I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 79: Subjugation (1)

Chapter 79: Subjugation (1)

Chapter 79: Subjugation (1)

After about a week, Lucas finally returned to Rodenov.

The reason for his delayed return was the sudden appearance of monsters between the Ice Wall and Rodenov.

Lucas deemed those monsters dangerous, so he rushed towards Rodenov, trying to reduce their numbers as much as possible.

Even though there was a teleport gate near the vicinity of the Ice Wall, he didnt use it for a reason; Apparently, only the Ice Wall had a teleport gate, so he believed that the people living between the Ice Wall and Rodenov wouldnt receive timely support. If even a brief moment passed, those villagers would be swept away without a doubt.

Thanks to his efforts, a significant number of people were able to escape from the monsters harm, and as soon as he judged that the situation with the monsters was under control, he immediately returned to Rodenov.

So, thats what happened. Youve worked hard, Lucas.

I apologize for being late, Your Excellency.

No, there is no need to apologize. You acted with the well-being of Rodenovs residents in mind. Theres nothing to reproach you for.

Thank you for your understanding.

Still, you arrived at the right time. The knights are all prepared, and Physis and Adilun are ready too... Now we just need to confirm the members of the subjugation party and head to the Ice Wall.

Will the Princess also go?

Of course. She is the future ruler of Rodenov, and now its time for her to step forward.

Wouldnt that be dangerous?

There might be a possibility... However, I bet that she wont be harmed. She possesses the blood of dragons more than anyone recorded in Rodenovs history. Can anyone in this empire boast better magical skills than her? I think not.

I see.

Moreover, we have Physis as well.

Thats true...

Lucas nodded, recognizing that Physis growth was on an extraordinary level. Among the many geniuses he had encountered, Physis was beyond comparison.

As each day passed, Physis strength increased at an astonishing rate. This was the reason why Johannes was not particularly worried, and Lucas understood his reasoning.

Immediately, Lucas recalled Physiss recent display of power. He had become significantly stronger since the duel they had, now even surpassing Lucas himself in strength.

While someone with even a modicum of talent might feel envious, in the realm of talents high above the sky, it was not something to be jealous of.

Besides, Physis was destined to become the future Duke of Rodenov. Naturally, it was a cause for celebration to have such a capable person as a knight.

Anyway, dont worry too much.

I understand.

After finishing the conversation with Duke Johannes, Lucas immediately headed to the training grounds.

* * *

Upon arriving at the training grounds, Lucas couldnt believe his eyes. Even though he hadnt been away for too long, the knights momentum seemed even more vigorous, and their magic power had noticeably increased.

He approached Tir, who welcomed him back, and inquired about the sudden improvements and the kind of magic Physis had employed.

What exactly happened? It looks like the knights abilities have suddenly soared.

Your thoughts are correct. Sir Physis and Lady helped us in many ways.

How exactly did they help?

Feel the mana once, Sir Lucas.


Lucas focused his mind, and what he experienced next left him utterly astonished.

...Was the mana concentration in the training grounds always been this high?

Haha. I knew youd be surprised too. Its amazing, isnt it? Its the effect of the magic circle she installed.

Ive never heard of such a magic circle...

I heard they thought it was worth a try. And as it turned out, it worked splendidly. Truly fitting for someone with the blood of dragons.


Lucas was speechless. What had happened during the three weeks he was away from Rodenov?

Okay, but what about everyones training?

Well, um... Everyone trained intensely, almost like savage warriors.


Yes. Sir Physis advised us that we wouldnt need delicate swordplay for the time being, as we couldnt predict the chaotic situations the subjugation party might face. So we swung our swords at each other relentlessly, training our stamina to the point of exhaustion. We rolled desperately to avoid being hit by other knights swords. Thats how we ended up like this.

...I see.

Lucas instantly grasped Physis intentions.

If the mana concentration is higher, the body absorbs mana more efficiently during intense training. In other words, he must have known that the total amount of mana accumulated in the body would increase. Moreover, he probably assumed there might be no real combat in the prepared state... Now I understand. Theres no substitute for real battle training. Rodenovs knights have all honed their individual swordsmanship and combat skills, so he must have found a way to maximize that.

