I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 95:

Chapter 95:

Chapter 95

Otto knew how much Kaiross ass weighed.

He knew that if hed just called him, Kairos would have said, Who the hell do you think you are to tell me to come and fetch me like luggage?

So Otto wrote in a letter that he sent through the messenger

If Kairos refuses to move, tell him that Agatho, Hildegard, Maximus, and the rest of his old subordinates are waiting for him.


Ottos judgment was that no matter how stubborn, maverick, and self-centered Kairos was, if he mentioned his old subordinates, he would not be able to resist the urge to move and to listen.

And he was right.



What did you just say, didnt I tell you to talk!

Kuck, sir, keugh, let me go so I can tell you Ugh!

Qasim was indignant.

No fuckin way, he has to let me go so I can talk, I cant even breathe!

Kairos gripped his throat so hard, he was on the verge of suffocation.

Looks like I got a little carried away and lost my bearings, hmmmm.


Now that Ive let you go, speak. What did you mean by what you all just said?

Well, I dont know about that; I was merely relaying to you what His Highness had written in a letter.

So you mean to say that Pansy says that Agatho, Hildegard, and Maximus are waiting for me?

Thats right.

So you asked me to come to the Kuntachi Duchy right now?

Yes, sir.

Agato, Hildegard, Maximus.

Kairos repeated the names.

All three were names of his valued subordinates who had spent time with him in the past.

Your Majesty, would you like a drink tonight while we roast some meat in the back mountains?

Your Majesty, please send me a book of poetry. Im already turning fifty tomorrow.

Please stop being silly. What in the name of the Emperor are you doing running around?

Suddenly, their faces flashed through his mind.

Are you sure thats what he said?

Whether or not he said it.

If its a lie then Ill make sure Pansy gets the last of his shit.

Well, thats something you two can come to an amicable agreement on, so Im not sure about the predisposition, hahaha.

Ill play along and see what it is.

With that, Kairos stormed out of the bar.

Then he went to the newly created ranch and stole the biggest and strongest Tatar horse he could find.



With that, Kairos began to ride at a terrifying speed toward the Kuntachi Duchy.

But Kairos mind was filled with questions.

How could they be waiting for him? Are they still alive? That cant be right, and could they have come back to life like him? Thats strange to say the least, but theres no way Pansy would have lied to him.

But there was no way to know without going there, so Kairos decided to go and see for himself.

It would be better to see it with his own two eyes.

* * *

Meanwhile, Otto had to fight tooth and nail against the Wraith Knights who attacked every night.

The Wraith Knights appeared every night through the thick fog, and it was impossible to defend the Kuntachi Duchy without struggling through the entire night.

Following the third battle.

My voice is not coming out ughhhhhh.

Ottos voice rasped.

Hed spent the night buffing his allies with <Barbarians Roar> and his voice was now hoarse.

Here have some.

Camille brought forth a steaming tea and held it out to Otto.

When you have a sore throat, a warm drink helps.


By the way, will you be able to hold out until the old man Kairos gets here?

Camille said, as he glanced around.

The situation around them was miserable.

Ugh. Aghhh.

My leg my leg eek!

I cant fight them anymore, I really cant.

The overwhelming majority of the soldiers were completely exhausted, and there were many wounded and dead.

In addition, many soldiers, even those who were physically able, were suffering from mental damage due to exposure to the auras emitted by the Wraith Knights.

Argh! Aarghhh!!


Even though the battle was over, some of the soldiers were still holding their weapons and slashing at the air.

The magic swordsmen and mages were also suffering from extreme fatigue, and it was clear that they would not be able to fight anymore.

Conrad was leaning against the ramparts, his eyes closed, resting quietly, but it was clear that he, too, was exhausted.

It was just that as the Lord of the Duchy of Kuntachi, and the Head of the Family House, he simply wasnt showing any signs of it.

The next battle is going to be incredibly tough.

I know.

Otto replied hoarsely.

Ill probably collapse during the next battle, even if somehow I manage to hold on. I can barely hold out any more than that Ugh.

Otto was in distress, his voice barely coming out of his throat.

His throat was so hoarse, he could barely manage to speak.

At a time like this. Theres still a long way to go before Kairos arrives.

The Wraith Knight attack hadnt even been factored into Ottos calculations.

He was aware of the information that the Wraith Knights would be attacking.

However, he hadnt anticipated such an outbreak so soon.

