I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Allan has been soaked in his own sweat while the doctor has been constantly wiping it and figuring out why the Young Master has been wriggling in pain and is mumbling words of desperation.

"There's no physical damage in his body an exhaustion might be possible but him talking in his sleep might be cause of some mental trauma something must have triggered this."

The Doctor knit his brows, it wasn't his expertise if it is about physiological prospects.

A knock came in from the door and he stepped outside. He knew that the rest of the Young Master's servants had been waiting for the results of the exam.

"How is it? How's the Young Master?"

The butler asked, inquiring about the cause of the sudden fainting.

"He doesn't have any internal injury or physical injury in that matter"

"Then what is it?"

"I might not be an expert in the mental field but I think that the Young Master has been facing some difficulties in his inner self and as he was caught off guard, his psychological trauma was gravely trigger by the situation and resulted in him fainting he's also mumbling words earlier, like he was recalling some past events."

"Trauma? I-"

Jede, the butler of the Emsworth, has a sudden thought where the trauma might have stem from.

'It must be from that time" He mumbled.


"Nothing Is it possible to see the Young Master?"

"He's been stable now since I gave him a medicine that will calm him down and let him sleep peacefully. Other than that, there's no issue, you can see him. I'll be in the living room, if you need anything regarding the Young MAster please call me."

"Thank you We will give the payment at a later date."

The doctor nodded and left the hallway, but before he went, he began to think that he saw Duke Cabel lingering around the room before he examined the heir of the Emsworth Duchy.

He ultimately erased this on his mind

'I'm only a doctor it's better not to be curious about the noble's society."

It's like what the commoners in this hierarchical society thinks when it comes to associating to the nobles, curiosity kills the cat. It's better to be ignorant of some things in that way you will have less worry about your life.


"Where is this?"

Allan whose last memory he recalls was his sister's open wide sunset eyes, shocked and frozen in her place replaying on his mind.

However, right now, he is seeing a library that is full of books and his younger self lying on the floor reading some beginners spells in magic.

"Isn't this the old library?"

He doesn't know what is going on but one thing is for sure, he was dreaming and it seems the story is about his childhood.

He looks around while his younger self is enjoying reading and learning some magic spells in a low-tier level.

"Is this how I was before? That's impossible, I never acted in such a manner... "

Allan can't comprehend the scene that he was looking at, a child who looks exactly like him was acting like a commoner even though he was a noble that has been granted an education in etiquette since he was young.

Nonetheless, because Allan had an idea that he was dreaming given the memory that he recalled, he must be unconscious Even though he already tried to wake up, nothing happened and so he thought that might as well see what his dreams might lead him to.

"Young Master! Young Master!!! Please answer me..."

"Wait a minute!"

"There's not a minute to spare, Young Master, please open the door"

The young Allan rushed to sit on a chair and neatly placed his scattered books before he let the maid in.

"Come in What is it? Why are you yelling?"

"I'm sorry, Young Master but you must come with me please."

The maid was shaking and rushly grabbed the young Allan on his hand.

"What are you doing?!"

The young Allan was shocked, while the present Allan was silently watching the maid.

"She's sweating profusely, and he grabbed that boy desperately, like someone is here to hunt them what is this dream all about?"

Allan seems to believe that what he was seeing was still a dream, he was getting angry that some lowly maid could touch his hand like that.

"Even if this was a dream, how can a maid act like that towards the young me?"

However, at that moment, the maid who suddenly grabbed the Young Master began to explain why she did what she needed to do.

"The Young Miss is missing and there's people who attacked the mansion. We need to get out of here, Young Master, before they find you."

"What? My little sister is missing? How did that happen, Sheila?"

"I don't have time to explain Young Master but the Madam has given me order to sneak you outside where the people who attack the mansion can't see you. We must leave before they find you."

The present Allan becomes silent as he hears what the maid has said.

"Is this about that time? But this is not how it happened?! Wha-"

Allan becomes confused, his dreams and his memories are not aligned with one another. He became deep in thought.

