I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 92: Travel and crossing the line (2)

Chapter 92: Travel and crossing the line (2)

Chapter 92: Travel and crossing the line (2)

[Physis POV]

Stepping onto the teleportation gate, we were immediately greeted by a refreshing breeze, distinct from the chilly atmosphere of Rodenov.

Upon arriving at the Magnolia, we promptly told the knight in charge of the teleportation gate that we were simply travelers. And after briefly greeting the Marquis and Marquess of Magnolia, we quickly took our leave.

There was no point in staying there unnecessarily. We didnt come to seek hospitality from the Magnolia family but to relish our journey.

Its cool here. But feels a bit different from Rodenov.

I heard Adiluns excited voice right next to me.


Coming out of the Marquis mansion, what lay before us was a brilliant white city.

It emitted a unique vitality characteristic of coastal cities, distinct from Enadeim, and the scent of the sea began to waft toward us.


What is it?

I smell something.

A smell?

Yes. How do I describe it...?


It seemed Adilun was experiencing the scent of the sea for the first time, which was understandable. Having spent most of her time in the North and only venturing to inland cities, she probably hadnt visited a coastal city like Magnolia before.

Thats the smell of the sea.

The smell of the sea?

Yes. A fragrance you can only catch from the sea.

It feels so new.

Seeing Adilun smiling at the novelty of the place, I found my mood lifting in response.

Where should we go now?

Anywhere. Its my first time here as well.

Have you never been to the sea before?

Not in this timeline, but I often visited the coast in my previous world before time reverted.

Oh... With someone?

No, fighting monsters.


Adiluns expression momentarily froze.

Its alright. I won without any damage.

Hehe, I was momentarily caught off guard.

Its fine. It happens. Anyway, lets move.

We ambled through the shimmering white city, taking in its unique charm. The atmosphere was distinctly different from Rodenov. It was rather static, and was not the calm vitality that people display cautiously under their eyes, but watching everyone walk down an unfamiliar street, releasing their bodies into the cool sea air, showing all their vitality, It was as if we had stepped into another world.

I feel invigorated. Its definitely different from Rodenov... more open.

It seemed Adilun felt the same way.

Thats to be expected. Peoples ways of life change according to their environment. Thats why I liked to travel. Not just to see the sea... but to feel the novelty of seeing how people live within it.

Yes, I think so too.

In the street, there were many vendors selling seafood with their skins tanned by the sun.

Although the fishy smell might be somewhat off-putting to some, Adilun never lost her smile as she enjoyed those things as well during her stroll.

Perhaps because we were dressed lighter for the warm region, we felt the gaze of many people on us.

Especially, the horns on Adiluns head drew the attention of many, with curious expressions. Just as we found them intriguing, they too seemed fascinated by us.

From a distance, the innocent voice of a child reached our ears.

Mom! That sister has horns on her head! And scales on her cheeks! But shes so pretty!

With that voice, we started feeling even more eyes on us. However, we kept exploring without any hesitation.

If we were looking around, we could hear an older woman commenting on our unique appearances, and someone cautiously asking if Adilun might be a descendant of the legendary sea dragon.

When we mentioned the dragon lineage from the northern lands, some were so startled they even tried to bow in reverence.

Rumor had it, due to superstitions among sailors, they prayed to the sea dragon for a safe journey on the water that day, and hope that no storm will strike. In their eyes, with horns on her head and subtle scales on parts of her skin, Adilun might seem like a manifestation of the sea dragon.

Even after clarifying that she wasnt such a grand entity, people prayed to her for bountiful catches or to discover treasures.

It feels strange, being treated not just as an anomaly, but almost as a divine being. I wasnt treated like this in Rodenov.

Haha, is that so? I hope you dont find it unpleasant?

No, its quite fascinating. Meeting new people feels like this. I think it was wise not to reveal our noble status.

What would you have done if something had gone wrong?

Hehe. Do you think were the kind to face such issues?

If you put it that way, probably not. So, shall we... find an inn?

First, lets find a place to stay, and then explore the sea. I want to try something new too.


We went around asking people about a place to stay with a neat appearance.

Among them, one of the villagers who held Adiluun sacred told us that there was an inn where high-ranking people who came to rest by the sea often stayed, and we walked straight to that inn.

