I Became a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 202:

Chapter 202:

A few days ago.

"Hmph. Hmph. Hmph. Instructor. We're space wizards, right?

Kim Se-ah, who had been dragged into the mountains by Ji-hyun's hand in the name of mentorship, was breathing raggedly on the ground.

"Why don't you hit a few more logs while you're at it?"

"EwwwI might work harder if I knew why."

At the sound of her distress, Ji-hyun finally sighed and put the cell phone she was holding in her pocket.

"I'm only going to say this once, so you'd better listen carefully. Kim Se-ah, what do you think a mage's weakness is?"

"What? A wizard's weakness?"

Although her body was exhausted and her mind was exhausted, the teachings of Ji-hyun were like no other person's.

Raising her body, Se-ah thought about her answer and slowly opened her mouth.

"A weak body? Isn't that why mages who overcome it are called Warmages?"

"Ha, but you just have to have enough magical accomplishments to cover your frail body, right? Most schools of magic value that."

After all, whether it was physical or magical training, it would take a long time.

But Ji-hyun looked at Se-ah and shook her head in pity.

"I'm only showing you once. Watch closely."

"What? What."

"The physical training you hate so much. Watch what a mage with a strong body looks like."

With that, she began to unwrap herself.

Each time she turns to the side or cranes her neck, a rumbling sound resonates.

At the same time, violet mana begins to pulsate around her body.

!! !! !! !!

In a series of flashes, an unbelievable sight began to unfold before Se-ahs eyes.

She saw a series of teleportations that made her wonder how in the world was the math that could make such moves possible. Along the way, her punches and kicks begin to shatter trees, crush them, and devastate everything around her.


It's hard to believe it happened in a single moment.

What was once a lush forest had been transformed into a battlefield in an instant.

"Did you see that?"

Ji-hyun smiles happily as she wipes the sweat from her face with a towel from an unknown source.

Se-ah, who had a dumbfounded look on her face, opened her mouth.

"What the hell was that, you're on a different level than Warmages!"

I told you. What I want from you is not a Warmage. Its like this.

Se-ah looks even more dumbfounded.

"What's ?"

"CTC. It's a martial art that most space mages in the Special Forces are trained in. Everything you're doing right now is to prepare your body to learn it."

"Okay, wait, so that means I have to train like this until my body is complete? Really?!"

Perhaps because she had seen her future, Se-ah took a step back in surprise.

Ji-hyun burst out laughing in disbelief.

"Of course, I'll teach you other things too. Today, you were supposed to do a thousand log pokes and move on, but you haven't done seven hundred yet, have you?"

"Oh, no, that's."

"Well, you've got three hundred left, and when you're done with that, I'm going to teach you a very fun trickyou can look forward to."

* * *


Se-ah stretches out her hand in front of her, and at the same time, a magical formula and orbit floats in front of her, ready to interfere.

Grasping the air as if twisting an object, Se-ah moves her hand and the pigeons and fireballs collide, creating a massive explosion.

-Ahhhhh! Kim Se-ah's spatial magic is activated here! It's the specialty of spatial mages to create a magical trajectory! At this point, the magic of flying projectiles is like a seal!


A tremendous shout comes from the other side, contrasting with the commentary team's enthusiasm, but Se-ah remains unfazed and pours mana into her gloves.

Simply twisting the trajectory is a residual skill she was able to do before she was mentored but from here on out, it's really a testament to the mentorship.

"Technique control."

When you take control of the orbit, you use the same energy that invaded the technique and take control of it completely.

Here she combines the two techniques into a new one.

"Should I call this the Fire Peacemaker?"


At the same time, the giant bird engulfed in flames turned and flew towards the opponent.

This was the new magic that Ji-hyun had taught Se-ah.

Technique control.

-Crazy! Stealing a magical spell and transforming it into a new magic! That beautiful magic shouldn't be called stealing, it should be called appropriation!

Kim Se-ah felt the corners of her mouth turn up as the excited commentator's voice echoed through the arena.

Have I ever had so many people watching and liking my duels before?

Kim Se-ah knew better than anyone that she was a prodigy.

She was gifted with the extremely rare Spatial Magic, which had allowed her to attend middle school and the Academy on a full scholarship but that was it.

She thought she was just a prodigy, not a star, but look where she is now.

-A firebird, rising from the dead, flies toward the Magic Kid Magicians! Firebird! Firebird! Firebird! Kim Se-ah! Is she a god!

"Stop her! We have to stop her!"

"Give me some magic!"

