I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 136:

Chapter 136:

The True Strong

Now, the arena, having been shattered beyond recognition, lay in ruins.

Amidst the scattering dust, a boy stood, casting black flames into the air as he looked up.

That boy was none other than Balheim’s youngest son, Kraush Balheim.

And his opponent was Arsoldar Freya, hailed as the strongest among Freya’s children.

The moment their gazes met, Kraush inhaled deeply.


In an instant, Kraush’s figure blurred.

As soon as Kraush’s form disappeared, Arsoldar’s eyes moved rapidly.

His reflexes, surpassing those of a human and nearing those of a beast, were tracking Kraush.

An arm that sprouted from Arsoldar’s side immediately stretched forward.


However, despite his incredible eyesight and reflexes, he was a beat too late to catch Kraush.

Kraush’s sword, swung from the side, deeply dented Arsoldar’s body.

Despite the absurd difference in their physiques, Arsoldar was overpowered.


As Arsoldar swallowed a scream from the impact on his side, another blow struck his back.

The already damaged arena floor was further devastated by his sudden fall.

Nevertheless, he quickly rose to his feet with the remaining four arms.

Then, with his four hands, he grabbed the broken stone floor and started hurling it aimlessly.

Crash, bang!

Every time Kraush swung his sword, the flying stones shattered.

Such obstacles could not even hinder Kraush’s movements.

The shattered stones created dust, obscuring the view.

In that moment, Arsoldar launched a surprise attack through the dust.


Yet, Kraush’s ever-active lightning instantly split Arsoldar’s fist.

“I won’t fail twice!”

But through the split arms, another of Arsoldar’s fists flew toward him.

This madman had grabbed one of his severed arms and thrown it, then swung his fist right after.

It was a show of equal madness from the other side.

Seeing this, Kraush let go of the Rain Thunder Prime in mid-air.

Then, stepping back, he thrust his right fist forward.


The sound of something breaking echoed.

Arsoldar’s fingers, colliding with Kraush’s fist, bent inward.

As one finger shattered, a second jolt began from Arsoldar’s fist.

Inch Strength.


The sound of his fist twisting resounded throughout the arena.

Yet Arsoldar didn’t even groan.

Regardless of his broken hand, he brought Kraush down and trapped him in his grip.

Having trapped Kraush in his hand, Arsoldar swung all his remaining fists at him.

His plan was to crush Kraush along with his own hand.

The sound of Arsoldar’s hand breaking was followed by the continuous assault.

The madness in his eyes glimmered with an obsession for victory.


At that moment, a brief sound of something burning echoed.

By the time he realized the sound came from within his hand, it was already too late.

Annihilation Erosion

Third Form

Sky-Thundering Annihilation

Lightning and flames surged up, enveloping Arsoldar.

The impact was far greater than the barrage of punches he had unleashed so far.

With black flames that scorched the entire arena, Arsoldar tumbled to the ground.


Arsoldar, with more than half his body burned, rose, exhaling smoke.

Step, step.

And before him, a boy walked out.

Unlike the broken and burned Arsoldar, the boy appeared completely unscathed.

However, the heat radiating from his body was so intense it seemed to warp the surrounding air.

The crimson glow in his eyes exuded a chillingly dense murderous intent.

It was overwhelming.

Watching this scene, everyone felt it.

Arsoldar was undoubtedly a monstrous being.

With his giantification alone, there was no one here who could confront it head-on.

Yet Kraush not only withstood it head-on but also crushed Arsoldar with sheer force.

This was a sight none had seen since Charlotte.

The children caught up in the chaos swallowed their breaths with dazed eyes.

Simultaneously, they realized.

How dangerous a human Pandora had provoked.

The name Kraush Balheim as a strong figure began to be firmly etched in their minds.


Exhaling smoke, Kraush grasped the red-hot Rain Thunder Prime and gazed at Arsoldar.

“Use everything you’ve got.”

He casually reiterated to Arsoldar.

At those words, a broad smile began to spread across Arsoldar’s face once again.

Despite numerous injuries, including bruises, fractures, and burns, he could still smile.

His mind, lost in combat, alleviated his pain with surging endorphins.

All-out effort.

That was exactly what Arsoldar desired to hear the most.


His joyful voice called out to Kraush.

“You’re the warrior I like the most among those I’ve met.”

A strong wind began to blow.

Heavy air engulfed the area.

In it to gleam.

A halo of light rose behind Arsoldar’s back.

Chills ran down the spines of the children witnessing this scene.

