I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 99:

Chapter 99:

Chapter 99

What should I do?

Kairos asked Otto.

Just put it on.

Otto said, pointing to the <Phantom Armor>.

Well, this gives me a bad impression. An armor that looks like something a third-rate villain would wear.

Kairos grumbled as he picked up the armor.

<Phantom Armor> is a breastplate that only covers the upper body, not the full set. 

The shape was a goblin-like demonic face, and it looked very ugly and terrifying.

I put this on and thats it?


Otto wasnt sure.

As long as you have complete control over the armor, youll be fine, but if you dont, youll be overwhelmed by the energy flowing through it, and youll go crazy. Youll have hallucinations and visions, and eventually youll be possessed, and youll go completely insane.


Kairos didnt even bother to listen to Otto.

You think I cant control a hunk of scrap metal like this? Only weaklings fall for things like this. Its all because theyre weak minded.

Please, can you stop talking shit like the old Japanese army?

Former Japanese Army? What is that?

A group of idiots who fell because of their ignorant emphasis on mental strength and shitty warfare.

Kairos was an old man and a mercenary, so he had a tendency to be an asshole, and sometimes he could say the most pathetic things.

Anyway, put it on and lets clean things up.


Kairos didnt hesitate for a moment and put on the <Phantom Armor>.


Otto sneakily took out the <Poker of Awakening>.

The same poker that Otto had used in the past to prevent Kairos from taking his body.

Why are you taking that out all of a sudden?

Just in case you go crazy.


Well, if you lose control of the armor and get consumed, Im going to beat you over the head with this, and maybe thatll snap you out of it.

Is that what youre expecting?


Im just asking because you look like youre secretly looking forward to it. You look like someone whos seized one of the few opportunities to beat the shit out of me.


Otto threw up his hands, denying Camilles words.

Thats not true~ how can you expect me to do that just because I have a lot of accumulated stuff~ Whether I hate it or love it, we are now a family who eat together~ Do you think Im going to be disappointed if I dont do anything~ Hehe Hahaha~

Camille was convinced as he looked at Otto, who was sweating profusely and making excuses as if he wasnt.

Of course.

Well then.

Theres no way this man wouldnt think of something like that huh?

For a moment, Camille had to doubt his own eyes, for in his vision, Ottos head looked like a real hyena.

The way Otto was staring at Kairos with such expectant eyes, it was like a hyena drooling over its prey.

He said they were a household of one, but inside he was waiting for something to go wrong so he could give Kairos a good beating.

He was a man you can never let your guard down.


Because Otto was a hyena waiting for the opportunity to bite.

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

The results werent that bad.

Nothing unusual.

Kairos said dryly.

What, are you sure everythings fine?

Then should there be a problem?

Well, Im not saying there is, but Im worried, I mean, very concerned!

I felt a twinge of rebellion in my gut, but I suppressed it. How dare it tempt me.

Youre sure theres nothing wrong? Really?

You think Im going to be swayed by a piece of haunted armor like the rest of you? Its impossible. The body may be broken, but the mind can never be broken. You can overcome anything with a strong mind.


Otto gritted his teeth.

That explains it.

Honestly, it was a bit ridiculous.

He thought he was going to have to struggle with the <Phantom Armor>, or at the very least, he was going to have problems preventing it from consuming him

Thats good. This is why they say not to have expectations. The more you expect, the more disappointed youll be. Fine. Tsk.

In fact, it wasnt so strange that Kairos wore the <Phantom Armor> so casually.

Kaiross remark about the importance of mental strength had been a bit silly, but it wasnt wrong.

Kairos was a human whose mental strength alone made him invincible, and once he set his mind to something, it was unbreakable.

Even if it meant death.

It wasnt for nothing that his soul was embedded in a mace.

He didnt even need the help of an item like the <Phantom Armor>

Indeed. A human who built an empire with a mace and two large testosterone balls, according to his own words.

Otto curled his lip in disappointment, but acknowledged Kairos.

And just like that, Kairos had easily become the new owner of the <Phantom Armor>.

As a result,


The <Phantom Armor> opened its gaping maw as if it were a living creature.


It then began to suck up the evil spirits scattered throughout the forest like a vacuum cleaner.


Then the sun began to shine in the dark, damp, and gloomy forest.

The power of the <Phantom Armor>, which had been running wild without anyone controlling it, had been stabilized by Kairos, and the eerie aura that had enveloped the forest had vanished.

You can always stay back anytime.

Youll have to call me often.

We will wait.

Agatho, Hildegard, and Maximus were also sucked into the spirit armor.

Call us anytime, Your Majesty.

Call on me again, Your Majesty.

Just summon me, Your Majesty.

Hundreds of other wraith knights were also sucked into the <Phantom Armor>.


Kairos was enveloped in an auspicious light.


Otto was stunned to see the ethereal light enveloping Kairos.

Who was that?


Oh, Qasim.

Who would have thought that after Qasim, Kairos would get a change of jobs..

[Alert: <Kairos> has been promoted to <Requiem Lord>!]

[Requiem Lord]

The leader of souls who appeases many wronged and aggrieved spirits.

A being who wields absolute power over the spirits, and can at times command immensely powerful spiritual beings through contracts.

Requiem Lord.

