I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 110:

Chapter 110:

Qasim, the Chief of Air Force of the Kingdom of Lota, was forced to work in a coal mine, and he managed to survive a major catastrophe when the shaft collapsed.

He was about to be crushed to death by falling rocks, but was saved by the fact that the floor collapsed with it, sending him plummeting to the bottom.

Qasim escaped death by using an anti-gravity spell to slow his fall, as if he was wearing a parachute.

As befits a magic swordsman of the Kuntachi family, he was able to think of the right spell in a moment of crisis and avoid the potentially fatal outcome.

But that was as far as Qasims improvisation went.

Boom! Quang! Quang! Quang! Quang! Boom!

As the rubble rained down, Qasim was forced to run and duck for his survival.

Though he had avoided falling to his death, he couldnt stop the hail of stones.

After avoiding the falling rocks for about a minute.



Qasim exclaimed in disbelief as a boulder that must have weighed ten tons was falling in front of him.

*Drip!* *Drip!*

To his shock, there was something soaking through his pants.


Qasims legs buckled and he fell to the ground.

Although he was a magic swordsman of the Kuntachi House, the most elite of the elite, having survived dozens of near-death experiences in a short period of time, he had lost his mind.

Ehhhh, heh, heh.

Completely stunned, Qasim stood there for a moment, dazed, drooling like a madman.

But just for a few brief seconds.


Qasim struggled to his feet.

As befits a magic swordsman of the Kuntachi family, he was back on his feet in no time.

Damn it, I shouldve stayed behind.

Regretting his decision to follow Otto, Qasim opened his subspace inventory, pulled out his night vision goggles, and activated them.


The night vision goggles, enchanted with the <Clairvoyance> magic that was part of the Invincible Emperors power, activated, revealing the surrounding landscape.

What a mess.

The scene around him was terrifying.

Not only were hundreds of rocks tumbling down, but the bodies of miners who had fallen down the shaft were strewn about.

Most of them had either fallen to their deaths or had been crushed by the rocks afterward, so the horror was indescribable.

It was a horrifying sight that left even the most experienced Qasim reeling.

May they rest in peace.

Qasim offered his condolences to the miners bodies.

Manual laborers, who were always at risk of safety accidents, often suffered untimely deaths like this.

But this place.

As Qasim finished mourning, he looked around and frowned when he suddenly noticed something strange.

He thought it was a natural underground space, but it wasnt.

He could see massive structures and a faint glow in the distance.

Is this a ruin?



Dozens of cube-shaped boulders, each the size of a mans torso, rose to the surface and began to emit a red glow.

Huh?, W-What!

Qasim cried out in alarm.

*Pew!* *Pew!* *Pew-Pew!* *Pew!*

At the same time, the cubes began firing searing beams of light at Qasim.

Holy shit!

As soon as Qasim regained his senses, he quickly ran away from the mysterious cubes.

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Late at night.

Your Majesty, our troops are only five kilometers away.

A magic swordsman disguised as a laborer entered Ottos tent and reported.

Alright, Im sure theyre exhausted, so tell them to lay in ambush and rest for a day or so.

Part of him wanted to order an immediate attack and wipe out these inhuman demons.

But it would be too harsh to send the troops of the Lota Kingdom into battle right away, when they were already exhausted from their nonstop journey.

At least a days rest would keep them energized and keep them from discontent.

Attack tomorrow night when the timing is right.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The magic swordsman leaves the tent at Ottos command.

Tomorrow night?

Kairos asked Otto.

With high probability?

I see.

Kairos nodded, his eyes burning with anticipation.

Over the past few days, the atrocities committed by the henchmen of Argonnes had turned his stomach several times, and his patience was nearly at its breaking point.

Weve endured this long enough. Just one more day. Okay?

Dont underestimate my patience. This is nothing.

Yeah, sure.

He said it was nothing, but Otto could see he was holding back the urge to go on a rampage right now.

When are you going to stop ranting, huh?

Kairos sounded like a teenager who didnt seem to know when or how to explode and cause an accident.

What about the workers when the attack begins?

Like the noble knight that he was, Camille voiced his opinion on civilian casualties.

Certainly, if the Lota Kingdom army launched an attack, there could be many possible ways for the workers to be injured during the battle.

Then, Camille, once the attack begins, protect and supervise the workers. Make sure they can leave the battlefield safely. Dont worry about the fighting. Your priority is to lead the workers to safety.


Camille smiled as Otto acknowledged his input and gave orders to minimize civilian casualties.

The brief tactical meeting was over, and Otto and his men settled down to sleep, feeling exhausted.

But then a voice boomed.

Wake up, you bastards!

Get up now!

Assemble quickly! Assemble!

The darkness around the camp brightened as Argonnes men milled around the tents, shouting at the top of their lungs.

What is it again?

Otto, trying to get some sleep, exited the tent with his face scrunched up.

You all are going to work all night from now on! Everyone gather!

The workers began to shout at the ridiculousness of it all.

