I Became the Male Lead who was Clinging onto the Female Leads

Chapter 39: Going to the sea in winter (3)

Chapter 39: Going to the sea in winter (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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"Princess, if it's okay with you, may I sit next to you?"


"I understand..."

A male student, dazzled by Eustia's appearance in her swimsuit, audaciously tried to sit beside her.

He quickly retreated after seeing her cold expression.

She was not in a good mood at the moment.

'To reject me...'

She had approached Eugene, who was sitting alone, and asked if she could sit next to him, putting on a posture and expression that she thought would be appealing to men.

It was a request that she believed no man could refuse.

However, Eugene refused.

There wasnt even a hint of hesitation on his face.

'Does he prefer men?'

She couldnt help but harbor such a suspicion.

Of course, it wasn't a serious doubt, just a complaint stemming from her dissatisfaction.


The situation was taking a strange turn.

Being rejected for a seat beside him was far from the scenario she had anticipated.

In her mind, there was no man who would refuse a beautiful woman like herself smiling and approaching him.

Whether they looked at her face or her body, the moment they saw her appearance, all men turned into beings smitten with her.

Living such a life, it was only natural that she was baffled when Eugene rejected her.

'I absolutely wont give up, though.'

She highly valued Eugene's potential.

He was a man like no other, defeating a teacher in the first-grade exam and casually replicating the notoriously complex swordsmanship of the Luberuta family just by watching.

'I must make him mine.'

If she could make Eugene hers, he would aid her in her ambition of becoming the empress.

She was prepared to give him anything and everything possible to achieve that.

'If he desires love, I shall give him love; if he desires my body, I shall give him my body.'

She was ready to do anything to eliminate the detestable beings of the royal palace that had driven her mother to death.


Raei Translations



Eugene, oblivious to Eustia's thoughts, was enjoying a nap under the warm sunlight.

He woke up when the sky was deeply dyed with the crimson hues of the sunset.

"Seniors, juniors, everyone, please pay attention!"

Cillian raised his voice in the middle of the beach.

"We are going to grill meat for dinner! Male students, come and help with setting up the grill! Female students, please wash the vegetables!"

"I'm on it!"

"I'll wash the vegetables!"

'Is it already dinner time?'

Looking around, she noticed that everyone was busily moving to prepare for the evening meal.

'I should get up.'

It was inappropriate to be lying around while everyone else was busy.

Eugene joined in to help set up the grill, carrying firewood diligently for the bonfire.

As the sun completely set, bonfires lit up across the beach.

The sizzling sound filled the air as meat started to grill on the grates.

Ah, listen to that sound! It makes me want to chug a beer right now!

The students were having a great time grilling meat and pouring beer.

"Here, have a piece."

"......Thank you."

Eugene was diligently chewing meat next to Cillian.

'How did I end up in this situation?'

He had been working hard, following Cillian's orders, and before he knew it, he found himself part of this group, eating meat.

"Is it good?"

"......It's delicious."

He didn't know anyone else there besides Cillian, so he just focused on eating the meat.

For some reason, Cillian kept talking to him.

This pork was air-flown from the Florence estate. The quality is top-notch, isn't it?

It really is.

It just melts in your mouth, right?


Eugene understood that Cillian was trying to make him feel included so he wouldnt feel left out, but something felt off.

It was hard to explain, but it just felt weird.

"Celine! Come here and try this meat that your brother has grilled!

Just then, Cillian called out to Celine, who was a bit far away.

She was with the female seniors, and it seemed like her tight swimsuit was quite uncomfortable, so she had changed into more casual clothes.


When Cillian called her again, she looked over, saw Eugene, and in surprise, quickly hid among her female seniors.

Why is she acting like that? Eugene, did something with you and Celine?


Then why is she behaving like that?

Cillian chewed on the meat, pondering.

How would I know?

Eugene also kept chewing his meat.

At that moment, a woman's voice came from behind.

Cillian, can I join and eat with you?

A woman?

At the voice, all the male students turned around in unison.

Eustia, dressed in a swimsuit with a light coat thrown over, stood there with her hands on her hips.

"Princess, we sincerely welcome you."

"Please feel free to eat and enjoy yourself."

The male students were treating Eustia like royalty, which was natural since she was indeed a princess.

"Thanks, everyone."

Eustia, with a gentle smile, came and sat next to Eugene.

Here she comes again.

Eugene flipped the meat.

After Eustia's arrival, the senior male students were so captivated by her that they barely paid any attention to grilling the meat.

Cillian seemed to be the only exception, though he too was distracted, thinking about Celine and not really focusing on the meat.

In the end, to prevent the meat from burning, Eugene had to take over.

The meat is precious, after all.

He flipped the meat regularly, ensuring it was cooked perfectly.

In the middle of this, Eustia tapped Eugene on the shoulder.



Eustia picked up some meat with her chopsticks and brought it close to his mouth.

"What are you doing now?"

"You'll eat it because I'm giving it to you, right?"



Eustia smiled sweetly.

Why is she doing this?

Is she trying to kill me?

He could feel a chilling aura at the back of his neck.

The seniors sitting next to them were glaring at him as if they wanted to kill him.

If he accepted the meat and ate it, hed be marked for death; if he doesn't accept it, he would continue receiving uncomfortable attention from her.

Either way, it was an awkward situation.

Oh well, I give up.

Eugene picked up the meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

The murderous intent that had been chilling his neck disappeared.

It was a moment when his effort to avoid becoming the public enemy seemed to have paid off.

However, life has a way of betraying ones efforts.

Feeling uncomfortable with Eugenes actions, Eustia narrowed her brows and wrapped her arm around his.