I have to adapt. Things cant always be in my favor. Lets think. How to tide us over until Kairos arrives.

The last time he had faced Togril, he had been caught off guard because he was stronger than he expected.

Otto vowed that this time he wouldnt be as flustered as he was the last time he faced Togril, and he set about finding a way.

And then.


Ottos eyes lit up as he suddenly had an idea.

What is it?

Gather all the wizards and mages.

Youve discovered a solution?


Otto wasnt sure.

This is something that he hadnt tried when he played the game, so he didnt know if it would work or not.

But he had to give it a try.

Just get them together. We should at least take a chance.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Otto gathered the magic swordsmen and mages, and told them his plan.

Now, starting here.

The magic swordsmen and mages who listened to Ottos plan didnt quite understand what he was talking about.

Thats because Ottos words were hard to comprehend.

This is the only way for now, so even if you dont understand, please follow me once. Please.

Yes, sire.

A few hours later.

Revenge I want revenge.

Traitors will be dealt with.

One by one, the wraith knights began to emerge from the fog.

It was broad daylight.

However, the fog was so thick that it blocked out the sun, allowing them to appear even though night had not yet descended.


All troops, prepare for battle!

At the swiftness of the attack, the troops of the Kuntachi Duchy quickly regrouped and prepared for the battle to come.

And then.

The magic swordsmen and mages began to chant the same spell in unison.


Then hundreds of illusions appeared in front of the castle walls.

They all looked exactly the same.

Reve Reveengeee!!!

The traitor is there slay the traitor!!!

The wraith knights immediately went into a frenzy and charged at the illusions.

With even more furious attacks and a faster speed. .

But no matter how hard they attacked, the illusions didnt falter.

They were literally illusions, and their attacks were simply striking into thin air.

[Decoy spell]

A spell that conjures an illusion.

The illusion conjured is merely an optical illusion and has absolutely no effect.

However, during its time of existence, it is impossible to dispel by any attack..



The people watched in amazement as the wraith knights scrambled to attack the illusions.

No one had thought that such a simple trick could be used to deceive them.

But it was far from being simple.


Because conjuring up random illusions wasnt going to fool the wraith knights.

Isnt that Julius?

Camille asked Otto.

Every single one of the illusions conjured by the magic swordsmen and mages bore a striking resemblance to Julius.


Otto shook his head.

Not Julius.

But they look the same?

Close, but not Julius. Argonne the Great.


Hes the only one who can capture the Wraith Knights attention, Emperor Argonne.

Otto grinned.

* * *

There was no more battle after the Decoy spell was cast, conjuring the illusions of Emperor Argonne.

Revenge Revvvengggeeeeee!!!

Die Betrayer!!!

The wraith knights didnt realize it was an illusion and continued to attack the image of Emperor Argonne, so there was no need to fight them off.


Conrad laughed out loud, pleased that Otto had been able to keep the Wraith Knights contained.

You clever fellow, what kind of magic did you use to solve a situation that took us thirty-five years to resolve!

I just happened to know the story behind the situation.

You mean to tell me that the reason the wraith knights appeared had something to do with Emperor Argonne?

Yes, Grandfather.

And how did you come to know that?

I used my clairvoyance to see inside the forest, and then.

Otto told Conrad the story.

Hmm. So there was a story like that.

I was lucky, because if I hadnt tried clairvoyance, I wouldnt have found out the history.

Luck is also skill. If you didnt have the power of the Invincible Emperor, how could you have gotten a glimpse into the memories of the Wraith Knights? If you have talent, youll have the chance to seize it.


Truly, they are loyal. Even as wandering wraiths, they remain loyal to their lord.

Isnt it a tragedy that such loyalists wander as phantoms? They deserve to be laid to rest in a proper tomb, like the mausoleums where heroes sleep.

From the sounds of it, youre right. Its a shame..

In any case, thanks to Ottos initiative, there was no more fighting, and the Kuntachi Duchy was able to catch its breath.

Just like that, half a day had passed.




The wraith knights who had been furiously attacking the phantoms, shoveling them into the air, suddenly stopped.

They all looked in unison at the same place on the castle wall.

Then they dropped to one knee.

We greet the Emperor.

We greet the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor greetings.

Where the wraith knights bowed to their subjects, their emperor stood tall.

The Emperor who had traveled from the Kingdom of Lota at full speed, day and night.

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