Did it ever feel so good to see people freaking out and panicking at her magic?

"Magical cylinder!"

The members of the magic circle gathered around to perform a giant magic trick.

Two giant hats that resembled a magician's hat appeared.

The firebird flies into the left hat and out the right, changing its destination again.

"Ha! We're not without our tricks!"

"Your magic, I'll take it!"

Se-ah chuckles as the magic changes course once more.

Her first thought was, "It's no big deal," even in a situation that would have caused her to panic in the past.

"I can see why Eugene was so sure I would win."

Her trajectory had changed from a moderately talented spatial wizard' to a Familia spatial wizard.


As if in unison, Se-ah clasped her palms together and purple mana began to surge around her.

She accelerated the circles within her body further and further, maximizing her mana.


The mana in her body spins and accelerates, and the power that flows out begins to grow thicker and thicker until finally


The other side's magic reaches Se-ah.


Se-ah's body disappears.

"Huh? Where the hell is she?"


One of the magician's club members, a new member wearing a cape, disappears in an instant.


Magic Hat looks around, puzzled by the sudden disappearance of his teammate until he finally sees him unconscious and pinned against the wall in the distance.

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

"It's a battle of mages."

The voice comes from behind him so he quickly turns around and tries to spread his magic.

"My instructor says it's faster to throw a punch than to draw up magic."


The magic hat's body, which had just allowed a punch to hit him in the face, collapsed.

-I never thought I'd see this today! The CTC! A technique that only a few space wizards can unleash is now unfolding in front of all of us! Now, how will the "Magic Kid Magicians" club cope with facing the CTC! You can't be broken! The important thing is to have an unbreakable heart!

However, the other members were all lying down and the only one left standing was the one holding the tiny wand.

"Hey, what the hell is this, I thought you were a mage too, this isn't a battle of mages!"

The corners of Se-ah mouth twitched upward at the man's already fearful expression.

"I heard it's a trend these days, power mages or something."

"What nonsense"

I think I know what kind of mood Eugene is in when he fights, does he always feel like this?

Seeing her senior's fear of her, Se-ah had a look of vague amusement on her face.

There's another flash of light, and Se-ah's figure disappears.

"Where are you? Where are you?"

In response, he looks around and raises his wand, but.



The man's expression stiffens at the sound of Se-ah's voice from above his head.


-Match overrrrrr!!! The winner of this club match is none other than the representative and champion of the Tarot Club. First-year student Kim Se-ah!!!

* * *

As Se-ah walks outside, people start chanting her name.

"Kim Se-ah! Kim Se-ah!"

"Damn, I was counting on you!"

"My stomach just exploded!"

Are you guys out of your mind?

In that atmosphere, Se-Ah approaches this place, scratching her head as if she were embarrassed.

"I finished it, apparently, Eugene was right, it was easier than I thought."

Although she's smiling, the sweat running down her face and her slightly breathy voice seem to indicate that she's been pushing herself a bit.

"You've had a hard day, take it easy today."

"Hehe. I pushed myself a little too hard to look cool."

Consecutive teleportations, even if they were short distances, would consume a great deal of magic and stamina.

Even if it was only three times, she deserved to be called amazing for doing it.

"So, is that it for today?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah. There are three games in a row tomorrow and one game the day after tomorrow."

Three games in one day tomorrow?

Normally, we would have had to give up some clubs because of the school's rule of one club game per day.

Luckily, the kids have gotten a lot stronger. That's why we're in this situation.

We should have been the ones who got caught in the student council's trap.


Right now, I feel like the student council is more fucked up than we are.


Just then, a new message popped up in front of me.

[Julie: 30 minutes later. Cielo Notturno. VIP room.]


A message from Julie.

I was wondering why she didn't know about this, but it came at a good time.

"Well, thanks for all your hard work today, get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow."


"And Se-ah."


"You were awesome today."

"That's !"

I left her and the other kids beaming and headed straight for Cielo Notturno.

The VIP room at Cielo Notturno is a place where eavesdropping is absolutely impossible, just like our Familia' president office.

I sat down and sipped my coffee, and after a while, a nervous-looking Julie entered the room.

"Ah, senior."

" junior."

With a grim expression and looking exhausted she staggered over to sit across from me.

"You must have been through a lot."

"A lot of things, but I'll start with the important stuff."

"You mean?"

It must have been pretty urgent, because she got straight to the point.

"I think the president is up to no good."


"Tomorrow. Your club kids are in danger."

It seemed that the student council president had prepared more than I thought.

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