I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 104:

Chapter 104:

Chapter 104

Its over after just three moves?

Wouldnt that have been enough for both the old man and the young lady, who have achieved a high degree of mastery?

Bullshit. What kind of sparring is that? You never know whos strong until you get to the end.

Well, you can only see what your eyes see.


Otto glared at Camille.

Are you calling me worthless? Even though I have the Invincible Sword Technique.

Its true, youre nothing compared to those two.


Why not just accept it and consider learning something? After all, at your current level, you cant understand the two of us, can you?


Otto meekly conceded, and decided to take Camilles advice.

Well. Im still lacking a lot.

Otto was aware that his level of swordsmanship wasnt very high.

Although he had learned the Invincible Sword Technique, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

His current achievement in Invincible Swordsmanship was 1 star.

The highest level was at 12 stars, so it wasnt an exaggeration to say that he had just entered the realm.

Its definitely different. In the game, when I leveled up, my Invincible Swordsmanship achievements automatically increased, but it stayed the same.

This is another difference between the game and real life.

In order to become stronger, he needed to increase his mastery in <Invincible Swordsmanship>, but he was still stuck in the same level, causing Otto to become frustrated.


Elise called out to Otto.


Otto trudged along like a pig being led to the slaughter.


Kairos nudged Ottos side and laughed.

I can see your troubles in the future, Hahahaha.


Although she is an excellent fiance for a scoundrel like you, it seems that you will never be able to earn the status of a husband who can handle her, no matter how hard you try. Hahaha.

You you!!!

Otto trembled under Kaiross taunts, his blood pressure rising.

But he didnt have time to dally with Kairos when his beautiful fiance was waiting for him.

Otto stood before his fiance, Elise.

Surely since this is the first day, youll do it in moderation and not beat me like a dog?

The beating was certain.

All that matters is whether he gets beaten more or less.

All Otto could think about was how to get smacked around less.


Because the very idea of daring to try and win a sparring match against the worlds strongest person when he was just starting out was beyond him.

Ill go first.

By all means.

Otto turned to attack Elise.



Ottos breath was momentarily knocked out of him, and he couldnt take another step.

Is this possible?

It was as if his mind had gone blank.

Just standing there, he felt a tremendous amount of pressure, and if he moved, it felt like his head would fly off.

Even though Elise was holding only a wooden sword, and not a real one

How can I feel this intense pressure even though shes just standing still? Am I scared?

But that wasnt it.

He was already prepared to be pummeled.

Still, the fact that his feet wouldnt move was a puzzling phenomenon.

Does this mean that even standing still is too perfect?

Otto thought, and forced himself to move his feet.


Otto swung his wooden sword.


Elise minimally twisted her body to avoid Ottos attack, then slashed a counterattack.


Elises wooden sword connected with Ottos side.


Otto was almost stunned to see his attack miss so badly, and to have allowed her to counterattack.

If this was real life.

Im dead in one hit.

It sent chills down his spine.

Otto had no idea the difference in skill was this great.

Below expectations.

Elise said in a somewhat dissatisfied voice.

Youre weaker than I expected.


Come again.


Otto followed Elises orders and resumed his assault with the sword.

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

The sparring then continued for another hour.

After the first bout, Elise didnt launch another counterattack against Otto.

Instead, she adjusted the intensity of the duel so that Otto could use all of his skills.

It was like an adult playing with a child.

In the midst of it.


Otto seemed to see a momentary gap, and so he was fooled and stabbed his sword into Elises gap.


The blade grazed the base of Elises neck.

Eh? That worked?

Ottos eyes widened as he realized his attack had worked.

The result.

[Alert: You have increased your <Invincible Swordsmanship> mastery!]

[Note: Congratulations!]

[Alert: Your <Invincible Swordsmanship> has risen to 2 stars!]

His previously stagnant swordsmanship had progressed like a lie.



You possess a near-perfect sword technique. If you continue to cultivate as you have been, your swordsmanship is excellent enough to reach the level of invincibility.


But you dont understand it at all. Im guessing youve trained it so that your body remembers it. Did you learn it by being beaten, forcing the movements into your body?


Elise guessed correctly how Otto had learned the <Invincible Sword Technique>.

Swordsmanship is something you learn with your body, but in the end, if you dont understand it with your mind, you wont be able to unleash its true power.

Is that so?

Thats why Ive been trying to guide your movements so that your mind can understand them. Fortunately, it seems to have worked.

Haha hahaha.

Otto couldnt help but laugh in disbelief.