The Young Allan was being dragged by Sheila, a new maid hired to become the personal maid for his sister.

The young Allan snatched his hand back

"And how can I know that you're not one of them?' He yelled at her.

"Young Master, please wewe don't have time. I know that you don't trust me because I'm new but I never once thought of harming this family who gave me a roof and saved me when I was in a predicament."

Said the Young Maid, Sheila.

The Young Allan stood there and looked at the maid. While the present Allan remembered the face of Sheila who was always beside Evelyn and the one who retired about a couple of years ago.

"But what about Mother and Father? Where are they?"

Suddenly, the young Allan cried as he thought about what will happen to his family. At that time, Allan was only 10 years old while his sister was about to reach nine years old.

"What is this? Why is this child crying using my own face?"

The present Allan can't believe that his dreams are letting this presumptuous scene folds in front of his eyes. As a child, Allan only cried when his mother died, and ever since then he never shed a tear.

When the young Allan and Sheila, the maid, go down across the stairs and into the basement where it has the secret passage going outside the estate, one of the attackers found them.

"Oh my~ the young Master is here."

"No! I won't let you harm him."

The young maid immediately protected the young Allan. The present Allan at that moment was knitting his brows forming a crease on his forehead.

It seems that the dream that his seeing looks familiar, even though it was blurry. However, Allan thinks that it was a result of his dreams that he doesn't have any authority to say what was about to happen.




The present Allan snapped from his thought and he saw the young maid lying on the cold floor and in front of the basement door, while the young Allan was calling her with desperation.

"What the hell is happening?" Allan suddenly let out his opinion.

"Come here, boy!"


The young Allan tried hard to resist his pursuers but at the end he was knocked unconscious.

"Haa nobles really are freaking annoying!" said the man who caught the young Allan.

"Now, let's see your mommy, pleading."

The Allan who was stuck in her dream can't distinguish if he was still dreaming or he was seeing an old memory. But however he thinks about it, his memory of that day was different than this.

His memory about that day was his sister experimenting on her powers whereas their mother supervised it. But because of some mishap, Evelyn's mana exploded causing a part of the old library in flames.

Furthermore, Duchess Monica protected his sister and in the process tried to swallow an enormous mana from his sister and put it into his mother's mana cap that caused it to overflow and that it shattered.

"There's nothing like this this is not what happened that day. How come it's different?"

The present Allan mumbled.

The next thing he knew, he was already in front of his mother and Evelyn's rugged like appearance. 

He saw his sister's legs that were bent in a painful way and that his mother was crying and was also angry at the person in front of Evelyn.

The man who Allan thought was the leader spoke to his mother. He still can't see his face because of the hood that was covering him.

"Monica, who will you choose? Saving your children or killing your own self and giving me your soul?"

"You bastard! How can you do this, Cesar?!"

Allan looks at the man as he hears his mother called Cesar. The revelation shocked him to his core and he saw the appearance of the man under the hood.

Black hair and crimson eyes that were closed to the color of hell and the depth of his emotions was deep as the abyss.

'I-is he the Pr-prince that was said to have died because of assassination? What's he doing here?"

At that moment, he heard his sister's plea.

"Please, let my brother and mother go. Please!!"

The pitiful appearance of his little sister etched to his mind. Her sunset eyes were swollen as she seems to have cried for a long time, her trembling appearance also evident how scared she was.

Allan looked at his young self, he was conscious now and is in the hands of the man who attacked him. Then, he looked at his mother who seemed to have lost her sanity because of the cruel situation that her children are in.

"Mother!! Mom!!!"

"I won't forgive you, Cesar!"

"I don't need your forgiveness, Monica. I've already decided that if I don't have you, I'll just get it for myself."

The man smiled that made Allan shiver to his core. Something that he shouldn't be feeling because he never meant the Crown Prince, but his body seems to remember the sensation that resulted in him trembling.

"This isn't a dream is this my own memory?"


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