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Chapter 66: Tough battle

Chapter 66: Tough battle


The strength of that fist was too strong, almost no one could guard against it. Even Bruce himself after becoming stronger felt that he was helpless to deal with that power with just his own.

Bruce! The Black Widow loudly exclaimed, her face becoming very pale.

After all, Bruce was quite strong in her opinion, but she didnt think that there was any way he would be able to deal with the Hulk. Especially in the state the Hulk was in now, he was akin to invincible.

However, just as the Hulks fist neared his body, Bruce took out his Super-Vibranium shield and used it to block.


Even with the shield in front of him, Bruce could still feel the terror of that fist. He became akin to a kite with a broken string, flying dozens of meters away before  finally smashing into a wall.

The Black Widow froze, as such a blow should take Bruce out instantly! In fact, she wouldnt be surprised if Bruce got killed by that blow, as it was that terrifying.

Apparently the Hulk was also of the same opinion, as his eyes moved away from Bruce and on to Black Widows body, which made her heart almost explode in fear.

Her physical condition wasnt anywhere near strong enough to be able to withstand Hulks attack.


But in the next moment, Bruce pushed away the residue on top of him and stood up relatively easily in front of the shocked gazes of the Hulk and Black Widow.

Barton might bring trouble elsewhere, you should leave here first, Bruce said and looked quite calm while doing it, keeping his thoughts to himself and strengthening his grip on the shield in his hand.

It was only now that the Black Widow realized that Bruce had wanted to deal with the Hulk alone all along, which prompted her so say, But in the state Banner is in, he will kill you!

She was very worried, as the only one in the Helicarrier in her opinion that could put up a fight against the Hulk was Thor. But regardless of her thoughts and worries, Bruce had his own plans and wasnt doing this because of pride or ego.

I said leave! Bruce said once again, his eyes flashing a bit of light.

In the next moment, black metal parts began covering Bruces body one by one in an instant, making him look like a copy of Iron Man. The process took no more than a second before Bruce was ready once again.

With the black armor on, he looked like a death-god all dressed in black, as the whole armor was glowing and releasing a cold black light.

The Black Widow froze in place, speechless before the Bruce that had undergone his transformation. She had never seen Bruce in that armor, he was like a war machine.

Okay! Upon seeing that Bruce had transformed completely, she nodded right away.

Perhaps now that Bruce was in his peak form, he could really deal with the big green monster. After deciding that, she instantly left the place without hesitation.


After releasing a roar, the Hulk stepped forward, making the cement floor crumble instantly.


At the next moment, he appeared in front of Bruce and punched out once again.


Almost as if having predicted that, Bruces hands instantly shot out innumerable spiderwebs, wrapping Hulk up in a very short amount of time.

This time around, the amount of spiderwebs Bruce had shot out was several times more than he did in his fight with Thor.


The Hulk roared angrily this time, as his strength was indeed ridiculous, but even he couldnt break out of the web that covered him for the time being.

Upon seeing that the Hulk was incapacitated, Bruce made his move, attacking the Hulk from all directions using the Mark Armors ray weapons among other things.

Bang, bang, bang!

The huge explosions brought about as a consequence of the Hulk and Bruces fight destroyed a lot of the equipment on the Helicarrier.

But fortunately enough, Bruce had been very careful so far, as otherwise, the whole carrier would go down in a huge series of explosions.


After being bombarded by Bruces attacks for two very long minutes, the Hulk finally managed to break himself out of that web.

However, even after Bruce had attacked him for two minutes without resistance, he could still not break through the Hulks defense!


However still not discouraged, Bruce made his move once again, this time making all of his armor pieces combine on his left hand, making it a huge fist.


Nonetheless, the storm of energy brought about by the Hulks attack made all those armor pieces crack one by one. Even if it was the notorious Mark Armor, before the Hulks strength, it was sturdy enough.

Bruce continuously stepped back, constantly shooting out spiderwebs as he flew backwards with the help of the inertia.

Facing such a brute of an opponent, the only way to beat him was by using soft methods that won out against his hard ones.

The Hulk was very powerful indeed, but facing the constant barrage of spiderwebs, no matter how powerful his strength was he could still not directly smash through them as he could only let them wrap him up once again.

Bruce, good work! Thor said as he made his appearance and instantly made his move on the Hulk.

Thor was an Aesir, which was a race completely different from the human race of Earth. Against his strength, even the Hulk needed to be careful.

Although the Hulk was smashed to the ground, all that did was make him angerier. And the angrier he got, the more powerful he became!


Instantly after that roar, Hulk broke out of the web and attacked Thor who was closest to him.

While the Hulk had to be wary of Thors strength, the same could be said for Thor, as the green monster had truly terrifying strength.


Thor grabbed his hammer that appeared out of nowhere, and swung it towards the Hulk.

Bruce also made his move at that moment, as his hands released powerful destructive energy that hit the Hulks body.

But as the Hulks skin was too hard, the destructive energy was only able to push him, and was incapable of breaking through his skin.

Push him out of the carrier! Bruce said.

Seeing the big hole on the wall, Thor who had been ready to attack once again understood Bruces intentions immediately.

If they continued to fight in this manner, the Helicarrier would ultimately fall down at some point, sooner or later. The best method of dealing with the situation was to push the Hulk out of the Helicarrier.

Moreover, with the Hulks strong body, he would be completely uninjured, so there were no worries on that part.


After understanding Bruces intentions, Thor moved together with Bruce. Their goal was not to beat the Hulk, but to force him back again and again until he was out.

Under their attacks, the Hulk could no longer offer much resistance and directly flew out of the carrier.

In order to totally prevent the Hulk from getting back somehow, Bruce shot out a cannonball that hit him in order to speed up his descent.

My impression of you has changed, you are really smart!  Where did you get this suit of armor from? Thor said as he began to admire Bruce.

The armor on Bruces body made him think about Iron Man. But although the two were in fact the same, how could Thor know that?

Your cute brother is also here, dont you plan on seeing him? Bruce said after taking his helmet off, not bothering to explain himself.

That apparently prompted Thor to remember something, as he immediately turned back and left.

The battle with Hawkeye on the other side of the carrier should not have ended so soon, I need to hurry up.

Although the fight against Hawkeye would not net him too much energy value, regardless of how small the amount was, it was still something.

However, just at that moment, the systems voice sounded out in Bruces mind again.

Beep, the battle has ended, you have obtained 200 points of energy value!

Sure enough, his fight with the Hulk was on another level, and as such, he got rewarded double the amount he had been previously.

Bruce smiled, immediately removing his armor and making his way towards Hawkeye. At this moment, Hawkeye should already be fighting against the Black Widow, and the two of them could be said to be evenly matched.

But Hawkeye was good at ranged attacks whereas the Black Widow was better at close combat instead, giving him an edge in their fight.

Their battle would definitely be close, and it would soon be decided which of those two would win.

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