I Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 378

[Zuzuzu Zuzu (is this guy?)]

A pangolin the size of a hill blinks its four eyes. The griffon beastman next to him let out a wave of thought.

“A person brought by a bad owner. “Can you check if the smell is similar to that of him?

The giant beast slowly shook its head in response to a wave of thoughts filled with soft emotions. And then he put his head closer to the human who was much smaller than him.


The human body trembled when an animal much larger than him was right in front of him. This is because he knows very well that the reinforced clothing he is wearing cannot protect him.

Soon, the giant mountain crawler snorted violently.

「Tack. The author supplied supplies to Salman.”
[Z (yes)]

I deliberately didn’t plant any parasites because I was worried that he might get confused when he smelled it.

I stretched out my wing arms and picked it up. Now I have to figure out what’s in this little pirate’s head.

“Now, wait a minute! “I’ll tell you whatever you want!”
“Are you going to tell me everything?”
“okay! All transactions with customer S! “I’ll tell you everything, including everything that bastard told me to do, so please save me!”

Se-chan, the pirate held tightly in my hand, was desperate. I guess they think they can escape if they just get out of here.

‘But what can I do?’

Isabel went to deal with the pirate ship floating in space, and Adhai went to deal with the transport ship that landed on the ground. Even if he is lucky enough to escape me, there is no way for him to escape from this planet.

It would be safe to say that his fate was decided when he first decided to come here.

‘It’s something to be grateful for from my perspective.’

Today is the third day since Salman died.

The ancient mountain crawler he brought with him said that there were people who visited Asuka 44 regularly. They said they always smelled food and blood whenever they came.

My Heavenly Mother and I assumed that they were the ones in charge of supply and transportation. Asuka 44 is a planet that has not been terraformed. Of course, everything has to be procured from outside. There will also be a supply manager outside the planet who will be in charge of this.

Of course, since Mountain Crawler is not human, he did not know where the supply manager was or when he would arrive.

Fortunately, the problem was solved thanks to Salman’s remnants remaining on the planet. The defense fleet responsible for the battle was destroyed, but the ships that left the base for reconnaissance still remained.

I scoured the planet to find survivors and get the information I needed from them.

They said a supply representative would arrive about three days after Salman’s death. This is because the base and the other party already made an agreement four days ago to meet in a week.

Anyway, so we waited at Asuka 44 for three days.

If he hadn’t come by today, I was thinking of leaving this planet.

‘I did, and it worked out well.’
“This plan is the final one. restaurant? “Why is the baby crying here?”

At that time, an unfamiliar voice suddenly rang out in the nest.


Se-chan’s face brightened in an instant. It must have been because I heard a person’s voice, that of a colleague.

‘That’s it.’

Unfortunately, what he expects doesn’t happen.

“Fuck, it’s all gone!”

The being that appeared with harsh swear words was a creature that was far from human. Se-chan’s complexion suddenly worsened when he saw the jellyfish glowing pink in the dark.

“Don’t you know the captain’s personality? Fuck! Oh my, really?”

It was probably because a familiar voice he recognized was coming from the creature’s tentacles.

Every time the small protrusions covering the surface of the tentacle moved, male and female voices continued to flow out. It’s like playing back a recorded voice.

“Big, big baby. Ha ha ha ha ha. “Fuck!”
[Zuzuz, zuzu, zuzu (don’t use that word)]

Pink jellyfish No. 26 recognized my wavelength and stopped moving.

“no? Why?」
[zuzu zuzuzu (that’s a bad word)]
「I’m calling you a big baby, but isn’t it okay?」
[zu zuzu zuzu zuzu (not that part, but after)]
[Zuzu (that)]

As if studying ‘speaking with sounds’ had paid off, No. 26’s vocabulary has reached a significant level. I think it’s probably older than kindergarten.

“okay. “I won’t do it.”
[Zuzuzu (you’re so kind)]
“Uh, that voice… Are you sure all of your colleagues?”

Ordinary humans cannot understand the conversation between me and No. 26. The same goes for Se-chan, who appears to have undergone genetic modification surgery.

However, I am not an idiot who cannot understand how things work in this atmosphere.

I focused my attention on my fighting arms. A very small object slowly crawled out of an organ in his arm.

A parasite with an elongated body like an eel moves towards its target on its fighting arms. Se-chan, who was being held in my hand, began to tremble when he saw the approaching parasite.

“Unlike your subordinates, you will not die.”
“Now, wait a minute…Ugh?!”
“Until you tell me everything that’s on your mind.”

The guy struggled to avoid being infected by the parasite, but his resistance was pointless.

A few seconds later, the pirate went limp, losing control of his body to the parasite. The Mother of Sky, the Gryphon Beast who had been watching this from the beginning, was fed up.

“I always feel bad when I see parasites. Physiologically, I feel repulsed.」
[Zuzuzuzuzuzu(Really? Isn’t it cute?)]
「It’s not my place to say this now, but I think your tastes are a bit strange.」
[Zuzzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzu(It’s not your place to say it) I think so)]
‘What’s wrong with him? It’s cute like a retriever.”

She patted the mountain crawler with a wave of thought in her eyes. The boy gently closed his eyes, as if his master’s touch felt good.

No matter how many times I look at it, there is nothing in its appearance that resembles a retriever. Whether in reality or in this world, dogs with four eyes and six legs do not exist.

Plus, he’s about the same size as me. Although its body is clearly shorter than mine, it feels bigger than me thanks to the huge armor that protects its body. This is true even though it has been bulked up by obtaining the Destroyer Carapace.


The mountain crawler sensed my gaze and came striding towards me. This guy is as big as a small mountain. Every time I moved, my nest shook violently.