Lucas nodded and replied to Tir.

I understand, Sir Tir. Youve all worked hard.

Well, thanks to that, our skills have improved a lot... It wasnt easy, but it wasnt too bad. Sir Physis had it the hardest.


Yes. During the chaotic training, we all targeted Physis first. We considered him the most formidable opponent. Even so, he stubbornly held his ground until the very end. Honestly, its hard to believe hes only twenty.

Hahaha. Thats true.

Its amazing how much a person can change in less than a year.

Thats right. Its just... all good things happened. Anyway, Ill head in now. I need to relieve some tension.

Please go ahead, Sir Lucas.

* * *

[Physis POV]

Late at night at the training grounds, Adilun and I continued our training until the last moment, following Duke Johannes instructions to prepare for the subjugation party heading to the ice wall tomorrow.

Of course, we didnt train at full intensity, knowing we would need to depart promptly, but I needed some time to review what Adilun had learned from me.

Adilun, did you hear? Tomorrow, were forming the subjugation party and heading to the ice wall right away.

Yes, I heard from Father earlier.

Sir Lucas has returned... Now the real action begins.


Adilun appeared slightly uneasy. She claimed to be fine, but her lingering anxiety probably stemmed from her caring nature. She always hoped no one would get hurt.

Are you worried?


Itll be alright. Dont worry too much.

Sir Lucas mentioned encountering a considerable number of monsters during his journey. The monsters themselves arent frightening, but the consequences they might cause scare me. If Sir Lucas had been late, I might have heard such news - villages disappearing due to monster attacks. I... hate that.

Thats why were going as the subjugation party, Adilun.

I dont want to see the knights or the soldiers getting hurt. But... theres no doubt that such a situation might arise.


So, Ill do my best. You, too... will you do your best?

Of course. This place feels like my hometown now.

...Thank you. Actually, Im still anxious, but I feel relieved knowing youre here.

Its an honor to hear that.



Please dont get hurt.

Gladly. But Adilun, can you forgive me if I get hurt while trying to protect you?

No, I wont forgive that either. So, please dont get hurt. I can take care of myself to some extent.

Adilun looked at me with determination. The deep affection in her eyes showed she genuinely cared about my well-being.

...Ill keep that in mind.

When we come back, theres something I want to tell you, so make sure you finish everything well and come back to me.


I was curious about what she meant, but I didnt ask. I knew she wouldnt answer if I asked now. So, I simply nodded in response to her words.

After finishing our training, Adilun took a deep breath and spoke to me.

Thats it for today.


Now that its like this, I want us to clean up the monsters as quickly as possible, so that there wont be any threat to Rodenov.

Me too.

So, lets do our best, together.

Her bright smile looked very beautiful. Was there anything more beautiful than someone striving to protect what they hold dear?

Unintentionally, I reached out and touched her face. It was a reward for her hard training, and at the same time, it was also a gift she gave to me for the nights I worked hard for her.

As I placed my hand on her face, she seemed to understand my intentions and slightly closed her eyes.

Her face drew closer, and I could faintly smell the sweat from her rigorous training, but at this moment, the scent of her sweat seemed to fulfill some of my sexual desires.

We kissed. Just like in the past, when we did not cross the line but continued our actions, I caressed her body and explored her lips passionately.

It seemed like she also wanted to dispel the uneasiness caused by the upcoming subjugation mission, as she clung to me tightly and kissed me passionately.

With each kiss and mingling of our tongues, an audacious thought came to my mind.

I just wanted to completely cross the line after this mission was over... Such a thought...

It was a bold idea, but honestly, I didnt think I could resist anymore beyond this.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

[ Announcement: Just published a few chapters of my currently favorite romance novel. Hope you guys will like it as much as I did Here Is the Link: https://www.readingpia.me/series/picking-up-unrequited-love

Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to 10 chapters ahead of the release: /taylor007  ]

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