Elise is not just any regular tutor, but someone who can accurately assess Ottos current abilities and guide him to achieve rapid growth.

Ill increase the intensity of my lessons.


Youve surpassed one level, shouldnt you move to the next?

Well, thats true, but.

Ill go first this time.


Otto gasped in surprise as Elise rushed at him.


Elises sword slammed into Ottos head.


Otto screamed, falling to the ground.

Didnt I tell you I was going to increase the intensity of my lessons?


Here I go again.


As the intensity increased, the training became a living hell.

Otto had to be on his guard, because the slightest slip of the defense would result in a wooden sword landing on him.

Elise was giving Otto time to think so that he could understand the Invincible Sword Technique.

If she pushed him like a mouse, she could only expect him to make instinctive moves, but since he was not able to think and judge rationally, she gave him some respite.

And Elises method of teaching was right.

[Alert: Your proficiency in <Invincible Swordsmanship> has increased!]

[Alert: Your proficiency in <Invincible Swordsmanship> has increased!]


[Alert: Your proficiency in <Invincible Swordsmanship> has increased!]

The more Otto crossed swords with Elise, the deeper his understanding of <Invincible Swordsmanship> developed.

Until now, he had only instinctively executed the moves he had learned.

It had already been three hours since the sparring match began.


Otto had collapsed with bubbles forming in his mouth.

After sparring for over four hours, he was exhausted.

Lets call it a day.

Elise didnt push Otto any further.



Youre a little weak here.

Elise tapped the side of her head.

Are you saying that I-Im stupid?

At least when it comes to swordsmanship.


All human abilities come from here. That goes for swordsmanship as well. You must train here to reach higher levels.

Otto didnt understand Elises meaning at all.

You dont understand me yet, but if you keep practicing, youll understand me one day.


Alright then, get some rest.

With those words, Elise turned and walked back to her quarters.

Without breaking a single drop of sweat

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

Ugh. Hmm Mmph.

Though Elise hadnt given him a one-sided beating, Otto had fallen lifeless.

Though his bones were unbroken, Ottos injuries were not minor.

He had suffered torn muscles, torn skin, and gaping wounds from the hard blows of the wooden sword in the middle of the sparring.

If Otto hadnt been a possessor of the Divine Body, he might have succumbed to a bone disease and died.

But it was not a total loss.

He had gained a tremendous amount of benefit by raising his mastery of Invincible Swordsmanship to two stars and increasing his skill level.

He could say that he was lucky because he received a teaching that he couldnt learn anywhere if he paid a billion dollars.

Except it hurts too much.

This is a potion to help you sleep better. I thought you might not be able to sleep through the night because of the pain, so I bought it for you.

Thank you.

Get some rest.

Otto downed the potion Camille handed him and was out cold within the next half hour.

He was already in bad condition from the previous nights heavy drinking, and the sparring session with Elise had left him completely exhausted.

Youre going through a tough patch.

Camille looked down at the sleeping Otto with a pitying look, then quietly left the bedroom.

About an hour later.


Someone had broken into Ottos bedroom through the window.

This was a huge surprise.

Here in the Kuntachi Duchy, Ottos security force was no less than Conrads.

Over a hundred knights stood guard around the clock, and four magic swordsmen stationed outside his bedroom took rotating shifts every two hours.

What else?

Outside the door, not only are there magic swordsmen, but even Camille is leaning back in a chair, keeping watch. .

But even all that protection was no deterrent to this intruder.


Because the intruder is Elise, Ottos fiance and the most powerful woman in the world.

Elise glanced down at Otto, who had been asleep for some time.

Mmm. Hmm.

Otto grunted in his sleep, even though he had taken a sleeping pill with painkillers.

I have to survive somehow Mm-hmm.


Mmm Mph need lets prepare ahead of time Mmm if I dont get stronger off grunt.

Elise sat down at Ottos bedside as he grunted quietly and made unintelligible sleep talk.

Fianc. You must be going through a lot.

Elises hand gently stroked Ottos hair, which was dripping with cold sweat.

Though her hands may have been rough.

If you have so many thoughts, your sword will become dull.

With that, Elise pulled back the blankets.

Then she removed Ottos shirt.

This revealed a toned upper body that had been hardened by his intense physical training.

Elise didnt stop there.

Lift your waist.

Elise supported Ottos waist with her hands and pulled off his pants.

And just like that, Otto was in his underwear.

But Elises actions didnt stop there.


Elise extended her hand toward Ottos underwear.

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