It was then that they sensed something was amiss.

White fur sprouted from Arsoldar’s skin.

From a distance, it appeared almost like armor.

Within this bizarre sight.

Arsoldar’s thighs swelled to an extent beyond any previous level.


His legs, with the elasticity of innate muscles, swelled to their maximum.

Everyone felt something leap.

A delayed gust swept through the spot where Arsoldar had been.

But Kraush alone kept his eyes on Arsoldar.

Arsoldar’s fist, covered with white fur, shot toward him faster than a sonic boom.



An attack unleashed with the sole aim of breaking the opponent.

However, its destructive power was on a different level than before.

As the sound of the air being torn followed, Arsoldar’s fist reached just before Kraush’s face.

Deep within Kraush’s mind.

In the shroud of night, seven stars were cast.

Would he know?

That Kraush had waited for Arsoldar to unleash his full strength.

Kraush’s Annihilation Erosion was purely focused on firepower.

It existed to sever the opponent’s life in one strike.

In a life-or-death duel, perhaps.

But naturally, Annihilation Erosion was far removed from a duel.

If the opponent was stronger than him, it was fine.

However, against a lukewarm opponent, Kraush couldn’t exert his full strength.

But Arsoldar was different.

The giantification he used was outstanding in terms of destructive power.

Above all, the defense of his body increased significantly.

‘This guy won’t die no matter what hits him.’

A wicked smile crept onto Kraush’s lips.

Kraush had been frustrated by his inability to properly apply Nox and the Heavenly Slaughter Star.

But lo and behold.

Before him, the perfect opponent to test his full power had appeared on his own.

For Kraush, it was an unparalleled opportunity to test his full strength.

[ Tsk, poor child of Freya, getting caught by such a lunatic. ]

The sound of Crimson Garden clicking her tongue reached him, seeing through Kraush’s intentions.

Kraush let the sound slide through one ear and stepped back.


The black flames on Kraush’s body surged with unprecedented intensity.

Simultaneously, the madness of World Erosion, which erupted as if going berserk, engulfed Kraush’s body.

In the time when the Heavenly Slaughter Star and the madness sought to consume each other.

10 seconds.

Annihilation Asura

It was the pinnacle of time Kraush had reached.

The fist flying toward him, which had reached the tip of his nose, appeared slowed down.

Annihilation Asura accelerated his thoughts, causing time to flow differently for Kraush and Arsoldar.

The blade of Rain Thunder Prime ignited with black flames, turning pitch black.

Like night descending, seven stars were engraved one by one on the pitch-black blade, creating a night sky.

The air in the vicinity flowed as if in reverse.


Amidst the cries of muscles echoing from the hand gripping the sword.

The tornado that rose beneath Kraush’s surface finally reached Rain Thunder Prime.

And for a very brief moment.

In the instant when everything seemed to stop.

Kraush’s sword cleaved through the air.

Annihilation Erosion

Fourth Form

Annihilation Night Slash

With the dust, everything flew into the air simultaneously.

Now, on the arena that had lost its original form.

Only Arsoldar and Kraush stood.


A long silence followed over the entire arena.

As if sound itself had been cleaved, everyone forgot to breathe.

In the stillness, everyone focused solely on Kraush and Arsoldar.

It was then that Arsoldar’s body slowly collapsed forward.

Released from giantification, Arsoldar had returned to his original form.


As Arsoldar fell, the children’s eyes began to tremble.

In front of the fallen Arsoldar, Kraush stood as he had been when he thrust his sword.


Kraush lightly exhaled and turned to the dazed children.

The first ones to catch his eye were none other than those who would become the Skyborne Generation.

Glen Diana, clenching his fists tightly.

Haring Lagrain, with a look that had never doubted from the start.

Balak Hogma, who let out a sigh of regret.

And even Felray, whose eyes were wide open.

Amidst the tangled gazes of their diverse thoughts.

Kraush slowly opened his mouth.

“Someone heal this guy.”

It was the moment when the victory between the first-year imperial provincial nobles and the second-year was decided.


The news that Kraush had defeated first-year Arsoldar spread instantly.

Those who heard the news were naturally in an uproar.

Arsoldar was one of the strongest among the Martial Arts and the first-year students.

To defeat such a figure in a direct confrontation meant chaos was inevitable.

In fact, it was quite amusing.

Kraush had already defeated Kairan, the subordinate professor and Pirate Empress, during the entrance exam.

Even considering that, his skills had been proven long ago.

