I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 46: Son, have you returned to the way you were? (2)

Chapter 46: Son, have you returned to the way you were? (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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After finishing the group activities on the warm island, Eugene von Lennon returned to the Royal Academy and soon arrived in front of his dormitory room.

He was about to open the door when he noticed a letter stuck in the crack.

'What's this?'

The letter bore the seal of the Grace Barony.

'A letter from home?'

He was puzzled, as he had never received a letter from home before.

'What could it be?'

Eugene tore open the envelope to find out the contents.

-To Eugene von Lennon, a first-year student at the Royal Academy of Lucia.

Eugene, the situation at home is dire.

We are in desperate need of every able hand, and it would be best if you could return as soon as possible.

The situation is urgent, hence the brevity of this letter. Please understand.

Philip, Butler of the Grace Barony.

'The situation is dire?'

The Grace Barony was a considerable distance from the Royal Academy.

Typically, it would take a week for a letter to arrive.

'That means this letter was sent a week ago.'

How serious could it be by now?

Eugene's anxiety mounted as he thought about his family's desperate circumstances.

He quickly prepared for the journey and set out for the Grace Barony immediately.


Raei Translations


Four days had passed since then.

On an evening illuminated by the rising moon, Eugene, having run non-stop and sparing none of his mana, arrived at the Grace Barony.

He had covered the distance in four days on foot, a journey that would normally take a week by carriage.

Considering the time spent resting and meditating, the actual travel time was only about three days, an impressive feat.

'I need to find out why the situation is so serious.'

After catching his breath for a brief moment, Eugene strode eagerly towards the manor at the center of the Barony.

This was the place where the body's previous owner had been born and raised.

'Quite modest for a noble's residence.'

The manor was small, and the estate was quite old.

It looked even more humble compared to the house of Marshal, a commoner.

'But there are soldiers.'

A soldier stood guard in front of the estate.

As Eugene approached, the soldier drew his sword.

"State your name and affiliation!"


Perhaps it was because the old streetlamp's light was faint.

The soldier didn't recognize Eugene in the dim light.

Eugene wanted to get closer to show his face, but he hesitated, fearing the startled soldier might swing his sword.

He kept his distance and declared his identity.

"I am Eugene von Lennon of the Grace Barony."

"Eugene von Lennon...?"

"The son of this house."


"Is it really you, Young master Eugene?

I heard about the letter being sent!

The soldier's face lit up with recognition, and he approached with a lantern.

The faint light illuminated Eugene's face.


Eugene's face, no different from six months ago, was revealed.

"It does seem to be Young master Eugene."

No matter how many times he looked, it was definitely Eugene.

The serene and profound gaze, the broad shoulders, it was unmistakably Eugene...


Profound gaze?

Broad shoulders?

'What nonsense is this?'

The Eugene the soldier remembered had a maniacal twinkle in his eyes and slouched shoulders, an unrefined aura that made one feel a mix of pity and disdain.

But now, looking at him...

The face was Eugene's, but he seemed entirely transformed.

"Is it really you, Young master Eugene?"


"You look the same, but the aura is different."

The aura felt different, and the shoulders were broad...

"Honestly, you feel like a completely different person."

"...Yes, it's me, Eugene."


The soldier's brow furrowed with doubt.

'Could he have used magic to change his face?'

Since everything but the face had changed, such suspicion arose.

'No, that would be too far-fetched.'

However, that was an excessive suspicion.

In a household so impoverished that even fleas fled, who would bother to change their face and sneak in?

The soldier sheathed his sword and led Eugene.

"Please come this way."

As they walked, he voiced the question that had been nagging at him.

"Young master Eugene."


"You seem... different."


"Have you returned to your original self?"


"The madness I saw in your eyes is gone! I'm sure that half a year ago it was smoldering in there...!"

The soldier's voice grew louder.

"We are already at the door."


Why are we at the door already!

'There's so much I'm curious about!'

But they had already reached the door, and any further questions had to wait.

Reluctantly, the soldier composed himself and opened the door.

As Eugene entered...


Along with the sound of old planks, the interior of the house he had only seen in his memories was revealed.


It was too unadorned and pure for a noble's house.

To call it modest would be an understatement; there was an abundance of old furniture, and strangely, many empty spaces filled the rooms.

Something had once occupied those spaces, but it had been sold to pay off debts.

While the house was not dirty, suggesting at least cleaning was done, if not for its size, one would believe it was a commoner's home.

'Is this the reality of a fallen barony?'

Seeing it with his own eyes, the gravity of the situation was undeniable.

"I will take you to the head of the family."


Sighing at the sight indistinguishable between a noble's and a commoner's dwelling, he walked down the corridor and soon arrived at the door leading to the dining room.

"The family head should be in the dining room."

"Thank you."

"No problem at all."

With that, the soldier left.

