I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 631 Festival Of Blood (2)

Chapter 631  Festival Of Blood (2)

"No volunteers?" Ashton mocked the six guards before him. "And here I thought going against Xyrans was asking for death. But can cowards like you even kill a roach?"

"You... fuck get ready!" one of the xyrans yelled. "We'll end this bastard right here and now!"

Amidst the chaos and flickering lights of the mine, the only thing Xyrans registered was Ashton's emotionless face. The Xyrans underwent extensive training and protocols, unlike the humanoid creature before them.

However, even if all their heightened sense and reflexes, the Xyrans were still hesitant when it came to engaging the intruder. But since Ashton's words had hurt their pride, they couldn't stay idle and do nothing about it.

The air crackled with tension as the remaining Xyrans encircled Ashton, cutting off his escape path. Fear and a determination to prove their worth could be seen in their eyes, but all of it wouldn't account for much against someone like Ashton.

The first Xyran lunged at Ashton with a plasma blade, the crackling energy leaving fiery trails in the air. Ashton sidestepped the strike with fluid grace, his fingers closing around the guard's wrist.

"Too easy."

With a swift twist, Ashton disarmed the Xyran and delivered a crushing blow to his throat. The Xyran gurgled and collapsed to the ground, clutching his injured windpipe, and soon the Xyran choked on his blood... dying of suffocation.

Regardless of the outcome, another guard attacked Ashton, swinging an electric baton with brute force. Ashton deflected the blow with his forearm and retaliated with a powerful kick to the guard's midsection.

The guard stumbled back, wheezing, as Ashton followed up with a series of lightning-fast strikes that left the guard crumpled on the floor, covered in his blood as Ashton's claws tore flesh from the Xyran's bones.

A third Xyran attempted a sneak attack from the side, but Ashton's acute senses detected the danger. He spun around, his elbow connecting with the Xyran's jaw. The force of the impact sent the guard crashing into a nearby wall, his body leaving a dent in the metallic gate.

But Ashton wasn't done with him yet as he materialised before him, tearing his arms before using them as spikes to impale the Xyran and pin him to the door... waiting for him to die from excessive bleeding.

The remaining Xyrans were overcome with fear. They knew they stood no chance against the human or whoever he was.

But they also knew retreating wasn't an option because that would only make the man hunt them down. The Xyrans would rather die as warriors rather than as cowards.

"Fuck! Let's attack him together. It's our only chance!" a Xyran yelled as they all charged against Ashton.

The remaining Xyrans closed in, their movements synchronised as they launched a coordinated assault.

Ashton's movements were a whirlwind of evasion and counterattacks, his fists and feet striking with bone-crushing intensity. He ducked, weaved, and dodged, his body a blur of motion as he expertly parried their strikes and delivered punishing blows.

Blood spattered on the cold, metallic floor as Ashton's fists connected with Xyran flesh and bone. Although Ashton's knuckles were raw and bruised, he didn't stop and kept attacking the Xyrans, making quick work of their high-end armours.

Ashton's knuckles soon turned crimson, just like his eyes. But the guards fought back with a ferocity of their own, their plasma weapons and batons flashing through the air, threatening to end Ashton's violent streak.

Surprisingly, the Xyrans soon began pushing Ashton back. Their Synchronised moves were finally showing the effect as Ashton's move slowly grew dull.

Amidst the pushback, Ashton's eyes moved to Irina and Verina; their weakened forms were huddled together, looking up at him. With a fierce growl, he redoubled his efforts, his attacks becoming even more brutal and unrelenting.

A guard managed to graze Ashton's arm with a plasma blade, the searing pain only fueling his rage. With a guttural roar, he launched himself at the guard, his fists striking like hammers. Blow after blow rained down upon the guard until he crumpled to the ground in a motionless heap.

Only two guards remained, their faces filled with desperation and fear. As Ashton advanced, his eyes locked onto his opponents. He deftly sidestepped a lunge from one guard and delivered a swift kick to his knee, causing him to collapse.

The final guard swung his baton wildly, hoping one of the strikes would connect eventually. But Ashton's movements were calculated and precise. He blocked the strikes with his forearms and retaliated with a barrage of strikes that left the guard staggered.

Ashton's final blow sent the last guard crashing into a control panel, sparks flying as the panel short-circuited. The guard slumped to the ground, defeated and broken... but alive, unlike his counterparts.

Breathing heavily, Ashton turned his attention to Irina and Verina. He could see the toll the Xyran imprisonment had taken over them.

Thankfully, Ashton knew exactly how to make the situation better. He seized the barely alive Xyran guard and threw him towards the twins.

"Drink," Ashton's voice was hoarse but commanding. "You'll feel better."

Irina and Verina hesitated momentarily, their eyes locked onto the bloodied and battered guard. They were indeed weak, and the only way for vampires to regain strength was blood. However, they didn't know if Xyran blood would work on them.

But the primal thirst within them overcame their reluctance, and they descended upon the guard like vengeful angels of death. The sound of their ravenous feeding drowned the guard's feeble cries.

As they drank, a surge of energy flowed through Irina and Verina, their bodies visibly rejuvenated.

Ashton watched them, shrouded with relief and satisfaction, knowing he had bought them a moment of respite in their dire circumstances and happy that they were safe.

However, the respite could only last for so long, as a moment later, Ashton was sent flying into the mine's ragged walls. Verina and Irina hissed and attacked the Xyran before them, but they fell to their knees as soon as the Xyran released his powerful aura.

"I'll deal with you two later," Rikk's voice echoed in the empty hall. "The other bastard comes first."

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