The guy who closed the distance between me craned his head and rubbed his head against my body. As she said, it was a look that reminded her of her pet dog.

Mountain crawlers lead independent lives throughout their lives except when giving birth. When the baby is old enough to walk on its own, the entire family disperses and lives their own lives.

I had no idea that they were such an independent breed, but that they could be so cute.

[zu zuzuzu zuzu (how cute)]
「Ddandan is cute!」

I scratched the back of his neck moderately and looked down at Se-chan, who was infected with parasites.

He was waiting for my order with bleary eyes.

“First, explain your job.”

I asked everything I could possibly find out from him, such as where the items had been airlifted from and where Salman had moved the items, if any.

The interrogation ended after about two hours. He told me everything he knew.

Most of it was useless information, but there was one interesting piece of information.

‘I’ll have to go out and find out.’

We need that damn ship to check that information. For some reason, I entrusted the pirate ship to Isabel because I thought it would be like this, and I’m glad I did.

[Zuz, zuzuzu, zuzu (I’ll go out for a moment)]
「I’m going with you, too.」

I left the infected Sechan to Heavenly Mother and got up. Then, while I was extracting information, No. 26, who was playing with Mountain Crawler, climbed on top of my head.

The guy and I climbed to the ground using a burrow dug by a mountain crawler.

As I crawled out onto the black ground, I saw a ship I had never seen before, other than the three cult-style ships.

‘Is that a boat?’

It was a ship that looked similar to the Edgerton family’s warship that I had seen before at the T&C Special Trade Center.

It seemed to be about 500m long, so it was much smaller than what I had seen before. Although it was small in size, it had the same impressive golden decorations and a smooth, streamlined fuselage design.

That gorgeous-looking large destroyer was now half-laid on the ground.

Isabel and PS-111 were in front of the ship that appeared to have crash-landed. Next to them, Adhai, who had returned from destroying the transport ship, was curled up and enjoying a nap.

“It’s amazing that everyone, including Seo-ah, is good at driving spaceships.”
“By implanting the flight simulation module, you can demonstrate the flying skills of an ace pilot.”
“Aren’t you going to put that on your head?”
“We also need to modify our sensory responses and ability to analyze information, so we need to do some manipulation of the brain.”

PS-111, which was previously damaged during a fight with Salman.

As you can see, the guy was fine. In fact, thanks to a few modifications made over the course of three days, it has become slightly more upgraded than before.

The only thing that changed was his arm. Two of the eight were replaced with new type arms.

Looking at the two arms attached to the back of the body, there were short cylinder-like things in place of hands. There were three appendages at the end of the cylinder, which were used to support the body when moving.

Another minor difference was the addition of four metal pipes to the back.

“If you want, we will renovate it right away.”
“My sense of taste has already become strange, and I don’t want to change it further.”
“Is that so? “It’s a shame.”
“Besides, sister, your legs are okay…oh, Aimov?”

Isabelle, who was talking to her sister, noticed me and stopped talking.

[Zuzuzu(Is that a boat?)]
“Yes. “It looks a bit weird.”
[Zuzuzu zzu zuzuzzu zzu zuzzuzu (It’s okay. As long as the ship’s computer is alive)]

The ship itself isn’t particularly important anyway. I plan to organize the rest after acquiring the ship data.

“If you want information, I can help.”
[Zuzuzuz (I’ll ask you a favor)]
“What information do you need?”

I explained to him what to look for.

“I will secure the saved route records and the captain’s personal records.”
[Jazzzizzzzzzzizeszizzizzizzz (yes. If you see anything that seems useful, take it too)]
“I understand.”
“I want to go with my friend too. “I’m going to find my study stuff.”
“I’ll check that too.”

PS-111 nodded and approached the ship. Then he raised his new arm at the back of his body and aimed at the outer wall.

The appendages attached to the cylinder folded outward, and the entire arm became red.

Soon, white flames poured out of the cylinder and began to burn the outer walls of the ship. At the same time, hot heat emanated from the metal pipe on its back.

It is a flamethrower made based on the Pyromancer’s attack method that Isabel heard about.

Just as the Pyromancer attacks by heating his arms to high temperatures, he can also emit high-temperature flames with those two arms.

Of course, he cannot perfectly control heat energy like the Pyromancer. The cylindrical gun barrel is also made from the corpse of a magmasaur, so at least it doesn’t melt.

Even that is not easy, so much so that the heat can be controlled using a pipe on the back.

After a while, the outer wall of the ship, which had been subjected to intense heat, began to melt.

In a matter of seconds, the guy who had blown a large hole in the outer wall of the ship stopped working with his flamethrower. Perhaps thanks to the pipe circulating the heat inside his body, his arm quickly regained its original color.

“Damage was minimized for future use.”
[Zuzuzu (thank you)]
「Wow! Count your friends! Cool!」
“Thank you for the positive reviews of the main controller.”

PS-111 looked over his work with satisfaction and then went inside. Number 26 also bounced and disappeared into the ship, following him.

‘I guess he wanted to show off his new weapon.’

This guy can open any door and enter through hacking. Seeing that he was behaving inefficiently and for some reason, I guess he wanted to show me. So I didn’t bother to tell him.

“Are you bragging that you just got new legs?”
[Zuzuzu zuzu (I think so)]
“You’re still a child now.”

Of course, Isabel pointed that out loud.

In any case, it will take some time for PS-111 to extract computer records.

‘In the meantime, let’s rethink our future plans.’

There is nothing more to see on this planet.

Before moving to the next location, I need to check my physical condition and future plans one last time.

With that in mind, I popped up a semi-transparent text box that was different from before.

“Watch next episode”

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