Soon after, a large inn of considerable size began to appear. Indeed, it did seem like an inn where aristocrats often stayed.

The exterior, resembling a mansion, looked very clean, and without hesitation, we entered.

Welcome. Were pleased to have you at the Magnolia Inn.

Upon entering the building, the neat interior greeted us. The employee caught sight of Adilun and me and asked cautiously about our identity with a slightly surprised look. Adilun revealed that she was a successor to Rodenov.

The employees eyes widened, and he immediately offered us the best room. During this process, there was a minor hiccup where the manager insisted on treating us well.

Normally, one would have to make a reservation to get the best room, but it seemed the Marquis of Magnolia, whom we met in the morning, had reserved a room for us just in case.

There was a command to treat us with utmost sincerity if we were to come. I thought we might need to repay the Marquis of Magnolia later.

Anyway, we firmly told them not to fuss over us too much and not to come into our room if possible. We instructed them to leave the meals that the inn provided outside our door at the appropriate times.

Fortunately, they seemed relieved, perhaps feeling there was no need for unnecessary concerns, nodding in understanding.

Given it was a city with a thriving tourism industry, the inn was very pleasant and spacious.

A large bed and the soft blankets covering it caught our eyes. Looking out from the terrace, the vast expanse of the sea filled our view. It seemed the building was designed with all this in mind.

I heard that the Marquis of Magnolia started this inn business because he wanted to earn money from tourism. It was known as a vacation spot for nobles.

We quickly unpacked our belongings in the inn room. After organizing our change of clothes, we changed into lighter attire.

What do you think?

Adilun, who changed into a sky-blue dress, twirled in front of me. Even though she looks like a tomboy, somehow she was so beautiful that I couldnt take my eyes off her and just admired her.

Youre stunning.

Thank you.

With a playful smile in her eyes, Adilun and I headed toward the beach.





Stepping out of the inn, we immediately headed to the beach. The sight of several rocky islands came into view, and the vast expanse of the sea unfolded before our eyes.


Adiluns eyes widened, and she smiled innocently, as if a child beholding the worlds most wondrous sight. The boundless azure sky above and the sea stretching to the horizon below. A refreshing shade of blue filled our vision.

The view was overwhelmingly breathtaking.

Its incredible. So, this is the sea.

Do you like it?


Then, lets get closer. I think itll be nice to walk on the sandy beach.

Nodding in agreement, she took my hand and we strolled along the sandy shore.

As we enjoyed the soft touch of the sand and continued gazing at the sea, it was only natural for our playful side to emerge.

Huh? Whats that look for?

Dont you want to dive into the sea?

I do, but... wont our clothes get all wet?

We can always dry them with magic.

Hehe, true that.

Shall we then?

Huh? Wait! Ahhh!

Suddenly, I scooped Adilun up and tossed her into the sea. With a loud splash, she plunged straight in.

Wha- Huh!

Adilun started glaring at me for suddenly throwing her in. Did I go too far? But just as I began to worry, she suddenly burst out laughing while looking at me. It was evident that she was thoroughly enjoying the experience itself.


Watching her like this, I realized that choosing the sea as our destination was indeed the best decision.

Lost in that thought,

Suddenly, I felt Adiluns mana wrapping around me.

Could it be?

I didnt resist. Just as Adilun wished... I was hurled into the sea just like her.

Cough cough cough!

I swept my hair back, spitting out the mouthful of water. And there she was, softly laughing, pushing her wet hair back. She looked irresistibly charming.

Her white dress clung to her, slightly revealing what lay beneath. It was a good thing we were in a secluded area, away from prying eyes.

Adilun, your dress is quite see-through?

Oh, oops!

Realizing the truth, Adilun quickly wrapped herself in an opaque bubble formed by magic, drying her clothes. In no time, the signs of her being drenched vanished, and she floated on top of the bubble, looking down at me.

Hehe, who started this mischief?

Looks like I got a taste of my own medicine.


We spent a bit more time in the sea before returning to the inn with light snacks. And the one who suggested we head back to the inn was me.

After witnessing her drenched state, it became increasingly hard for me to hold back.

Whether Adilun caught on to my intentions or not, even with the sun still high in the sky, she blushed deeply, nodding in agreement.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

[TL: Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to 10 chapters ahead of the release: /taylor007  ]

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