After 18 hours of hellish labor from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m., barely able to get some sleep, they were understandably frustrated with the idea of 24-hour work.

Holy shit! Hey, you bastards, we deserve more than this, what is this fucking working all night? If youre going to do this, you might as well kill me! Kill me Argh!

The worker who had been ranting slumped to the ground.

When he said kill him as a threat, they actually killed him.

Anyone else have any complaints?

The knight who had decapitated the protesting worker asked, pointing his blood-dripping sword at the workers nearby.




Terrified by the gruesome display of intimidation, the workers remained silent, unable to say anything.

We are nearing the end of the excavation. You just have to hold on a little longer until its done. When its done, Ill let you go. So everyone just needs to work all night to complete the task.

And so the night work began.

The workers were forced to brave the bitter cold and darkness by the light of bonfires set up at various locations.

These bastards, well see.

Otto struggled to contain his boiling anger.

Just twenty-four hours.

If the standing Lota Kingdom troops received adequate rest and only waited for the cover of night to return, he wouldnt have to hold back his anger any longer.

Everyones been working hard.


Keeping the workers under control must be no easy task.

Gaius, the younger brother of Argonne, passed in front of Otto and turned to the knights.


Otto recognized Gaius at once, and his eyes lit up.

Could it be that Argonne is here?

If so, the situation is serious.

Emperor Argonne is strong.

A foe so powerful from the beginning of the game that its hard to fathom he can even stand a chance against him at his present strength.

Its going to be hard, but everyone struggles a little. This is all for the good of His Majesty, isnt it?

Of course it is.

When the work is done, His Majesty will personally reward you greatly, so until then, just keep up the good work. Do you understand?


Otto breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced greatly.

Phew! What kind of treat is this?

Judging by the flow of the conversation, it was clear that Argonne hadnt come, only his trusted henchman, Gaius.

In that case, it was worth a try.

If its Gaius, its worth a shot.

Gaius was a powerful man who concealed his strength, but he was nothing compared to Argonne.

It was worth a shot.

Just the thing for me. Great catch.

If they succeeded in capturing Gaius alive, they would be able to extract information and use him as a hostage to blackmail the Great Emperor Argonne.

A high-value target had fallen into his lap, and that was a good thing for Otto.

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After Gaius appearance, the intensity of the labor intensified tremendously.

After completing working all night long, they were given only two hours of rest.

The workers had only two hours of sleep before they were dragged back to the site and forced to work.

At one point.

Aah! The entrance! The entrance!

As darkness descended on the site, the entrance to the tomb was finally revealed.

Stop digging! Everyone cease working!

Stand back!

Be careful to keep it from collapsing!

In unison, the men of Emperor Argonne began to move.


Otto was overjoyed that the entrance to the tomb had been found.

If the tomb entrance wasnt found now, starting tomorrow, the Lota Kingdom army would have to do the heavy labor themselves.

For Otto, it was like picking his nose without touching it, because he didnt have to bother trying to find the tomb entrance.

All workers, go to your dwellings! Stop all work!

The workers who were sent back to their quarters had mixed feelings.

They were excited that the work was done and they could go home.

And then there was the anxiety that they would break their promise.

These two thoughts overlapped and confused the workers.

After some time had passed.

Its an enemy!

Enemies are here! Everyone, prepare for battle!

Outside, the commotion began.

What, what!

What the fuck!

What in the world?

The workers cried out in confusion.


Otto stood up as if hed been waiting and grabbed a nearby shovel.

Hmph. Its about time.

Kairos sprang to his feet as well, his eyes glowing with madness and a sinister grin.

If the commotion outside was any indication, the assault by the Lota Kingdom army had begun!

It was time.

Time to unleash the rage hed been holding in for the past few days.

The rescue operation has begun, everyone, dont panic, stay calm! Slowly, form a single file! If you follow my instructions, well get out of this hellhole safely!

Camille stepped forward and began to direct the panicked workers.

Lets go.

Otto left the tent.


As soon as he left the tent, a sword flew at him.


Otto twisted slightly, dodged the sword, and swung the shovel in his hand.


The shovel sliced through the helmet of the knight who had attacked Otto and smashed into his face.


The fallen foe was instantly dead, not even moving.

It would have been even stranger if he had moved, since the shovels blade had nearly split his face in two.


Otto stomped on the enemys chest and wrenched the shovel out of his face.

This thing wont come out. Shit.

Otto grumbled, as he spat on the dead enemys body.

Hed seen enough of their misdeeds over the past few days, and his anger hasnt subsided.

Youre pretty pissed off, arent you, Pansy?

Youve seen how inhuman these bastards are.

Otto snapped back at Kairos, pulling back the tent flap with a snap.

Lets go kill them all.


Ottos eyes turned purple as he said that.

** ** **


1. It was supposed to be *Zeeee!* *Zap!* *Zap!* but decided to go with the classic *Pew!* *Pew!*

2. Kairos is fond of calling Otto as Pansy due to his pale white complexion and thin noodle-like arms. Its also a slang for a weak or effeminate man.

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