mother when Evelyn felt that familiar aura.

The little Evelyn screamed her lungs out. Because of mana fluctuations Evelyn woke up as the side effect of the heavy mana swirling around. She was panting and every move, her ribs would hurt.

A damaged ribs, broken bones, and internal bleeding. She was feeling more of the pain but in front of her mother who had a sword stuck to her body and the drizzle of the blood to the sharp edge of the sword makes Evelyn feel numb.

Crying her eyes out, Evelyn saw her mother glanced at her. Their eyes met and Monica mouthed words to Evelyn with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry"

"No mom! Mom!"

Evelyn repeatedly called her mother who was in the arms of Cesar, and the sword still plunges to her chest.


The young Allan became unconscious and was breathing heavily. Evelyn looked back at her brother who had bruises, injuries and coughing blood.

She then turned around and crawled to her mother's place. 

"Oh no missy, you can't disturb them"


Someone from the side of Cesar steps on Evelyn and stops her from getting too close to Cesar and the Duchess.

"This is why I told you that it is better to surrender to me and kill yourself. Then, your kids wouldn't get hurt." Cesar whispered to Monica who was breathing heavily.

Duchess Monica looked at him with her sunset glaring eyes.

Cesar smirked and then cast a spell, a bright light appeared at the feet of Cesar, it was an enchanted circle where it got bigger and bigger as he invoked the spell.

"Let go ugh mom!"

Evelyn was still fighting back even though she can't lift even her small finger.

Cesar didn't even look at the child who was mumbling at the side and was still busy finishing the enchanted circle.

At that moment, Monica screamed. A shriek and a painful scream vibrated to every corner of the garden.

"This is it yes! I will have your soul now! Hahaha!" Caesar smiled like a maniac and watched Monica swirl and turn her body around as the light shines brightly and wraps her body with it.


A ball of light came out from Monica's body and floated above her body.

"Oh what purity"

Cesar gladly smiled while he reached for her soul and sealed it in a box.

The none breathing Monica was left alone in the dirty ground, her eyes were wide open and coincidentally was turned to the direction of Evelyn and Allan.

Shocked to her core, the little Evelyn felt that something was breaking in her mind and soul. She heard Cesar gabe an order to one of his men.

"Get the heart out"

Evelyn's bloodshot eyes were looking at her mother who was not moving. Evelyn was biting her lips till it bled, her fury leaped to the highest degree. She carved the face of the man who killed her mother.

Evelyn with her tattered body and sealed mana, she tried to squeeze even an ounce of her power to the man who was approaching her mother with a knife in his hand.

She reached her hands out while the man who was pinning her doesn't seem to notice what Evelyn was about to do.

She invoked her spells and swish!!! The man's hand was cut off from his body.

"Ahhh! My arm!"

Cesar then noticed her. He smirked when he saw the same angst in her eyes that he saw to Monica's sunset eyes.

The Young Allan plopped down to the ground. 

"Is this what really happened?"

He watched the man grab his little sister's hair and pull it up. This messed up situation was making him feel all the negative feelings that there is.

Angry, wrath, desperation, madness, revenge, all words that he could think of were making him feel all the emotions that he never had before.


Allan opened his eyes, a blurry surrounding was what he saw. He was panting and his sweat was making his clothes stick to his body.

He closed his eyes before they opened them again and slowly blinked his eyes.

Allan saw the wooden post of the bed that he was lying in. His sunset eyes scanned the area and saw that it was the familiar interior that he saw since he was a child. The neat style of the furniture and the warm tone of the colors in the walls was telling him that he is now in his own bedroom.

Pulling himself up and leaning to the soft headboard was giving his body a little tinge of pain. Nonetheless, he wanted to sit up and so he did, he looked outside and saw the green leaves and the bright sun casting shadows to the branches of the trees.

No one was inside his room and he was sure that his loyal servants must be outside dozing because they stayed up all night, making sure that he was properly guarded.

"They must have decided to send me home because the Cabin is still dangerous because of the monsters and I'll be a hindrance for them there." Allan thought.

Allan heaved a sigh and thought about what he saw.

It was impossible for him to let the terrible memory out of his head. But at the same time, he felt some sort of relief.

Relief that he now knows what really happened that day. He now knows that someone tampered his memories.

"It must be him"

Allan remembered that Cesar, who was looking down on his small body while he reached for his head and cast a spell. 

After that he lost consciousness and the next thing he knew, he was looking at his sister dumbfoundedly while his mother's body was beside Evelyn.

And she was crying and while she was in a messed up state and all the men who were responsible for what happened vanished through the thin air.

That was when, his idiot self concluded that Evelyn killed their mother.

"How can I be such a dumbass?!"

Allan felt like he was such a jerk, idiot, an ass. He blamed Evelyn for everything when Evelyn seems to be the one who was affected by it all.

Allan hung his head down. Now that he thinks about it, Evelyn lost her memories after that incident.

"Who sealed her memories? Is it Cesar?" He thought. 

The reason he thinks about it was because Evelyn still has the memories of what happened that day as she was apologizing to the Duchess.

"Someone sealed her memories when she was recuperating, but who?"

At that moment, the door went open with a creaking sound. The Cabin was old and so was the wood that was used in the house.

"Excuse my intrusion"

Alex the knight walked in with his head low. When he looked up, he saw that their Young Master had already opened his eyes and was leaning on the headboard.

"You-young Master!! You're awake"

He ran towards them and kneeled down.

"Are you alright, do you feel nauseous? Hungry? Tired?"

Allan was bombarded with questions. He knit his brows and spoke.

"I'm fine I feel a little sluggish but that was maybe because I just woke up. How long was I asleep?"

When Allan asked that, the expression of the knight turned grim.

"What is it?"

"Young Master you have been sleeping for a week."

Allan's eyes went wide in shock. In that time span a lot of things must have happened, especially, the Duchy has been feeling the tension as the rumors were spreading like a wildfire amongst the commoners and the nobles as well.

"Young Master?"

Alex becomes concerned as he can imagine what terror their Young Master must be having on his mind.

"Young Master, you don't need to worry someone help us behind the scenes and the Duke has woken up two days ago and is now recuperating in his chamber while he checks and signs the urgent documents."

"Someone help behind the scenes? Who is it?"

"It was Duke Cabel and Commander Gabriel as well as the lady who was clothed in all black."

Allan let out a sigh in relief and tried to walk out of his bead.

"Get the maids and tell them that I need a bath and a breakfast. Also, is the lady still here?"


Alex stand up and let the Young Master stretch his body.

"The lady who was with Duke Cabel?"

"Oh they are gone. After the Duke came back, they immediately left."

Allan became dejected.

"So, I missed my chance again" Allan mumbled.

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