I Became a Genius Commander at the Academy

Chapter 445


15 days later, in the small banquet room of Leon Castle.

I, Peter Jaeger, was sitting down, drinking the finest wine from François and waiting for someone.

“Charlotte, let’s sit back and drink together. “It’s Francois’ finest wine, but it’s a waste.”

When Charlotte heard those words, she glanced at my guards around her.

“You can’t do that right now because it’s work time. “Your Excellency, I don’t know, but I am not an officer and just a maid, but if I become too loose, it could be a nuisance to Duke Jaeger’s family.”

It would be difficult to damage the privileges and reputation that His Majesty has given me unless Frederick or my sons go crazy and start a revolt.

However, I shouldn’t make a fuss about her thoughtful words about behaving more carefully as my status has increased.

“okay. Let’s drink it tonight. And today, I will provide plenty of wine to the guards, so you can share it when you are not on duty.”

The soldiers of the guard were delighted to hear those words.

“François’ finest wine!”

“That expensive bottle costs at least a few gold pieces…”

“Thank you, sir!”

I think it’s natural for them to treat me well since they are in charge of protecting me, but I often see them getting too excited over a few bottles of wine.

It makes me want to give gifts even more if I get the chance.

Am I starting to think this way now that I am almost at the age where I will see my grandchildren, or has my thinking structure changed due to the time I spent in the military and my rank accumulated?

‘Anyway, it’s not a bad change, so it’ll be okay.’

As I was watching the guys enjoying themselves like that, an officer came in from outside and said.

“His Excellency, Lieutenant General William Pitt of the United Kingdom, has come here personally as an emissary. How can I get you in?”

At those words, the tension I had let go of was pulled taut.

“Let them in. In addition, how was the food prepared to be served to the messenger of the United Kingdom and his companions?”

“Yes sir.”

“Okay then, I would like to ask you to be fully prepared so that we can serve you a delicious meal after the meeting. In addition, please prepare the entertainment provided to the delegation at the highest level.”

The original meaning of Gumilbokgeom is an idiom meaning to catch the enemy off guard by flattering them with one’s mouth, but hiding a sword in one’s stomach…

When starting a war, I apply this saying like this.

If you want to stab someone with a knife hidden in your stomach, you have to flatter them as much as possible to reassure them.

So, I plan to show them the utmost hospitality to keep them from being nervous and make it seem like I really want a peace treaty and am doing my best to conclude it.

In that way, even just before the war, Francois’s expeditionary force from the United Kingdom would receive communication from Lieutenant General Pitt who came ‘regularly’ and relax.

‘If you lock them up like in the drama and just forge documents and send them in, your awkward side will inevitably be revealed and you will eventually get caught.’

“I understand, Your Excellency.”

“Bring only Lieutenant General Pete here, and since the other delegation members will be hungry, please provide them with a meal first. “After the meal, you can enjoy whatever you want, whether it’s girl play, wine, or entertainment.”

The reason why I emphasized it a little is not a big deal.

This was partly to guard against spies who might be here, and when asked to provide entertainment, the code was set to ‘make them lose their senses and make them think we are bowing down to them.’

“Please notify Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte and Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince to return by this evening. “I’m going to have a word with Vice Admiral Pete.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Only the minimum number of people, including Charlotte, remained in this small banquet room.

After a few minutes, Lieutenant General Pitt came in.

“Nice to meet you, Excellency Marshal. “My name is William Pitt, commander of the 7th Corps of the United Kingdom Expeditionary Force.”

At those words, I smiled and extended my hand to shake his hand.

“This is Peter Jaeger, Generalissimo of the Reich Imperial Army. “I’m so glad to meet someone like you.”

“It is a great honor for me to meet the hero of the empire.”

“You’re using too much gold lacquer. “The Lieutenant General of the United Kingdom seems to speak well, so I have to be prepared.”

“Haha, the officers of our United Kingdom don’t tell false pretense or lies that they don’t have in their hearts.”

I already know what you did to the new territory you occupied last time, so you want me to believe you?

Don’t believe me when I tell you that mint syrup is delicious when spread on pizza.

“You had a hard time coming this far. “I’m sorry for having you come here right away without even having a meal.”

“no. We will conclude all negotiations quickly and slowly enjoy the hospitality of the Reich Imperial Army.”

“Hehe, thank you for saying that.”

Now that we’ve come this far, Lieutenant General Pitt, it’s unlikely that the heads of the delegation that came with you will be blown off.

Instead, your time in the military will probably be shattered by the time you come to your senses after being treated so well and having so much fun.

By then, the Reich Imperial Army would have completely wiped out your main force.

As I do this, I return to my childhood and my heart starts pounding like a child with a gift box in front of him.

‘I want to see that bastard and other United Kingdom soldiers in despair…’

Then, I ordered them to place some thick cookies and black tea at each person’s seat so that the poor person could fill his stomach.