It was a fitting name for Kairos, who would lead his former subordinates as the new owner of the <Phantom Armor>.

He says hes going to become a master, but then he awakens like this. I cant believe it.

Otto pouted in frustration, but he didnt need to.

[Alert: Youve leveled up!]

[Alert: Level 141 reached!]

[Alert: Level 142 reached!]


[Alert: Level 150 reached!]

A staggering ten levels as a reward for successfully conquering the Ghost Forest.


Ottos expression immediately brightened as if he hadnt just been pouting.

A man whos unhappy to be without anything.

A cancer like person, that is.

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

The following afternoon.

Subjects of the Duchy! I hereby officially declare that our little lord has succeeded in eradicating the Ghost Forest, and in honor of this, we will hold a grand festival for three days from October 31st to November 2nd of each year!

Conrad spread the word of Ottos exploits throughout the duchy.

This celebration of Ottos exploits, later known as the Day of the Dead, became a tradition in the Duchy of Kuntachi.

It became known across the continent as a colorful parade where all the subjects of the duchy dressed up as the dead and ate, drank, and played.

Of course, that was many years in the future.

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

After publicizing the destruction of the Ghost Forest, Conrad rewarded the soldiers for their efforts with a feast and rewards.

It was only natural for Conrad to rejoice and hand out accolades, as the disaster that had gnawed at the power of House Kuntachi for the past 35 years and threatened the lives and fortunes of the duchys subjects had finally been resolved.

Conrad organized a big party for Otto.

Hahahahahahaha, Brother, youre so wild!

Hehehehehehe! Ive always been known for being a good sleeper! And my brother is a good one too, a man! A man!

Within days, Conrad and Kairos had become good-natured stepbrothers.

Both Conrad and Kairos are of a certain age and share a love of alcohol, so it was a perfect combination.

Theyre almost like brothers.

Otto shook his head at the sight of Kairos, who was drinking with Conrad, both of them consuming decades-old wine and whiskey.

Youre trying to get Emperor Argon to be your brother-in-law or something, ugh.

What the heck, leave it alone. Its a good time, isnt it?

It is.

Kairos was the biggest beneficiary of the incident.

Being reunited with his old men, and having them join him, and learning that Argonne was alive, was enough for him to feel bad, and if that were known to him, that was worse.

No doubt Kairos feels like he has the world at his feet right now.

Ive never seen Sir Kairos looking so content.

He must be, now that he has a purpose in life.

Otto grinned bitterly as he looked over at Kairos, who was off in the distance, grinning like an idiot and having a great time.

What an idiot. Its like watching a snotty dog get a new toy. Do you like it, you little bastard? I envy you.

Otto honestly envied Kairos.

I want to laugh as hard as you do, Kairos.

Otto hadnt laughed heartily since hed been brought into this world.

From the day he first came to this world until now, his life had been a series of days of struggling to survive.

It was no different now.

There was never a moment of peace as he prepared for the great war that was coming.

And in this world, Otto was a complete stranger, an observer.

Since he was in a position where he couldnt openly talk to anyone, it was natural for him to feel lonely.

Therefore, while Otto was struggling to live in a constant state of tension, he also had to fight against his loneliness.

Even if he didnt show it, he was under tremendous pressure and anxiety.

Have some fun and go back in there.

Otto stood up and started to leave the party.

Where are you going?


You mean youre going to do your training on a moonlit night?

I think I need to stretch out a bit.

One of the things Otto had learned in this world was that vigorous exercise was a great remedy for overwhelming thoughts.

Focusing on his training naturally clears his mind of stray thoughts and calms him down, which is perfect for alleviating his stress.

After I finish training, I need to spend some time thinking in private. This is another unexpected development, so there may be some unforeseen variables. I have to be prepared.

Otto was about to leave the party with these thoughts when a voice called out to him.

Your Highness the Grand Duke, I have something to inform you.



The knight commander whispered something to Conrad, who was drinking with Kairos.

Is that, is that true?

And then.


The door opened and a man and woman stepped into the room.


Conrad jumped to his feet.

He immediately recognized the man and woman who walked through the doors.

And he wasnt the only one who recognized them.


The words came out of Ottos mouth in a despairing whisper.

Oh Thats it Im really fucked Im going to die.

Whats wrong with you all of a sudden, the one who said he was going to do exercises on a moonlit night?

I-I need to bounce now.


I have to run now. If I dont, Im going to die. Im seriously going to die.

Whats that suddenly.?

Otto didnt answer Camilles question.

Instead, he sprinted across the party and launched himself toward the window.


The window shattered, and Ottos figure disappeared.

You crazy person!

A scream of panic erupted from Camilles mouth as he saw Ottos sudden action.

Camille could not have been more shocked, for the banquet hall was well over thirty meters in height.

** ** **


1. That is what it translates to unfortunately, cant find any reference material for it got struck by the Debuff: Laziness

2. Otto is a person who will always be unsatisfied if he doesnt receive any good item, reward, even though the subordinate/allies he has gained a massive boost in strength. For him personal growth is the only thing he can truly trust to survive.

3. Otto has plans to get closer to Julius, if Kairos gets to know of that plan right now it would only be like throwing fuel to a fire that is already close to being extinguished blaze again.

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