Yet the students were even more excited about the fact that he had defeated a first-year student.

But people tend to feel most deeply what they’ve experienced.

There were hardly any who had clashed with Assistant Professor Kairan.

While there were those unlucky enough to get hit due to her habits, they were a minority.

Most students had never faced Kairan, who was generally well-behaved.

On the other hand, Arsoldar was a madman who would immediately challenge anyone who seemed strong.

The children, who had often witnessed his antics, knew well of Arsoldar’s prowess.

Thus, from the students’ perspective, this event felt much more significant than the entrance exam.

As Kraush’s news spread far and wide.

One person, who was the most affected by this incident, slowly furrowed her brow.

In the classroom allocated to her as a student leader.

Leaning on an elegant-looking desk, she quietly trembled as she read the report she received.

It was a habit that emerged whenever she was angry.

Third Princess, Sigrid Ephania.

The reason the princess of the Ephania Empire was so furious was simple.

Arsoldar belonged to none other than Sigrid.

“…Where is Arsoldar?”

“…He left Rahelrn Academy, saying he wanted to train, and went to the mountains.”

Upon hearing the report, Sigrid slowly covered her face.

This madman had broken himself against Kraush and, without any consideration, went off to train.

Sigrid felt a pounding headache.

‘So that’s why they’re called the Skyborne Generation.’

Sigrid gritted her teeth.

Though they were grouped as the same generation, the Skyborne Generation had such strong individual personalities that they rarely united.

No wonder Arthur had to break each of their spirits with his own hands.

Otherwise, they were simply bombs that couldn’t be managed.


As Sigrid sighed, her subordinates, Black Snake and White Snake, flinched.

“Lady Sigrid, we will take care of Kraush Balheim.”

“Yes, leave it to us.”

Upon hearing their words, Sigrid glanced at Black Snake and White Snake.

“…How do you plan to deal with someone who even defeated Arsoldar?”

She asked, and the two exchanged glances, remaining silent.

Watching them, Sigrid slowly began tapping her desk with her index finger.

Truthfully, it was unexpected that Kraush defeated even Arsoldar.

In Sigrid’s mind, Kraush was still just a cursed one.

It wasn’t incomprehensible, considering he had already defeated Kairan, but.

Once an image was etched, it was hard to erase.

‘Moreover, they said it was practically overwhelming this time. No matter what, it’s stronger than I imagined.’

Sigrid slowly rubbed her chin.

She intended to entice and swallow Kraush.

But he severed that possibility with a single stroke, defeating the Empire faction, albeit provincial nobles.

Moreover, in this incident, it was the foolish Pandora who first made the mistake on the other side.

Thus, if Sigrid approached Kraush to draw him in, it would rather shake the Empire’s prestige.

Sigrid bit her lip.

The cursed one, who kept causing issues, was endlessly bothersome.

Recently, Dorma had virtually stopped showing her face to the faction Sigrid had created.

Arsoldar would undoubtedly be lost in his martial madness and spend all day running through the mountains.

Already two.

Two members of the Skyborne Generation had begun acting independently.

‘…Should I kill him?’

For a fleeting moment, such a thought crossed her mind.

Sigrid was confident that among the Skyborne Generation attending the academy, none could oppose her strength.

Unlike Mary, she hadn’t neglected her training for a single day since her regression.

As much as that, her skills had ripened to the peak.

At this moment, she could kill Kraush.


But she shook her head.

Kraush was essential as the cursed one.

Even if he continued to act as a variable, it was still better to subdue him than to kill him.

“Lady Sigrid.”

At that moment, a knock sounded from outside.

As Sigrid glanced outside and told them to come in, there stood a secretary from her faction.

“The Lion Corps are expected to return by tomorrow.”

The Lion Corps.

A student faction created by Charlotte.

And Sigrid recalled who accompanied them this time.

Mary Diana.

The new spearhead who regressed alongside her.

As Mary came to mind, Sigrid’s eyes briefly sparkled.

Yes, there was a card that could be used and discarded at any time.

A card willing to risk death at her command.

Sigrid hoped Mary would defeat Kraush.

If Mary defeated Kraush, she could devour all the achievements Kraush had made.

But on reflection, Mary didn’t necessarily have to defeat Kraush.

For a woman, there was one trump card she could use against a man.

Sigrid slowly smiled.


Calling in the secretary, Sigrid stood up.

“Please summon Baliyan from the Alchemy Division of the Special Arts Department.”

She would borrow the power of alchemy.

End of Chapter

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