“Huh, then has the United Kingdom Expeditionary Force reviewed our proposal positively?”

Pete smiled brightly after drinking the cup of tea provided.

“Huh, the territory occupied by our Britannia is 1/3 of the Francois Republic. Would it make sense if I told you to take only the County of Calais and return?”

At those words, I gritted my teeth and pretended to be angry.

“People spoke with good intentions to conclude peace negotiations…”

“We have been at war for almost five years. There have been countless battles along the way. Although the Reich Imperial Army inflicted losses close to ‘annihilation’ to the Francois Republic Army, fatigue and material consumption from the battle with our United Kingdom Army must have played a significant role in that.”

If I wasn’t in a position where I had to deceive that guy, I would have thought about slitting that guy’s throat with a knife.

My friend, who bakes pies with these sardines and makes jelly with eel bones and rubs them with the flesh, is telling a truly absurd story.

‘We fought for over 5 years, but we couldn’t even cause any real damage to Francois’ army…’

However, I had to pretend to be diligent in the peace negotiations, so I nodded and pretended to agree.

“I don’t think that makes a lot of sense.”

“In addition, our United Kingdom still has over 150,000 elite soldiers, and we have received news that our home country will provide additional support of over 100,000 troops.”

When I heard that, I could barely stop the corner of my mouth from twitching.

‘By the time that idiot comes to his senses, there won’t be any expedition troops from the United Kingdom?’

“Furthermore, we have already occupied 1/3 of the republic. How about just eating half of it? “I propose that the southern part of Francois be taken by the Empire, and the northern part of Francois be taken by our United Kingdom.”

Considering that although the population and agricultural land area are greater in the southern part, useful facilities and resources such as ports and wool are more distributed in the northern part.

In fact, it is a proposal to divide it 5:5… Let’s just listen to what they say.

“I heard that the Reich Empire is having difficulty securing food due to its rapid expansion. So, if the war is prolonged, won’t both sides be at a disadvantage…”

Even though our Minister of Military Affairs does not have the talent to make fertilizer from the air, he has the amazing ability to leak almost a penny of the grain or money collected through taxes.

In addition, thanks to our modern supply system, our military can operate without worrying about supply for the next five years, so why bother?

However, I slightly looked like I had been caught off guard.

“So how about splitting it in half?”

If you pretend to be pushed back here, Pitt might notice…

“The Reich Imperial Army can still fight further. “Take one more duchy to Calais.”

“… Then, we will give up one more county out of half of the territory.”

“Aren’t the conditions too lenient on their part?”

So, Pete and I negotiated all day that day, but we couldn’t reach an agreement.

As we were arguing until we were mentally exhausted, a deacon came in just in time and said,

“Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, Lieutenant General Pitt. A banquet was prepared in the Reich Empire. “Now, let’s both move to the banquet hall and discuss tomorrow.”

At those words, I stood up first and spoke.

“Public matters are public matters, and in private, wouldn’t we both be able to have a drink? “The Duke of Lyon Castle has a secret wine, so let’s have a drink.”

“Haha, it’s an honor.”

So the two of us pretend to be good friends on the outside and try to go to the banquet hall.

A messenger rushed towards me.

“It is said that Carlos, commander of the Francois Republic, is preparing another large-scale rebellion by inciting the citizens of Vallière Castle. “Your Excellency the Marshal, I think you should go quickly.”

I pretended to be embarrassed by those words.

“I thought the Republic bastards were all rooted out, but now I am negotiating with the United Kingdom…”

What cut me off was the Crown Prince, who had planned everything in advance and showed up at the right time.

“Grand Marshal Jaeger, let me take charge of these negotiations.”

When Pete heard those words, his expression brightened greatly.

‘Do you even think it would be easier to deal with His Majesty the Crown Prince, who looks inexperienced and clumsy, rather than a monster like me who has built a reputation through countless wars?’

“Your Majesty, but my job is…”

“The job of the Grand Marshal is to suppress the rebellion of the Francois. And as the crown prince, don’t I have the authority to exercise authority over all aspects of diplomacy?”

Strictly speaking, this is a matter of war, so if I push ‘my authority as Grand Marshal’, I can turn His Highness the Crown Prince into a puppet in this case… But the

plan we are planning to use now is that His Majesty the Crown Prince, who seems to be a bit clumsy, will step forward and act as a messenger of peace. This is to create the illusion that Lieutenant General Infit thinks ‘the empire wants peace’…

This is more than enough.

“…… All right.”

After saying that, I left the banquet room, openly showing my displeasure.

Then, when the United Kingdom soldiers reached a place where they could not be seen, they immediately gave an order.

“As of the current time, we are moving as planned. Other units are probably moving to where the United Kingdom Army camp is by now. “I will join my entire army at Aporet and attack the enemy in unison.”

A word from the author (author review)

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