Eugene opened the door and entered.

In the middle of the room, a long dining table was filled with many dishes.

There were no luxurious ingredients, but it appeared to be the best meal a fallen noble family could muster.

At the end of the table sat Dallas, with Philip standing beside him.

"The table is well-set, isn't it?"

"Even if Viscount Hobart is a big eater, this should suffice."

"Then it's settled."

"But my lord, there's someone approaching..."


Dallas turned his head to see Eugene walking towards them.

His brow slowly furrowed.


Brown hair reminiscent of fallen leaves, dark, deep brown eyes.

A face he had known since childhood...


His eyes widened in recognition.

'It's Eugene!'

Even if his son had become foolish, the joy of seeing his child was overwhelming.

Dallas approached Eugene with a warm smile.

"You've come earlier than expected."

"It's been a while, Father."

How had he arrived so quickly when the letter hadn't been sent long ago?

'That's not what matters.'

Seeing his son's face made any other concern irrelevant.

Dallas, still smiling, asked,

"Did you have any trouble coming here?"


"Are you healthy? Any problems?"

"Yes and no."

"Good, that's all that matters."

Even if his son had become a fool, the fact that he had managed his school life without health issues was all that Dallas could wish for.

'May you just live healthily.'

Dallas turned around with a gentle smile.


He turned back to look at Eugene again.

Something was different.

He hadn't noticed at first because he wasn't looking closely, but there was an odd aura coming from him.

It wasn't the pathetic energy from six months ago but a fine and solid presence of a man.

'And then.'

In those dark, deep brown eyes...

There was no madness.

The madness that had filled his gaze half a year ago was gone.

Now, only a calm and profound gravity filled Eugene's eyes.

'What has happened?'

Dallas belatedly noticed Eugene's broad shoulders and sturdy body.

From that impressive physique flowed a sharp and strong aura.

"What in the world..."

He reached out with trembling hands to grasp Eugene's shoulders.

A quivering voice escaped his lips.

"Eugene, have you returned to your original self...?"


"Have you come back from the state you were in half a year ago...?"

Back to the fine and reliable figure of those days?

The trembling in his face was filled with desperation.

It was the look of a father yearning for his son to have returned to his former self.

"How much heartache must he have gone through?"

Eugene, with a heavy heart, steeled his face and slowly opened his mouth.

"I haven't returned to my original self."


A shadow fell over Dallas's face.

Eugene quickly smiled.

"I've become much better than I originally was."


"The old me is barely a memory now."


Dallas's expression changed several times in a short span as if he were repeating Eugene's words to himself.

Then, with a bright smile, he embraced Eugene.

"My son has returned! My son!"

Tears mixed with laughter flowed from his mouth.

How much had his heart suffered when his pride, his son, was broken?

But now, his son had returned to his original form.

It was like a ray of hope comforting a hellish reality.

Philip, standing by, felt no different.

'Is this truly Eugene?'

He was one of those who had seen Eugene's pitiful state six months ago.

Comparing that image to the current one...

It wasn't easy to accept this reality.

It was as if not just the face but the whole person was completely different.

The young man who was once competent in every field seemed to have reclaimed his original form.

'The situation of the family is dire, but...'

This was an undeniably joyous event.

At the very least, the family had gained one more person to lend their strength, which was undoubtedly a great help.

Philip greeted with a bright smile.

"Eugene, have you been well?"

After escaping Dallas's embrace, Eugene nodded.

"I've been healthy. And you, Philip?"

"I've been alright as well. The family's situation has been difficult, but still..."


At that moment, the sound of the dining room door opening was heard.

Clip-clop! Clip-clop!

The sound of brisk footsteps approached.

All three turned their heads naturally.

A beautiful girl with shiny brown hair walked in.

Her face lacked nothing to be called the region's greatest beauty.

Erika von Rubia Grace, walked lightly towards everyone and stood before them.

"Erika, you're here already?"

"Yes! You told me to come out early today since 'he' would be arriving."

"I did say that, but..."

"Did I do well?"

"You did well, indeed... well..."

Dallas's face hardened as he saw the white powder painted on Erika's face.

"I told you not to wear makeup, yet you still came out wearing it."

"I understand what you're thinking, Father, but my beauty cannot be hidden with or without makeup."

She smiled broadly, brightening the surroundings with her radiant smile.

However, Dallas's face grew even more somber.

'Something must be wrong.'

Eugene's expression darkened.

As soon as Erika mentioned 'him,' Dallas's expression hardened, suggesting a connection to the family's crisis.


That's when Erika noticed Eugene and asked,

"Who is this person beside you?"

"That is..."

"He seems familiar?"

Her large eyes scrutinized Eugene.


She went through the same process in her mind as her father had, her face set in shock, her eyes beginning to twitch.


A faint voice escaped from her pink lips.


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