"Why do you keep avoiding me?"

"What? Wait a moment."

I could feel a soft sensation on my arm.

Eugene, you bastard!

I didnt think badly of you before!

He could feel a murderous aura as if his neck was about to be sliced off.

Why is this girl acting like this?

Eugene had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

However, what was even more surprising was Eustias expression.

She looked hurt.

I just wanted to take care of a junior who joined the Swordsmanship Club, but you keep avoiding me, making me want to cry

You want to cry?

Are you distancing yourself because Im royalty?

No, that's not it at all.

Then why do you keep avoiding me?

Because if I dont, Im going to die!

He could feel a chilling murderous intent.

The seniors, who had no particular ill feelings towards Eugene, were now glaring at him with killing intent.

She's even infusing mana into her arm!

Her arm wouldnt come off!

He tried to shake her off and put some distance between them but, it didn't work.

Eustia was a third-year student, so her mana and physical strength were no joke.

As a senior, I want to get closer and help you, but do you dislike me, Eugene?

How could I dislike you? Haha.

He could have rejected her and gotten her off his back by saying he disliked her, but that would have created other problems.

In the royal academy where the hierarchical relationships were important, openly ignoring a senior who was trying to help would quickly lead to a reputation as a rude junior.

This is driving me crazy.

Was she doing this on purpose?

Eustia kept pressing something soft against me.

I'll let you go if you promise not to avoid me in the future.

When did I ever avoid you?

Youve been avoiding me the whole time. Even today at lunch, when I asked if I could sit next to you

Ugh, I wont avoid you in the future.



As Eugene nodded seriously, Eustia finally let go of his arm.

"Then I have something urgent to attend to."

"Are you sure it's urgent?"

Would I dare to lie to a senior as esteemed as you?

Fine. If you dont come back within 10 minutes, Im going to cry.

This is absurd.

He had planned to disappear after excusing himself, but she gave him no way out.

What have I done to deserve this?

Eugene reluctantly turned to take care of his supposed business, even though he didnt actually need to.

What should I do now?

Pushing Eustia away harshly would cause problems, but not pushing her away would lead to even bigger issues.

Im just trying to maintain my recently recovered reputation.

This was really not easy.

Even after returning from handling his supposed business, Eugenes agonizing dinner continued.

Eugene, here~

Has she decided to bury him alive?

Eustia, now tipsy from beer, used a sweet, coaxing voice to bring a piece of meat to his mouth.

Eugene would eat the meat whenever the seniors werent looking.

Its good that youre eating well. One more time, here~

Whats the point of eating when they arent looking?

She's exposing him anyway with her words.

As he continued to receive death stares, he gradually became accustomed to them.

I really dont know anymore.

There was no answer to it.

Eugene spent the rest of the night eating meat from Eustias hand.

Seeing this scene, the seniors were hurt and drowned their sorrows in alcohol.

Thankfully, most of them lost their memories of that night.

However, the same event repeated the next day.


Raei Translations


"Eugene, stop right there! I need to talk to you!"

"I have something I need to do!"

"What is it that you have to do?"

"I just have something!"

From the morning, an unexpected chase unfolded.

Eustia was trying to get closer to Eugene, while Eugene ran away with all his might.

"What am I watching right now?"

"It seems the princess is interested in the new kid."

"Why is that lucky guy running away?"

"To be honest, I'm so jealous."

The male students of the Swordsmanship Club made bitter faces as they witnessed this unbelievable, unwelcome sight.

Men are highly visual creatures, and Eustia, dazzlingly beautiful and nice (though it was just a faade), was like a dream to the male members of the Swordsmanship Club.

Almost all of them had liked her at least once.

And some were still harboring unrequited love for her.

"Who brought that guy into the Swordsmanship Club?"

"Why did you bring such a guy and hurt our feelings?"

"Just you wait till I find out who did this. I'll not let it slide!"

"Friends! Don't be too obsessed with girls, it won't do you any good!"

Cillian was sweating hard trying to console the heartbroken ones.

But the hardest time was had by Eugene himself.

"Man, this is driving me crazy."

It was exhausting to dodge Eustia all day long.

He felt like doing push-ups with a rock on his back would have been a hundred times better.

As he continued to run away, he came to realize a fact he had been ignoring.

"Why is she even interested in me?"

Eustia was not the type to be obsessive unless the person was beneficial to her.

"I have no idea what she sees in me, but"

She was convinced that Eugene was a 'beneficial person.'

This was just insane.

I can barely take care of myself, how could I possibly have the luxury to take care of a princess?

He had no intention of wasting his energy on her.

Forming a connection or dating her was absolutely out of the question.

"Eugene! Just stop for a moment!"

"I'm busy!"

He continued to avoid Eustia.

After a few hours, he finally managed to escape her sight, even if just for a moment.

"I just want a little break."

That was all he wished for.

Eugene looked around for a place to hide.

He couldnt go to the forest guarded by Antonio.

He needed somewhere else.

"That place seems good."

His eyes landed on Celine, who was wandering around wearing a hood.

More precisely, on the pile of stuff behind her.

It looked like a good place to hide.

Eugene rushed towards the pile of stuff.

And just as he was about to enter


He caught Celines eye, staring blankly at him.

Eugene walked up to her with big strides.

"Celine, I have a favor to ask."


"I'm going to hide in there. If the princess asks you where I am, just say you don't know. Okay."

"I don't know. Figure it out yourself."


Celine, her face hidden by the hood, quickly walked away.

Her footsteps seemed unusually hurried.

Why is she acting like that again?

I just dont get it.

Eugene shook off his curiosity and entered the pile of stuff.


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